Are Taurus Known For Being Observant?

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by aec90 on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 and has 19 replies.
Hola smile

I just started hanging out with a Taurus man for the first time (we're still in the courting phase). We had a date the other day and I was sending a text to one of my girlfriends and he asked me if I was okay, I said "yea why?", to which he replied, "your face, it says a lot". I know it's not a big deal but it kind of threw me off. I have been told in the past that my body language has been 'funky'. So I can't tell by him saying this if this was a not so good thing. Are y'all known for being observant?


I'm having a hard time deciding if he's interested or is just a flirty affectionate person. He cooked dinner, kissed my forehead (asked if I liked that? weird lol), massaged my head for me (had a headache), got fresh flowers to put on the table for dinner. So interested or just flirty?.

@Very much so but it is more when you are around something that interest you in the first place. Could be an ex living with you, could be just friends and forming a connection with your actions or words even.

Otherwise if you are looking at me or staring I get nervous. So
Lol, I've done the same thing. If I notice a sad/angry expression on someone's face, I'll feel compelled to check if everything is alright.

I wouldn't stress over this. If your resting face conveys sorrow/anguish/anger, I'm sure he'll pick up on it soon enough. If not, then he's just an attentive individual who is good at (or tries to be good at) reading emotional states in others.
I am very observant. I am also an active listener.
I pay attention to small details, flaws, perks or idiosyncrasies you weren't even aware of.
Mental notes about your likes and dislikes.
I also observe your interaction with other individuals, especially when you think I'm not paying attention.
Subtle gestures.

We're silent, slow-moving at times... but we're ALWAYS alert.
there is no hiding
anything from them.
Posted by TaurusBull1977
I am very observant. I am also an active listener.
I pay attention to small details, flaws, perks or idiosyncrasies you weren't even aware of.
Mental notes about your likes and dislikes.
I also observe your interaction with other individuals, especially when you think I'm not paying attention.
Subtle gestures.

We're silent, slow-moving at times... but we're ALWAYS alert.

Oh wow, that's a little unnerving hahaha. Thanks for the 411!

How do you know if a Taurus is just being flirty or if they're genuinely interested?
Posted by busyeyes88
Yes, taurus is very observant .

My taurus crush could tell that I like 'high end' food when he took me food shopping one day and noticed that I only looked at items on the top shelves of the supermarket and not the middle and bottom shelves!!

Taurus men are flirty and very hedonistic . Just don't have sex with him too soon. Get to know his personality and form an emotional bond of friendship first!

Hahaha I love how you're telling every girl to not give sex too early in the relationship! I've actually been taking that advice as a guy and sort of pushing sex away (maybe passionate kissing) and touching until much much later into the relationship! Because you are so right, once you know you have the girl, its hard to have any incentive to work hard/ be creative in the relationship LOL.
Posted by aec90
Posted by TaurusBull1977
I am very observant. I am also an active listener.
I pay attention to small details, flaws, perks or idiosyncrasies you weren't even aware of.
Mental notes about your likes and dislikes.
I also observe your interaction with other individuals, especially when you think I'm not paying attention.
Subtle gestures.

We're silent, slow-moving at times... but we're ALWAYS alert.

Oh wow, that's a little unnerving hahaha. Thanks for the 411!

How do you know if a Taurus is just being flirty or if they're genuinely interested?
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Don't push the bull around too much, let them be aggressive? Because like most Taurus men (including myself) tries our best to have a standard of ethics and chivalry, but its kinda hard to do when the girl is overly sexual/ touchy (we like it, but we get confused on how to respond sometimes), let him know you're interested but play it coy, that will definitely drive him wild! Taurus guys love to help you out in anything, so if he goes out of his way to help you out he's definitely interested. Example of helping out: walking with you, driving you somewhere, buying you lunch/ dinner/ groceries and all around the practical things.
Posted by ontransit
Posted by MidasDelima
Posted by busyeyes88
Yes, taurus is very observant .

My taurus crush could tell that I like 'high end' food when he took me food shopping one day and noticed that I only looked at items on the top shelves of the supermarket and not the middle and bottom shelves!!

Taurus men are flirty and very hedonistic . Just don't have sex with him too soon. Get to know his personality and form an emotional bond of friendship first!

Hahaha I love how you're telling every girl to not give sex too early in the relationship! I've actually been taking that advice as a guy and sort of pushing sex away (maybe passionate kissing) and touching until much much later into the relationship! Because you are so right, once you know you have the girl, its hard to have any incentive to work hard/ be creative in the relationship LOL.

But why does sex mean you have her? She could f you and still leave. Ugh Taurus fatal flaw presumptive entitlement. :/.
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Like we've tapped that (probably did it really really well) and we know we're an amazing all-rounded guy (physically, mentally and financially) who won't leave you for anyone, so you guys can either stick with us or leave, we'll definitely be able to find someone who wants a responsible husband material (so rare nowadays). (sorry bulls have a big ego). Sexual prowess + Hard work/ Financial Savvy + Enduring patience and a listening ear, what more can you want from a guy?
Posted by ontransit
Posted by MidasDelima
Posted by aec90
Posted by TaurusBull1977
I am very observant. I am also an active listener.
I pay attention to small details, flaws, perks or idiosyncrasies you weren't even aware of.
Mental notes about your likes and dislikes.
I also observe your interaction with other individuals, especially when you think I'm not paying attention.
Subtle gestures.

