Best way to free my mind of a Taurus male?

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by Islandgal24 on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 and has 54 replies.
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Hi Taureans, wondering if anyone could shed some light on the best way of moving on from a Taurus male. I've known this guy for about a year now and we've never had sex. But we did share a kiss a year ago. Before we ever met for the first time this guy was very heavy with pursuing me and then after the meet up things changed. I'm not unattractive, but maybe it was because I had just gotten out of a relationship, or the fact he spent quite a bit of money on her first date. I've been trying for a year and it's just not going anywhere. He knows how I feel about him. I told him we should end things in December, because I felt like It was going no where or that he had someone else. Well in March I reconnected wiTh him, and the only thing I could think of is because I missed him. He doesn't open up much to me, and I don't open up much to him either. But there's something about him that is different than any guy I've ever dated/talked to. His birthday was in May and I'm really good at remembering birthdays so I wished him a happy birthday and the next evening he texted me around 10:00 asking if I was good and I replied yes, how are you? He said he was good they were just at his house drinking. Which was his way of inviting me over there. I didn't get there until almost 12 because I bought him some wine for his bday present. When I was parking he told me " you know I have to work at 7:30 am". Anyway we had a nice time, he walked me to my car and then told me to text him and I told him well u can text me and he said yeah that's if you text back. We just hung out this past Saturday with some of his friends and my friends (I invited him) we went out together and I feel like his friend was trying to hook us up because his friend was telling me to write a haiku poem for him and things like that. I danced with the Taurus guy but was kind of drunk and he was too. I put his arm around my waist because he didn't. Anyways that was it. I said bye to them because I thought my ride was leaving and then went back over to him because we ended up staying. Then my friend was like walk away from him and see if he watches you, I did and he was staring at me. When I went back he was gone. I sent a text to him saying "you left" and he didn't respond but read it. I didn't know he read it until after I sent him a photo on snap chat and he didn't reply just looked at it. As you can tell he's not interested, because things would've played out different. His actions would be very different I feel. I feel like I just can't get over him. I know it's silly I mean we've never had sex and don't have a kid but I'm just so attracted to him/his mind. What's the best way to detach!?
Delete his number, chat profile whatever. Regardless of how much you want to talk to him... you can't.

I had to do this with a bull I was talking to 4 months ago and he text 2 weeks ago. No shi*.
When he texted you, did u reply?
Congratulations first person to say no sex involved at all. Well done keep it like that.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Congratulations first person to say no sex involved at all. Well done keep it like that.

Agreed to that... that's pretty damn hard. Bulls are some sexy mofo's
Well his birthday weekend I asked if he would cuddle with me after he went home from the bars and he told me if I wanted to. I told him I did Want to cuddle with him and he told me he would text me on the way home from the bar. However; he was so drunk and the next day told me he was entirely too drunk so I told him well I'm glad I didn't go over there because it's something I'd want him to remember. I told him maybe I could show him next time we hang out because he's so shy and he told me he's not shy it's me that's shy. So in a way we have sort of spoken of going the route to having sex, but it's still never happened. I've sent him sexy pics of me in the past and still nothing. This past Sunday, before I saw he read my iMessage I sent him a sexy cleavage pic through the snapchat lol and he just opened it but didn't respond. Geeze I don't think I could make it anymore obvious that I want him, and he's just "playing games". Better yet showing me how he feels. Let's be honest if he were interested things would be totally different. Guess it's good I didn't have sex with him, but sending sexy pics is just as bad, right?

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Congratulations first person to say no sex involved at all. Well done keep it like that.

What do you mean treating me decent? Lol are bulls supposed to be mean?

Posted by tiziani
He's treating you decent. Maybe just get used to it, try not to read into it and eventually someone is going to come along that treats you even more than decent.

