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Jun 02, 2014Comments: 4 · Posts: 253 · Topics: 34
So , I am Taurus sun .. Taurus moon ... Virgo Rising .... I am VERY private ... I honestly Never share anything going wrong in my life with any of my friends and I've known them 10+ years ..I know everything about their life and they hardly know anything about my life. I've always just kept what I was going through to myself and faked a smile I would even go away for a min but nobody ever really notices ... Nobody ever ask me am I okay because I'm known to be the "strong one".
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Jun 05, 2017Comments: 9 · Posts: 455 · Topics: 38
Virgo - always playing a "show me how much you care game" -
your 10year friendships, im sure they are aware your private. im sure there was a time in your friendship where they exhausted the "pry for your feelings game" to see what's up with you and have now accepted you are private and will most likely not speak about your personal business until your ready. so if there is something going on with you and you want to your friends support you need to overcome and bend a little by reaching out and letting them know "i need a friends, i need to release, i need some advise, i need some support"
people aren't direct enough in this world.
people also cant read minds.
if you want something or need something you gotta go and get it.
i teach that to my virgo son and Taurus boyfriend all the time - im a sag