Are Taurus flirtatious with others while they're in a relationship?

This topic was created in the Flirted With Another Girl forum by Vel on Thursday, February 11, 2016 and has 43 replies.
Is it typical for Taurus male to be flirting with other females while there in a relationship? If so what makes them be flirtatious though?
Posted by Taureye
I only got eyes for one person, i'd never flirt with someone else while committed. And i have an aries venus, i'm supposed to be a huge flirt or so i hear.

Usually Aries have a wondering eye since they're a fire sign.
Posted by xXxAliciaXxX
Venus signs are what you should be looking at when asking this question.

My Venus is in Gemini and yes, I'm a huge flirt. In a relationship I am faithful, but my behavior can still be somewhat flirtatious at times. Nothing harmful though. Just playful and joking.

The could be it, I gotta look into this persons chart, cause maybe they just enjoy flirting aspect but it's nothing serious. They might have a Venus with Air sign or Fire sign. I noticed Taurus always have a great smile and good teeth as well. Cause before I met this person they would talk and smile politely but kind of ignore me. Now its the opposite, they have gotten a bit comfortable to the point I dont see them doing that with anyone else. They stop to talk to me, I'll try to ignore them but they wonder why I am not talking.
Posted by xXxAliciaXxX
Flirting doesn't mean you have a wandering eye...smh

No that's true, you can have a friendly personality which sometimes people mistake it for flirting. I've met some Aries people and they have wandering eyes.
@Op-Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity comes along and you're compatible enough stick by you forever..
Poking in some one's chart will destroy you, seriously @OP
@Taureye- How are you doing
@Busyeyes88- I think the more fixed in a chart though you'll apt, to stick to one another.. and if you are friends do you still stay loyal, or date until known facts about a monogamous relationship is for fact?
@Taureye -Cool just working, wonder what people do at this hour are doing up, what have you eaten lately?
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
@Taureye -Cool just working, wonder what people do at this hour are doing up, what have you eaten lately?

i flirt but its harmless and just for shyts and giggles... once im committed there is nothing to worry about
I only flirt with who i am with, BUT I am a very kind person to everyone, and sometims people take my kindness for flirting, which it is not. I am just a good listener and will look you in the eye when I talk. I am also Italian so I am touchy feely person.
@Busyeyes- Awakening yes to hear that there are others like you and I that actually take the time like you, you are a one man woman. No one even knows that meaning. So I use it in my approach because if we have a conversation about a situation where you are automatically loyal, then I will stick closer actually to see what's this new excitement for me to unravel slowly.
I am a nice person to and I've been told I am way too nice in compliments that I should cut off usually at work, but I get along with everyone including males, I think the borderlines a fine though. I am open with everyone and some people don't like that. But I know I am not interested in it, I am simply flattered..
@Taureye and @exxtasy- The thing with loyal is I don't say a word once I start something in a friendship, as I stated above one man women. This is a test I do because I stand back and watch and see and let it can spot it out quickly. Must be my air moon....

How do you guys know you've got a keeper right off the bat and not a word mentioned except let's see where it goes, or want to start off from the bottom in a friendship...

I am asking a guy's pov..
I may sneak a peak at dat ass every now and then but I don't go out of my way to convey interest.
Thanks you're honest enough. .
I'm Venus in Gemini, and flirt sometimes, but I'm always respectful of my guy whether he's around or not though.
Yes they are.
They are not above sending you penis pics while on their honeymoon
Posted by Taureye
I only got eyes for one person, i'd never flirt with someone else while committed. And i have an aries venus, i'm supposed to be a huge flirt or so i hear.

I have a Venus in Aries too n I am far from the stereotype. I am playful but I'll never flirt back. I am huge on respect and boundaries.
I'm Also Venus in Gemini. I'm loyal but i've got a wandering eye.
Yes and no. They are ruled by VENUS the romance planet and their charm extends to everyone. A lot of ppl misunderstand it. My ex Tauri wasn't flirting but that was just how he was and a lot of girls misunderstood. Another Taurus I just met who is very very very committed to his gf, and was the best friend of someone I was dating introduced himself by kissing my hand. I was like wow...but it didnt mean ANYTHING. Just the Taurus way.
@Taureye - Yeah you trust till there is a reason not to then? I watch too, ask questions so it's not wasting anyone else's time..
But after I ask the most important questions then I chillax, lol then my taurus side comes out..
Posted by busyeyes88
Posted by Vel
Posted by xXxAliciaXxX
Venus signs are what you should be looking at when asking this question.

My Venus is in Gemini and yes, I'm a huge flirt. In a relationship I am faithful, but my behavior can still be somewhat flirtatious at times. Nothing harmful though. Just playful and joking.

The could be it, I gotta look into this persons chart, cause maybe they just enjoy flirting aspect but it's nothing serious. They might have a Venus with Air sign or Fire sign. I noticed Taurus always have a great smile and good teeth as well. Cause before I met this person they would talk and smile politely but kind of ignore me. Now its the opposite, they have gotten a bit comfortable to the point I dont see them doing that with anyone else. They stop to talk to me, I'll try to ignore them but they wonder why I am not talking.