What the fuck you smoking. You are a harem chick that's all. Stop doing all that attention seeking that will send a bull right away from youbquickly. Act like a lady and not attention seeking just like mes. If he was he would be.
If you are 16 years I am telling you that not a good way to keep a man.
Posted by Islandgal24
Well his birthday weekend I asked if he would cuddle with me after he went home from the bars and he told me if I wanted to. I told him I did Want to cuddle with him and he told me he would text me on the way home from the bar. However; he was so drunk and the next day told me he was entirely too drunk so I told him well I'm glad I didn't go over there because it's something I'd want him to remember. I told him maybe I could show him next time we hang out because he's so shy and he told me he's not shy it's me that's shy. So in a way we have sort of spoken of going the route to having sex, but it's still never happened. I've sent him sexy pics of me in the past and still nothing. This past Sunday, before I saw he read my iMessage I sent him a sexy cleavage pic through the snapchat lol and he just opened it but didn't respond. Geeze I don't think I could make it anymore obvious that I want him, and he's just "playing games". Better yet showing me how he feels. Let's be honest if he were interested things would be totally different. Guess it's good I didn't have sex with him, but sending sexy pics is just as bad, right?

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Congratulations first person to say no sex involved at all. Well done keep it like that.

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You sent unsolicited sexy pics and when he didn't respond with sex, you sent more? Why? And to a Taurus, this isn't the sign that's going to respond to that, well all men respond, but I mean for anything more than a one nighter and this guy didn't even do that.

I sound like a grandma, don't I - think I'm getting too old for this.............
I'm 24 years old and yeah I understand what I did was wrong and wasn't lady like at all. Which I'm sure is what pushed him away. Thank you very much for your advice and honesty.

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
What the fuck you smoking. You are a harem chick that's all. Stop doing all that attention seeking that will send a bull right away from youbquickly. Act like a lady and not attention seeking just like mes. If he was he would be.

pic on This past Sunday, but after he didn't text me because " he was too drunk" we talked about how I feel that he's different. Yes I sent a pic a week after the conversation we had and I shouldn't have but it could've been worse I'm sure and that God I didn't have sex with him because I would've felt even worst. I get it, I'm not smart for sending any pics to him. Probably not even smart for dancing with him last weekend but it happened and all I can do now is move forward with my life. Didn't think I'd feel like such an idiot for such a picture but seeing other people stating that makes me feel that way. Anyway thanks for the response.

Posted by TaurusinTexas
Posted by Islandgal24
Well his birthday weekend I asked if he would cuddle with me after he went home from the bars and he told me if I wanted to. I told him I did Want to cuddle with him and he told me he would text me on the way home from the bar. However; he was so drunk and the next day told me he was entirely too drunk so I told him well I'm glad I didn't go over there because it's something I'd want him to remember. I told him maybe I could show him next time we hang out because he's so shy and he told me he's not shy it's me that's shy. So in a way we have sort of spoken of going the route to having sex, but it's still never happened. I've sent him sexy pics of me in the past and still nothing. This past Sunday, before I saw he read my iMessage I sent him a sexy cleavage pic through the snapchat lol and he just opened it but didn't respond. Geeze I don't think I could make it anymore obvious that I want him, and he's just "playing games". Better yet showing me how he feels. Let's be honest if he were interested things would be totally different. Guess it's good I didn't have sex with him, but sending sexy pics is just as bad, right?

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Congratulations first person to say no sex involved at all. Well done keep it like that.

You sent unsolicited sexy pics and when he didn't respond with sex, you sent more? Why? And to a Taurus, this isn't the sign that's going to respond to that, well all men respond, but I mean for anything more than a one nighter and this guy didn't even do that.

I sound like a grandma, don't I - think I'm getting too old for this.............
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Posted by Islandgal24
I'm 24 years old and yeah I understand what I did was wrong and wasn't lady like at all. Which I'm sure is what pushed him away. Thank you very much for your advice and honesty.

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
What the fuck you smoking. You are a harem chick that's all. Stop doing all that attention seeking that will send a bull right away from youbquickly. Act like a lady and not attention seeking just like mes. If he was he would be.

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Please have respect for your dignity and morals stop sending pics to all guys you come in tact with.
@Islandgal24 Live and learn, right, don't feel bad about it, what's done is done. Let it go and maybe be a bit more picky about who you send sexy pics to in the future.
Posted by tbird
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Congratulations first person to say no sex involved at all. Well done keep it like that.

