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Jun 02, 2014Comments: 4 · Posts: 253 · Topics: 34
sun Taurus
moon Taurus
Ascendant Virgo
mer aries
Mars pisces
Venus Taurus
Have anyone had any successful Friendships/ relationship
With a cancer ??
I have 2 cancer BESTFRIENDS but they are far the dumbest when it comes to self value/men sex etc.
Then I have 1 guy friend that's drive me nuts . We had a misunderstanding and he ran like a little B&tcH ! Which frustrates me so much ! When it comes to them explaining a problem they want you to listen but when you have a problem they want you to keep it to your self or they will run and avoid you for days ! I'm so done ! How can anyone have a successful relationship without communication please tell me all cancers aren't like this because I want this other cancer so bad haha but I don't wanna fall back into the same old trap
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Jun 02, 2014Comments: 4 · Posts: 253 · Topics: 34
Thanks for your responses . When he finally came from out of hiding we talked and I just decided I wasn't going to continue to talk to him he is 25 but mentally he is a lot less mature then me he has stood me up twice because he had given me reason why even though I still did not understand why he couldn't have picked up I still let it go but this just put the icing on the cake I felt ignored He was a very sweet guy I know he would have given me the world but I don't want any of it if I can be happy being myself thanks