Why are you ignoring them? Surely that's rude?
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I'm trying to ignore him, even though I technically can't because he is my manager. Because he has a gf and I don't want to get too close. He is quite handsome though and has females interested in him. To the point one of the female managers was interested in him. It's just weird, on Friday he kept looking at me. Than when I went to lunch he put on my desk a valentine's heart box of chocolate. I thought it was the company because people got like valentine's card from the company. Well he message me, telling me that he got me that though and I thanked him. I thought he got everyone one of those, apperantly not. People are starting to notice which is a bit awkward because I would not want my bf to be giving some chick anything. Unless it's his mom, sister or family female.
Posted by canmini
Taurus are selfish, usually they will do unselfish act if he benefit their more selfish need, like withhold their needs to satisfied a sugar daddy while they can get their need met elsewhere, just remember, if you are not giving Taurus what they want, they will go get it somewhere else

I think you hit the nail. This could be for any sign though and I have noticed it with Aries also Leos. I noticed that with him. I met his gf at a company party, and she is very normal typical gal. Not very much personality, she seems stable in other areas of her life but I see no spark between them. He actually has more personality, usually Taurus people have a rep for being boring, pretty much all earth signs do. Because I'm a Sagittarius, I'm a bit quiet though since I have Virgo in my moon. I still love having a fun conversation. I think that's what is missing in his relationship like a spark. He says he will stay since they have been together for 4 years now. Before he used to talk but become distant but now it's becoming more common. Which I'm like trying pull back. So that could be it, I'm sure they will work it out because Taurus people don't give up which I respect that but don't want to be the one giving that emotional fulfillment.
If there is no emotional fulfillment Taurus won't open up. A Taurus in some way will always need not want, emotions and its up to others how to learn to accept everyone is different and everyone needs to open and communicate, and if there is a blow out for stupid things then take space and come back and get back to it before people really don't care because we all been through it
Posted by busyeyes88
Posted by TaurusDivine
I'm Also Venus in Gemini. I'm loyal but i've got a wandering eye.

Bad! But at least you are honest!
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Nothing bad at assesing really cute people. I'm loyal when commited and won't ever cheat.
So loyal but can be unfaithful if the right person comes along to catch your attention in the first place..
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
So loyal but can be unfaithful if the right person comes along to catch your attention in the first place..

That's right, it happens with all relationships no matter what sign you're.
Emotional cheating and physically cheating is a no no so if you're not looking for a monogamous relationship. Just casually date or be friends. .if you're looking for monogamous relationship right away then you're taken, a couple, a duo, and loyal and faithful.
I was actually talking to @taurusdivine . That post you posted, so are both loyal and faithful once committed? What about during friendships working towards something meaningful ?

@Op - I am and will do both there is no wishy washy once we are committed, if we are friends I do stick closer actually. ..and will voice my opinion on where things are headed and let it go if it's not working out either.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
I was actually talking to @taurusdivine . That post you posted, so are both loyal and faithful once committed? What about during friendships working towards something meaningful ?

@Op - I am and will do both there is no wishy washy once we are committed, if we are friends I do stick closer actually. ..and will voice my opinion on where things are headed and let it go if it's not working out either.

I never succeeded to work out something meaningful out of friendship. They run from serious stuff like commitment smile Either the man chases me or hits the road.
So Ive learned not to count too much on 100% dedication / devotion/ loyalty to the person that shows 0% commitment or 0,01% of investment.
P.S. I'm atually alking about my recent situation with the cancer. He's got NO GUTS. So I'm off. BTw spent Vday with my best friend and posted pics, so this shaky crab i thought i was into ignores me...actually for long i guess.
@taurusdivine- It's cool not everyone is for us.
Loyalty is very important to the bull, if they feel that , flirt as much as you like ... you are on lease,we don't get jealous , we are possessive
No! They are very loyal, once they into you , they done!
@scorpx3 You following lol, please enlighten me, now that i have sobered up lol, I have never been jealous , but when its our time , then it our time, priorities come first,mean us, yes that is possessive,but im not perfect.
Posted by Taureye
I only got eyes for one person, i'd never flirt with someone else while committed. And i have an aries venus, i'm supposed to be a huge flirt or so i hear.

What has been your longest romantic relationship? If you don't mind me asking....
those damn tauruses
2 put it mildly have you been on here before?
Possessive yes especially because I am VIT.. I don't do games when it comes to what I look for in a relationship or friendship to start. Usually it doesn't change much in what I look for as I age more every year. Tolerance level meh. Patience level is still there for the right type and continue to ask questions.

Jealousy means that they have something you don't have right now. So if you are interested in a Taurus don't cling to other females friends when I am in the initial part of a friendship because we build to solid foundation along the way. To see if you are long term material If you do so many things like hug others or flirt while getting to know Taurus, they will step back and think should I invest in this, this looks too much like competition, and Taurus will bow out from games like this. You will just be friends.
I've dated one taurus and i dated his for 2 and a half years and as far as i know i wasn't really flirting with a ton of girls while we dated. I DO however know that while we dated he had a bit of a thing for one specific girl but im not too sure how they interacted. But i do know they didnt do anything serious while we were together. It seems Taurus men are generally pretty committed. I always found him very trustworthy. i would recommend dating a taurus fo shoooo.
Posted by 2putITmildly

Loyalty is very important to the bull, if they feel that , flirt as much as you like ... you are on lease,we don't get jealous , we are possessive
