blonde brunette or carrot top?

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by taurusgoddess on Thursday, February 16, 2006 and has 11 replies.
let's not get violent now!
Why?Are you threatening me?o_ODon't make me go over thereTongue
Ur gonna make each other go gray and that's not in the category!
Taking a close look at their responses... I think they'd go for blondes smile
I used to be HUGE into redheads. Wait!!! I still am. smile Never blondes though.
*dyes hair red*
i like blond! james blond! j/k
any colour baby!!!!! doesn't really matter. it's got to fit the person though! smile
fine, mister antibling! and yourself?
i'm leaving work early today. will spend the rest of the day with my daughter. looking forward to it smile
sag... erm... well, how shell i put it!? uhm...
fcuk off!
come back when you're in a better mood, will ya'!
"get a haircut."

HAHAHA... actually, i do need a haircut. lololo lo lo lo...
i was thinking that the other day. but no time at the mo' Sad
just wonder, how did you know... big brother(bother) is watching you... EW!