Agreed to that... that's pretty damn hard. Bulls are some sexy mofo's
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Yeah but if you don't respect your self you belong in my harem. That's it .
Oh what is your chart?
where you're wrong. I don't send pictures to everyone I come in contact with. In fact last picture before sending to Taurus was more than a year ago to my ex. It took me a year to even send one to the Taurus and although I shouldn't have done it. It wasn't like it was nipples or full on boob, not even a full on nude picture. So yeah when you want to put morals in it, it wasn't a good move or lady like, but it could be worst. Thanks.

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Posted by Islandgal24
I'm 24 years old and yeah I understand what I did was wrong and wasn't lady like at all. Which I'm sure is what pushed him away. Thank you very much for your advice and honesty.

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
What the fuck you smoking. You are a harem chick that's all. Stop doing all that attention seeking that will send a bull right away from youbquickly. Act like a lady and not attention seeking just like mes. If he was he would be.

Please have respect for your dignity and morals stop sending pics to all guys you come in tact with.
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Sun- Cancer

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Oh what is your chart?

For what's it worth just keep up your respect for you and others. I get people want to be spontaneous with the pics. But do it for the right person. Not just a harem fwb person.

You seem like a good person and i like your chart and if it is Taurus you are seeking keep, cool, calm, and collected and make sure you talk and communicate with each other about where things are headed.

He doesn't seem to want to head that direction and you could be waiting forever.
@sadpopcorn what is Rahu and ketu? Do you have this I dont.
Posted by tbird
Delete his number, chat profile whatever. Regardless of how much you want to talk to him... you can't.

I had to do this with a bull I was talking to 4 months ago and he text 2 weeks ago. No shi*.

Curious if so guy sent a duck pic to you, and you barely know him. Wouldn't you be like how many others you've sent. A taurus wants what's his and only his. And this goes both ways you see.
Posted by Islandgal24
I'm 24 years old and yeah I understand what I did was wrong and wasn't lady like at all. Which I'm sure is what pushed him away. Thank you very much for your advice and honesty.

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
What the fuck you smoking. You are a harem chick that's all. Stop doing all that attention seeking that will send a bull right away from youbquickly. Act like a lady and not attention seeking just like mes. If he was he would be.

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I think he may not want to lead you on to something more if he ain't ready. Go do your thing and be friends. Go with the flow.
hat I'm saying it wasn't a nude picture. I get what you're saying though. I wish I could explain to him that he truly is the only guy I've sent pics to like that, aside from my ex. But there's truly no point. Think best thing I could do as you said is to just do me and go with the flow.

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Posted by tbird
Delete his number, chat profile whatever. Regardless of how much you want to talk to him... you can't.

I had to do this with a bull I was talking to 4 months ago and he text 2 weeks ago. No shi*.

Curious if so guy sent a duck pic to you, and you barely know him. Wouldn't you be like how many others you've sent. A taurus wants what's his and only his. And this goes both ways you see.
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Got ya thanks I do have both of those ..

What are yours? @sadpopcorn and what significance is it?
Posted by Islandgal24
Well, that's where you're wrong. I don't send pictures to everyone I come in contact with. In fact last picture before sending to Taurus was more than a year ago to my ex. It took me a year to even send one to the Taurus and although I shouldn't have done it. It wasn't like it was nipples or full on boob, not even a full on nude picture. So yeah when you want to put morals in it, it wasn't a good move or lady like, but it could be worst. Thanks.

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Posted by Islandgal24
I'm 24 years old and yeah I understand what I did was wrong and wasn't lady like at all. Which I'm sure is what pushed him away. Thank you very much for your advice and honesty.

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
What the fuck you smoking. You are a harem chick that's all. Stop doing all that attention seeking that will send a bull right away from youbquickly. Act like a lady and not attention seeking just like mes. If he was he would be.

Please have respect for your dignity and morals stop sending pics to all guys you come in tact with.

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Well if you just sent him sexy pictures but not nudies, I don't see what's wrong with that. However, since he didn't respond, I'd take that to mean you were on the wrong track. Lesson learned. Taurus men prefer ladylike women who only act sexy for them personally and when they want it. You're 24, not a silly teenager. You get it and you can fix it.
as to what my chart means exactly?

