So somethings been going on with a. Taurus and me for a few months until recently, started off texting everyday, meeting up, it was great. Then around mid feb I started to hear less and less of him, then it was taking him a week to reply back to a text. He sent a text a couple of days ago apologising for not being in contact as much, that he wished he lived nearer to me. Then on Friday i received a message saying he was in a funny place with relationships at the moment, and was so busy with work, and that he deliberately tried to create some distance between us so I wouldn't get hurt. So he said he thought it was 'best for me' that we had nothing between us.
Considering in this same message he also said I've been 'perfect to him' and he 'thinks the world of me', I was left completely stumped.
So I guess my question is, is this something taurus men do if they think things are getting to committed? Is he unsure? By taurus traits will I expect to hear from him again?
Also worth mentioning, when this first started we both agreed a relationship wasn't what either of us wanted right now, and I made sure to not feel like he was being pushed into one.