We're silent, slow-moving at times... but we're ALWAYS alert.

Oh wow, that's a little unnerving hahaha. Thanks for the 411!

How do you know if a Taurus is just being flirty or if they're genuinely interested?

Don't push the bull around too much, let them be aggressive? Because like most Taurus men (including myself) tries our best to have a standard of ethics and chivalry, but its kinda hard to do when the girl is overly sexual/ touchy (we like it, but we get confused on how to respond sometimes), let him know you're interested but play it coy, that will definitely drive him wild! Taurus guys love to help you out in anything, so if he goes out of his way to help you out he's definitely interested. Example of helping out: walking with you, driving you somewhere, buying you lunch/ dinner/ groceries and all around the practical things.

Play it coy?
Scorpio vs. us playing coy ha!
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My Scorpio ex asked me out all I could've done was blush and said yes LOL.
The Taurus I worked with would notice some things but other things nope I would say no they are not totally observant. I think they are more observant if its something that benefits them or something they are interested in otherwise....
Posted by aec90
Hola smile

I just started hanging out with a Taurus man for the first time (we're still in the courting phase). We had a date the other day and I was sending a text to one of my girlfriends and he asked me if I was okay, I said "yea why?", to which he replied, "your face, it says a lot". I know it's not a big deal but it kind of threw me off. I have been told in the past that my body language has been 'funky'. So I can't tell by him saying this if this was a not so good thing. Are y'all known for being observant?


I'm having a hard time deciding if he's interested or is just a flirty affectionate person. He cooked dinner, kissed my forehead (asked if I liked that? weird lol), massaged my head for me (had a headache), got fresh flowers to put on the table for dinner. So interested or just flirty?.


I'd say he likes you in capital letters. Maybe this is why he seemed so observant to you, because he's interested in you. Forehead kisses, massage, flowers. He's turning on his Taurean charm for you. Enjoy it and value it. If you don't he'll be gone.
Ohh my lord, and neck kisses sign me

We definitely can be observant of people or things when we want to be I mean we do share the same axis/energy as Scorpio and we both share that observant energy. At times I can pick up on what people are feeling or if there being fake because I'll observe them all the time to find out who they really are and what there really all about. because people tend to wear masks when you start to get to know them. When something isn't rite with something or someone it causes me to become observant of my surroundings to try and figure out what's going on I don't like being caught off guard by things that can be avoided. Btw op this guy is definitely into you we don't waste our time with people who don't catch our interest.
Posted by aec90
Hola smile

I just started hanging out with a Taurus man for the first time (we're still in the courting phase). We had a date the other day and I was sending a text to one of my girlfriends and he asked me if I was okay, I said "yea why?", to which he replied, "your face, it says a lot". I know it's not a big deal but it kind of threw me off. I have been told in the past that my body language has been 'funky'. So I can't tell by him saying this if this was a not so good thing. Are y'all known for being observant?


I'm having a hard time deciding if he's interested or is just a flirty affectionate person. He cooked dinner, kissed my forehead (asked if I liked that? weird lol), massaged my head for me (had a headache), got fresh flowers to put on the table for dinner. So interested or just flirty?.


In my experience yes...the men moreso the women even!

My Taurus could tell even over text if I was bothered by something. Sounds like he's interested to me! I always thought a kiss on the forehead was so intimate, but the two Taurus men I knew/dated BOTH did that very early on, so maybe it's not that intimate for everyone, still your guy def sounds interested.
Have to say Taurus men don't rush sex. Even for these horny bitches sex has to be waited out and natural.
Yes, the man seems to be really into you! Why would we move our finger for the person we arent interested?! Nonesense! Never! Too lazy and uninterested.
When we start moving our ass towards your durection- thats a good sign. We are thinking of / about you toooo much just to ignore you.
You will never tell if a Taurus really likes you just by observing. You have to analise and decipher!!! Its like private detective job. Why dont we show? Were afraid you arent the one until we are sure and trust you. But the funny thing is if you ask us if we like you, we wont hesitate answering in detail that YES and for a while already.
And yes Tauruses do love flirting
But with the right person it finally MAKES SENSE!
P.S. Taurus ALWAYS observes every little tiny detail about you. You just sometimes never know
We can sense when you're being pretentious, reading a script or playing the role of particular character that you think might pique our interest.
Because most Bulls are introverts, we would simply watch the horror movie play out and leave you to hang yourself in the end.
Yes, we're catching on to all the inconsistencies in your story, the false bravado, the victim card, oh, and your actions, if you're flighty, this speaks magnitudes about who you are.
Flake =Fake.

What most people are expecting from Bulls is a long dramatic scene played out. Anger, tears, verbal communication, an explanation as to why we stopped initiating contact....

With Bulls, confrontation is just simply a waste of time.....why not go out quietly...

The person isn't worth the investment, why would they be worth the verbal energy.

Oh, a decision is made only after the assessment period is over.
After careful consideration of active listening and observation.
Yet again grrr..