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Posted by tbird
Delete his number, chat profile whatever. Regardless of how much you want to talk to him... you can't.

I had to do this with a bull I was talking to 4 months ago and he text 2 weeks ago. No shi*.

Curious if so guy sent a duck pic to you, and you barely know him. Wouldn't you be like how many others you've sent. A taurus wants what's his and only his. And this goes both ways you see.
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him? Or just fix it as far as never doing it again with anyone?

Posted by Season
Posted by Islandgal24
Well, that's where you're wrong. I don't send pictures to everyone I come in contact with. In fact last picture before sending to Taurus was more than a year ago to my ex. It took me a year to even send one to the Taurus and although I shouldn't have done it. It wasn't like it was nipples or full on boob, not even a full on nude picture. So yeah when you want to put morals in it, it wasn't a good move or lady like, but it could be worst. Thanks.

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Posted by Islandgal24
I'm 24 years old and yeah I understand what I did was wrong and wasn't lady like at all. Which I'm sure is what pushed him away. Thank you very much for your advice and honesty.

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
What the fuck you smoking. You are a harem chick that's all. Stop doing all that attention seeking that will send a bull right away from youbquickly. Act like a lady and not attention seeking just like mes. If he was he would be.

Please have respect for your dignity and morals stop sending pics to all guys you come in tact with.

Well if you just sent him sexy pictures but not nudies, I don't see what's wrong with that. However, since he didn't respond, I'd take that to mean you were on the wrong track. Lesson learned. Taurus men prefer ladylike women who only act sexy for them personally and when they want it. You're 24, not a silly teenager. You get it and you can fix it.
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Posted by Islandgal24
Just curious as to what my chart means exactly?

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Posted by tbird
Delete his number, chat profile whatever. Regardless of how much you want to talk to him... you can't.

I had to do this with a bull I was talking to 4 months ago and he text 2 weeks ago. No shi*.

Curious if so guy sent a duck pic to you, and you barely know him. Wouldn't you be like how many others you've sent. A taurus wants what's his and only his. And this goes both ways you see.

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I told you go do your thing and if he is interested beyond pics then he maybe right. You have to go with the flow and don't worry about it live life and have your own independence lifestyle. Taurus are very picky.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Posted by tbird
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Congratulations first person to say no sex involved at all. Well done keep it like that.

Agreed to that... that's pretty damn hard. Bulls are some sexy mofo's

Yeah but if you don't respect your self you belong in my harem. That's it .
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Well, I don't belong in your harem and/or anyone's else. Just because I said that you guys are sexy and it is hard not to have sex with bulls doesn't mean that I jump into bed with any ol' bull.

I would go into all of this, but not my thread.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Posted by tbird
Delete his number, chat profile whatever. Regardless of how much you want to talk to him... you can't.

I had to do this with a bull I was talking to 4 months ago and he text 2 weeks ago. No shi*.

Curious if so guy sent a duck pic to you, and you barely know him. Wouldn't you be like how many others you've sent. A taurus wants what's his and only his. And this goes both ways you see.
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I 100% , no doubt agree with that. Honestly, I think dick pics are distasteful. I received a few in my time and I think! Hmmm, thanks??! If I want to see that, I would see it in private.

I agree with the I want the person to be mine and mine only. Taurus moon and venus here. I get that wholeheartedly.

Funny thing is that I was talking to a bull where he got 4 boob pics in one week. He didn't respond to them because he said he didn't know how to. He had the same reaction as I did. Thanks, but I didn't ask for this. He did admit that he still has them though. Me, personally, I don't send those pics... not my bag. I get why people do it, its just not me.
le have the wrong idea on what I meant by sexy picture. They weren't full on nudes. But still when I sent a sexy picture to him last month he responded a month later (3days before his bday) saying damn I though I responded to this. Well little did he know that no response is also a response. I would never send nudes and the last sexy pic I sent was just of cleavage no nips or anything. Anyway do you still talk to your Bull or no?

Posted by tbird
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Posted by tbird
Delete his number, chat profile whatever. Regardless of how much you want to talk to him... you can't.

I had to do this with a bull I was talking to 4 months ago and he text 2 weeks ago. No shi*.

