Hi so I'm a cancer female I've been pursued by this taurus guy he flew to see me many times before we finnaly had sex and it was amazing , he already confessed that he loves me and asked for a monogamous relationship , even though we spend 1 week together every 3 weeks or so . I do love him too . as stated before his moon is in leo , venus and mars in cancer
1 What can you tell me about these placements ( venus mars and moon ) ?
2 am I the perfect match for him ?
3 is he really not having other sexual relationship as he said despite being surrounded with females all the time ?
4 what does he look for in his partner ? does he like to be nurtured or to chase
5 Would The current LDR we have satisfy him ?
6 Is he jealous and possesive but try to hide it ?
7 What would make him want a committed relationship
Any insights , ideas or experience with similar placement are welcome
feel free to ask me questions about my experience as well
thanks !
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Aug 12, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 4771 · Topics: 30
I don't have any of those placements, I wouldn't be much help.
What are your placements?
To answer question 6, most Bulls are posssessive.