
This topic was created in the Taurus forum by Hemispheres on Friday, October 16, 2015 and has 105 replies.
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Guess who cancelled plans again? Had a hunch the pisces was at the park after cancelling and saying she was working and only showing up to grab tickets for her daughter and was going straight home.

Decided to catch her in a lie. Showed up and waited by one of her favorite performances. 30 minutes later guess who I ran into?

I just love rubbing someone's face in their own shit.
Amusement park. It was fucking packed but I knew where to look for her at.
Posted by xoxoRain
What happened when u confronted her? Juicy details pleaze....... smile

I told her were done and the only reason I came to the park was to catch her in her lies and manipulation.

She was like "I didn't say I was going to leave!". Childish mind games, sad part is she's 45 years old. I told her this is exactly why you stay single and end up with guys that verbally and physically abuse you.

Told her to bring the stuff I ordered from her side business next week and delete my CC info from the phone app with me watching or I'm calling my credit card provider and the work from home wellness company she works for on the side to file a fraud claim. She's already behind in sales so if she wants to continue to play games she'll be booted from the company and fall behind on her bills on top of owing the company money for violating her contract.

I love playing along with folks who play mind games, I hardly lose.
Posted by Taniwha
She didn't want to go on a date with you so you decided to go and be a jerk about it, no wonder she didn't want to go on a date with you.

We've been dating 4 months and I told her last time she cancelled I wouldn't tolerate it again. She knew she was on thin ice and tried to pull a fast one again. Got cauught red handed.
Posted by BlackMamba
Weird. Stalker. Weird

Says the clingy emotional wreck whom thinks her man is cheating because he wanted to spend time with his visiting brother.

She wasnt there with her daughter. She was there with her roommate whom she keeps putting off introducing me to. Whenever he's around I have to avoid her because she lets him control her life. I was supposed to meet him tonight but she made various excuses throughout the week, telling me yesterday it was just me and her tonight. Then she lied about coming to the park stating she was too tired to see me. All this after actually telling me she loved me a month back. So yes I caught her in her bullshit lies. Excuse me for putting my foot down.

Also read this:
Posted by BlackMamba
Posted by Hemispheres
Posted by BlackMamba
Weird. Stalker. Weird

Says the clingy emotional wreck whom thinks her man is cheating because he wanted to spend time with his visiting brother.

His brother lives here. I'm not clingy. And I have extremely high emotional EQ
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I haven't forgotten the thread where you were asking if you should abandon ship because your bf hadn't texted or called you in three days after he went out with his brother. I joking stated he was out plowing another woman to which you responded that's what you were worried about. Then other members pointed out how you were withholding sex when he upset you. After x anount of people called you out you deleted the entire thread. Move along now.
Posted by TachiMichiko
she was with her daughter.
i could see the point of your
behavior if she was with a
man. but, she was with her
child. why does this bother
you so?

Probably because she wasn't with her daughter. She claimed the tickets were for tomorrow. She was with her roommate whom she is afraid to introduce me to for ever changing reasons, and has put off introfmducing me to for the last 3 weeks.
Posted by BlackMamba
You're 27 wtf looking for a mother or something?


When we met she told me she was 35. The other day after repeatedly changed plans for today I told her I believed she was hiding something from me. She went quiet for a while and came back telling me she was 45 and she wasn't cheated on in her last relationship by a BF, but that her ex husbands son molested her daughter. She lost full custody and her husbands son went to jail. She divorced shortly thereafter.

How's that high emotional IQ treating ya? Seems like emotion is all you can use to think with.
Posted by BlackMamba
You're 27 wtf looking for a mother or something?


OP aside, but you really think there can be no attraction between 27 and 45, other then mother/father issues?? smile smile that sounds very narrow minded

OP, she stood you up so many times, just give up on her, and move on......... you really sound like you harassing her sometimes, sorry... Sad
Posted by tiziani
You keep saying you're done with this woman. Then you go back. And now you give her ultimatums to come back to you next week rather thsn making plans to stay away. Even though you've made it clear she has mental health issues. This isn't chess. It's desperation.

I decided to stick around long enough to best her. She's done believe me. But I'm not the one to walk away from shit like this without proving to both parties I am indeed right, and I walk away the victor. Did the same thing with my ex.
Posted by Pandora101
Posted by BlackMamba
You're 27 wtf looking for a mother or something?


OP aside, but you really think there can be no attraction between 27 and 45, other then mother/father issues?? smile smile that sounds very narrow minded

OP, she stood you up so many times, just give up on her, and move on......... you really sound like you harassing her sometimes, sorry... Sad
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Am I not allowed to have my fun too? smile

Not that it matters but I'm pretty confident she wasnt plowing the roommate. He just had a surprised look on his face. I've never seen them together holding hands or kissing on each other. She's just the weakly passive type that is terrified on confrontation and aims to please everyone.
She probably just didn't want to meet up with you and didn't want to be mean. Some Pisces struggle with being blunt and direct about those types of things so they're looked as deceptive.

Side note: I've dated a Taurus man recently and he always wanted to know what I was doing and where I was at at all times. He would communicate with me about what he was doing 24/7 too. He assumed that I was like him in that sense. While I never lied to him I kinda thought he was too much for someone who portrayed themselves to be very sensible and non-emotional(his words not mine). I broke it off with him 2 months ago and CANNOT get rid of him and he keeps trying to prove himself right about irrelevant arguments we had in the past. Wth?! It's actually kind of creepy.