Curious if so guy sent a duck pic to you, and you barely know him. Wouldn't you be like how many others you've sent. A taurus wants what's his and only his. And this goes both ways you see.

I 100% , no doubt agree with that. Honestly, I think dick pics are distasteful. I received a few in my time and I think! Hmmm, thanks??! If I want to see that, I would see it in private.

I agree with the I want the person to be mine and mine only. Taurus moon and venus here. I get that wholeheartedly.

Funny thing is that I was talking to a bull where he got 4 boob pics in one week. He didn't respond to them because he said he didn't know how to. He had the same reaction as I did. Thanks, but I didn't ask for this. He did admit that he still has them though. Me, personally, I don't send those pics... not my bag. I get why people do it, its just not me.
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Posted by Islandgal24
I think people have the wrong idea on what I meant by sexy picture. They weren't full on nudes. But still when I sent a sexy picture to him last month he responded a month later (3days before his bday) saying damn I though I responded to this. Well little did he know that no response is also a response. I would never send nudes and the last sexy pic I sent was just of cleavage no nips or anything. Anyway do you still talk to your Bull or no?

Posted by tbird
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Posted by tbird
Delete his number, chat profile whatever. Regardless of how much you want to talk to him... you can't.

I had to do this with a bull I was talking to 4 months ago and he text 2 weeks ago. No shi*.

Curious if so guy sent a duck pic to you, and you barely know him. Wouldn't you be like how many others you've sent. A taurus wants what's his and only his. And this goes both ways you see.

I 100% , no doubt agree with that. Honestly, I think dick pics are distasteful. I received a few in my time and I think! Hmmm, thanks??! If I want to see that, I would see it in private.

I agree with the I want the person to be mine and mine only. Taurus moon and venus here. I get that wholeheartedly.

Funny thing is that I was talking to a bull where he got 4 boob pics in one week. He didn't respond to them because he said he didn't know how to. He had the same reaction as I did. Thanks, but I didn't ask for this. He did admit that he still has them though. Me, personally, I don't send those pics... not my bag. I get why people do it, its just not me.

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I saw that you said cleavage, no worries.

Yes, but our situation is different. The short of it was... in Jan we meet up from a dating site. Had awesome two dates. He said he wasn't ready for me and pushed me away. 2 weeks ago he sent me a message with no contact for 4 months. Said he was an a**hole and all of that. We talked, met up and spent the whole weekend together. We dropped a bomb on me when I was there... it was his birthday. Yadi, yadda... after I left I didn't text him back and he just texted me today.

So... now we are both are at a place where we can't commit for one reason or another. So, just hanging out is more than fine. Even though he said that at some point of time that he recognizes that we will at some point will want to go further if we keep this up. That surprised me, but eh. Whatever.

the things we have in common is I met my bull on a dating site over a year ago. Nothing has transpired. Him and I never get time to just ourselves. When he would invited me over his friend would be there. When we go out our friends are with us. We went on one real date. Id hate to just end all contact with him Even though it may be the right thing to do. Do you think maybe I should text him and ask him where his mind is at when it comes to us; or even why he is making this so difficult. One minute he shows interest and the next he's just so distant. Kind of like mind games. Maybe I need closure. So you think that would be too much?
Posted by tbird
Posted by Islandgal24
I think people have the wrong idea on what I meant by sexy picture. They weren't full on nudes. But still when I sent a sexy picture to him last month he responded a month later (3days before his bday) saying damn I though I responded to this. Well little did he know that no response is also a response. I would never send nudes and the last sexy pic I sent was just of cleavage no nips or anything. Anyway do you still talk to your Bull or no?

Posted by tbird
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Posted by tbird
Delete his number, chat profile whatever. Regardless of how much you want to talk to him... you can't.

I had to do this with a bull I was talking to 4 months ago and he text 2 weeks ago. No shi*.

Curious if so guy sent a duck pic to you, and you barely know him. Wouldn't you be like how many others you've sent. A taurus wants what's his and only his. And this goes both ways you see.

I 100% , no doubt agree with that. Honestly, I think dick pics are distasteful. I received a few in my time and I think! Hmmm, thanks??! If I want to see that, I would see it in private.

