Posted by chrisno26
I am an aries Male. I've been in releationship with a taurus woman who I love dearly for six months. Things are going quite well. I was just wondering if this is a good match? Me be (April 13th) third decan aries with sag influence and Her being (May 11) the influence of saturn. would this be a good match considering that these are at 90 degree angle. I don't know how to do things properly some times and don't want to hurt her feelings. Since she's a lot older then me of 38 years... I just wondering how could I improve things? as I am scared to let my guard down. and we're giving each other advice and feel that we both crave romance. The earth sign taurus are stubborn, fixed in their ways and it's good to take things real slow?, I want to love her till my dieing day and don't ever want this to end,I've hit the jack pot with this Woman! Please help!