Cheating & the Taurus man

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by Hotgal78 on Tuesday, September 4, 2007 and has 1 replies.
Hope all of you had a great long holiday weekend!...The topic of this thread is CHEATING and the Taurus man...When I say cheating I mean intimate contact (kissing, touching, sexual intercourse, etc) with another person who is NOT your partner in a committed relationship.
It is not good to generalize about cheating when it comes to men, but I would like feedback from Taurus men or those of you who have or are currently dating a Taurus man.
Men regardless of their sign have a tendency towards cheating, but how much so for Taurus men? This interests me because I have known a few air sign men (Gemini, Aqua, etc) and from my experience and interaction with them they seem more prone/open to cheating. They take this freedom loving and detached from emotion stance on intimate relationships.
From what I have read Tauruses like to be in secure relationships. When in a secure & stable relationship are they less likely to stray?
Appreciate your feedback!