I agree with the I want the person to be mine and mine only. Taurus moon and venus here. I get that wholeheartedly.

Funny thing is that I was talking to a bull where he got 4 boob pics in one week. He didn't respond to them because he said he didn't know how to. He had the same reaction as I did. Thanks, but I didn't ask for this. He did admit that he still has them though. Me, personally, I don't send those pics... not my bag. I get why people do it, its just not me.

I saw that you said cleavage, no worries.

Yes, but our situation is different. The short of it was... in Jan we meet up from a dating site. Had awesome two dates. He said he
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You are coming off as incredibly thirsty. He is not interested. Stop trying to see what you want to see. Grab whatever is left of your dignity and find someone who is interested in you.
Well, I'd you want to find out, then ask just keep it light hearted.

I would leave him be for a while though.

Now I think about it, don't talk to him. I mean initate contact. If he reaches out, then causally ask. Until then. Do your thing.
Update::: he just texted me today and said what's up (name)? My boy Eddie wants to know if he could have Adrianna's (my friends) number? When we all went out last Saturday it was him and his two friends and me and my two friends. Kind of weird that "Eddy" (his friend) almost a week later wants her number now don't you think? Lol I responded with "honestly, he should've gotten her number from her that night. But, I'll ask her and get back to you."

Posted by tbird
Well, I'd you want to find out, then ask just keep it light hearted.

I would leave him be for a while though.

Now I think about it, don't talk to him. I mean initate contact. If he reaches out, then causally ask. Until then. Do your thing.

be heart broken? Do you think he was really asking for himself or for his friend?

Posted by Shashkay
Posted by Islandgal24
Update::: he just texted me today and said what's up (name)? My boy Eddie wants to know if he could have Adrianna's (my friends) number? When we all went out last Saturday it was him and his two friends and me and my two friends. Kind of weird that "Eddy" (his friend) almost a week later wants her number now don't you think? Lol I responded with "honestly, he should've gotten her number from her that night. But, I'll ask her and get back to you."

Posted by tbird
Well, I'd you want to find out, then ask just keep it light hearted.

I would leave him be for a while though.

Now I think about it, don't talk to him. I mean initate contact. If he reaches out, then causally ask. Until then. Do your thing.

OMG aren't you heart broken?
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So, just another update. Promise this shall be the last one. Taurus and I decided to keep it as friends. This is what I told him "I think it was kind of "fishy" that your friend waited a week to try and get my friends number. If it was "you" that wanted it I would've understood, but at the same time I am interested in you, and have been since the day we met.

I'm fine with being friends with you, and want to get to know you a lot better, but I feel that it's only one sided and I just don't want to be lead on. If you don't see this becoming more than that, then just let me know. "

His response was

"He wanted me to ask for her number. Idk why he didn't ask then. Secondly why would I want her number? Also I'm not interested in a relationship with anyone. I feel like you're able to see that. I'm cool with us being cool/friends.But I'm not sure how you got to the notion of me leading you on."

So I basically told him that I understood what he was saying and I am not looking for a relationship either, but that doesn't mean I'm not interested in him. I said I was maybe reading into the signs a little differently and now I know what it is, and should probably stop crossing the boundaries of "friendship" with him.

He stated " ok. That's cool with me."

All in all I know what it is now. Him and I clearly will only be just friends because he's not interested at all but I think it's best as one of the posters stated I keep my distance from him. Because as you Taureans know, you are charming and if I'm interested now it's just going to continue to grow the more I hang out with him.

Good luck you have your answers now.

@jeane where you been at?
I know 🤕. U think there's any chance of me EVER coming out of the friend zone?

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Good luck you have your answers now.

@jeane where you been at?

Not right now.

I wonder what you did to be but in a friendzone.

He probably has lots of people interested in him so he let you know what's going on.

I wonder if he ever lead you on cause he said he didn't. But you may have done something though. What was it?
A few months ago I cut him out of my life because I felt as if it were going no where. Then in March I contacted him again. Idk what I could've done to be put in the friend zone. I've told him before I was interested and when he we first met he was very heavy to pursue me. I mean he was always texting me. Even when I didn't text back he would resend the text and then we went on the our date and he started to becom distant. The last time we hung out I could tell his friend may have been interested in me, but he was trying to play match maker. He kept telling me to write Taurus guy a haiku poem and let the Taurus guy how I feel.

