Cancer dating a Man with taurus sun , venus and mars in cancer and a leo moon

This topic was created in the Taurus and Cancer Compatibility forum by moonstarseed on Saturday, May 27, 2017 and has 7 replies.
Hi so I'm a cancer female I've been pursued by this taurus guy he flew to see me many times before we finnaly had sex and it was amazing , he already confessed that he loves me and asked for a monogamous relationship , even though we spend 1 week together every 3 weeks or so . I do love him too . as stated before his moon is in leo , venus and mars in cancer

1 What can you tell me about these placements ( venus mars and moon ) ?

2 am I the perfect match for him ?

3 is he really not having other sexual relationship as he said despite being surrounded with females all the time ?

4 what does he look for in his partner ? does he like to be nurtured or to chase

5 Would The current LDR we have satisfy him ?

6 Is he jealous and possesive but try to hide it ?

7 What would make him want a committed relationship

Any insights , ideas or experience with similar placement are welcome

feel free to ask me questions about my experience as well

thanks !
I don't have any of those placements, I wouldn't be much help.

What are your placements?

To answer question 6, most Bulls are posssessive.
Posted by TaurusBull1977
I don't have any of those placements, I wouldn't be much help.

What are your placements?

To answer question 6, most Bulls are posssessive.

Cancer Sun , taurus moon , mars in virgo and venus in gemini ( I might be born on the cusp of magic gemini/cancer )

He mentionned being turned on by me being with other guys , this is the last thing I would expect from a taurus , is it true or he wants to test me

Posted by moonstarseed

He mentionned being turned on by me being with other guys , this is the last thing I would expect from a taurus , is it true or he wants to test me

This depends on the 'context' that was used.

How was the discussion with you and 'other guys' introduced?'

Did he see on you on social media with male friends, and then commented, or was there a discussion about ex-boyfriends from your past and/or present that was brought to the surface? Were these conversations sexual?
Posted by TaurusBull1977
Posted by moonstarseed

He mentionned being turned on by me being with other guys , this is the last thing I would expect from a taurus , is it true or he wants to test me

This depends on the 'context' that was used.

How was the discussion with you and 'other guys' introduced?'

Did he see on you on social media with male friends, and then commented, or was there a discussion about ex-boyfriends from your past and/or present that was brought to the surface? Were these conversations sexual?
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Mainly Sexual conversations about my past boyfriends
Posted by moonstarseed
Posted by TaurusBull1977
Posted by moonstarseed

He mentionned being turned on by me being with other guys , this is the last thing I would expect from a taurus , is it true or he wants to test me

This depends on the 'context' that was used.

How was the discussion with you and 'other guys' introduced?'

Did he see on you on social media with male friends, and then commented, or was there a discussion about ex-boyfriends from your past and/or present that was brought to the surface? Were these conversations sexual?

Mainly Sexual conversations about my past boyfriends
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He's assessing you.
Posted by moonstarseed

Mainly Sexual conversations about my past boyfriends
This is sketchy.

The two of you were already sexually intimate.

Why would he feel the need to inquire about the sexual past with your boyfriends?

If the two of you were not intimate, and just exchanging sexual text msgs picking each other's brain, then I would understand.

How did this subject come up?
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