Now here where I feel that he lead me on. I told you I sent a sexy pic back in April and in May days before his birthday he texted me saying damn I thought I responded. I didn't resPond but wished him a happy birthday on the day of his birthday. He texted me thanks and the next day around 10:00 he asked if I was good and I said yeah how are you? He said he was food they were just at his place drinking (which was his way of inviting me). I bought him a bottle of wine and we drank with his friend there. It was then time to go, so he walked me to my car and asked what I was going to be doing the next day. He gave me a pretty long hug and told me to text him, and I responded with you should text me and he said okay that's if you even respond back. Next day came he didn't text me so I texted him later that night and he invited me out with him and his friends and I asked him so we're gonna cuddle after that right and he said if you want too. Anyway he was so drunk that he didn't text me to let me know he was on his way home, and the next day he apologized. I told him it was a good thing I didn't go over there because it was something I'd definitely want him to remember. He asked me what it was I wanted him to remember. I told him he'd just have to see for himself next time we hang out, that is if he stops acting so shy. He then said I'm the shy and one. So we were kind of flirting back and forth.

-- sorry it's so long but maybe that would help interpret why I may now be in the friend zone. I'm the type of person that once I put someone in the friend zone that's where they stay. So maybe if that's how Taureans work as well I should cut all losses and just say butter to being his friend.

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Not right now.

I wonder what you did to be but in a friendzone.

He probably has lots of people interested in him so he let you know what's going on.

I wonder if he ever lead you on cause he said he didn't. But you may have done something though. What was it?

Yikes yeah just remain friends if later in life it's meant to be it will. But not right now sorry.

What sign are you?
I'm a cancer! I've dated a Taurus before.. And it was different. He was very pursuant. If you were in my shoes and you had interest and felt in your heart that possibly nothing would come out of it would you just cut all ties? I mean I told him I don't mind being his friend but it's hard when it's not a friendship that's not going to lead anywhere.
A friend ship is a friendship though if you take it further with any body that's not ready. It's a fwb or NSA situation. Do you want be treated like you deserve no better. You're better than that and he did let you know.

I still think you got to save pics like that for one that deserves it and you did it for an act or response. And he responses but oh damn. That's a normal comment when people send pics out.

I think we all took pics and sent then to guys for reasons only known to them and why. But it is no longer about pics it is about you need to move on from this and find someone who does enjoy pics but with someone who is ready for what you want. And they want it too.
I would be cautious@Op. I have wished more out of someone and it wasn't right because I did hear not ready before. But I tried to over come what I heard because there was a connection. Bad choice I made and I hope you save your self from this guy.
Did you tell your taurus dude you had a kid? and that also may play a big part of his decision as well
You mean you didn't know that the one you were interested in wasn't ready and you continued to pursue?

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
I would be cautious@Op. I have wished more out of someone and it wasn't right because I did hear not ready before. But I tried to over come what I heard because there was a connection. Bad choice I made and I hope you save your self from this guy.

Taurus guy has a daughter as well, so that's one thing we have in common. But I will say last year when we Kissed he told he was off and on with this one chick and I asked if he were off with her and he said yes. I asked why it was so hard for him to remain off with her and he said because she's done a lot for him. I'm guessing that they're on and off because there's a obviously trouble in paradise. But @firstdecantaurianwomen0428, I really don't think I can be his friend. I've made it more than clear to him that I am interested in more than friendship. I don't send sexy pics to guys who I have in a friendship category, not do I kiss guys who are in a friendship category. Maybe as I said just best to part ways. I've deleted him from social media before. Maybe best to do it again, and just be done this time.

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Did you tell your taurus dude you had a kid? and that also may play a big part of his decision as well

Oh but even if he has a kid can become more involved with his own kid and life though.

He may be attached to baby momma or that girl he talked about not letting go. He will always keep them in his life. And instead of combing a household with you and another kid could be more than what he can handle.