I share this story because even though you're not like this Taurus guy I dealt with your Pisces probably doesn't feel in her gut that it's 100% right so she doesn't feel you deserve her commitment. That's how it was with me and my situation. Whether you're right or wrong doesn't matter at this point. She's not that into you.
Its more to due with the fact her actions prove she doesn't have a lick of respect or consideration for me. Tried to make things work but the past week has been rocky as can be. Aside from the lies its way to early in a relationship to be bickering as we've been since last Friday.
I think her lack of respect comes from you always going back to her(I've read other posts) could also be because she knows she "has" you without the emotional investment a typical Pisces woman puts's a "whatever" kind of recurring situation now..
You're giving her too much credit. After hearing stories of her childhood, being molested and being given up for adoption ontop of dating shitty guys her entire life she doesn't know what a healthy relationship is. Therefore she sees no wrongdoing on her part. To her its normal.
Posted by Hemispheres
You're giving her too much credit. After hearing stories of her childhood, being molested and being given up for adoption ontop of dating shitty guys her entire life she doesn't know what a healthy relationship is. Therefore she sees no wrongdoing on her part. To her its normal.

OP, she lied to you numerous times, maybe these things from her life are just her imagination? you know she is not mentally balanced, she can make up things
Posted by Pandora101
Posted by Hemispheres
You're giving her too much credit. After hearing stories of her childhood, being molested and being given up for adoption ontop of dating shitty guys her entire life she doesn't know what a healthy relationship is. Therefore she sees no wrongdoing on her part. To her its normal.

OP, she lied to you numerous times, maybe these things from her life are just her imagination? you know she is not mentally balanced, she can make up things
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Very true. Anything is possible at this point.
Posted by einrickpisces
Posted by Hemispheres
You're giving her too much credit. After hearing stories of her childhood, being molested and being given up for adoption ontop of dating shitty guys her entire life she doesn't know what a healthy relationship is. Therefore she sees no wrongdoing on her part. To her its normal.

At least she didn't cheat on you, but to take her child to theme park smile

Come on ! just forgive her smile
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Can't tell if you're being sarcastic. Either way her child wasn't there. She texted me around 2pm and I asked how she was doing. She said she was at the park earlier talking to an employee she knew about getting a ticket for her daughter so she didn't have to shell out $ 80, and that she was headed back after spending two hours at a McDonalds. That's when I smelled bullshit. Before I even had a chance to respond she felt the need to add "And NO I'm not staying". Suspicions confirmed. Showed up an hour and a half later, rode a coaster and visited a scare maze. On the way out I noticed her favorite show had just started. Waited around and she bumped into me on the way out, deer in headlights look on her face.
Forgiveness is one thing but if you're suggesting I take her back, kindly GTFO.

Next week is going to be fun, I have a feeling she's going to play victim, try and play my heartstrings and possibly make a scene when... and if she shows up to give me the stuff I ordered.
That just made me laugh, she said the same thing about trust a few days ago.
Ha ha ha this thread made me laugh.

Bull is gonna do what bull is gonna do. Nothing wrong with a bit of healthy stalking!
It isn't stalking, its knocking a crazy bitch down a few dozen notches.
Posted by Hemispheres
It isn't stalking, its knocking a crazy bitch down a few dozen notches.

I used stalking loosely rather than the text book legal definition... Have humour!!
I was throwing some sarcasm in there.
Posted by Taniwha
Posted by Hemispheres
Posted by Taniwha
She didn't want to go on a date with you so you decided to go and be a jerk about it, no wonder she didn't want to go on a date with you.

We've been dating 4 months and I told her last time she cancelled I wouldn't tolerate it again. She knew she was on thin ice and tried to pull a fast one again. Got cauught red handed.

Pity your weren't born 6 months later you have had her down.
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Lol I highly doubt that. She's a delusional narcissist.
Posted by Hemispheres
I was throwing some sarcasm in there.

Oh... I must have missed it...

Now THAT is sarcasm... The British way 😊

I do commend your tenacity to call her out though. Fair play. Errr this bit is not sarcasm... 😎
Wow that sucks.
Posted by busyeyes88
Well Hemi, I don't want to say it but you already know what I'm going to say...!!!!

Told ya so?

And I told you if she kept it up Id find a way to best her at her own game. Were even :-P
Posted by Hemispheres

I decided to stick around long enough to best her.

Lol you're setting yourself up for fail. She has you on a leash and you like it.
Why don't you just dump her and go to the park

And BTW what's up with that park? Why is it in all of your stories and you apparently even use it for avatar now.
Is it like one of these cursed places? like a sentient entity personified in a park where you go and your soul gets to float with all the balloons and the evil clowns or some stephen king shit like that?

Posted by Hemispheres
You're giving her too much credit. After hearing stories of her childhood, being molested and being given up for adoption ontop of dating shitty guys her entire life she doesn't know what a healthy relationship is. Therefore she sees no wrongdoing on her part. To her its normal.

You can't "make" her or anyone see what you consider to be wrongdoing on their part. Clearly something wasn't right from the start. From then on it was your decision to keep it going. Hopefully now you drop it. Otherwise you'll just be swamped with your own obsessions and delusions of her. Just quit it. Her lack of respect should be enough.
Posted by hydorah
Posted by Hemispheres

I decided to stick around long enough to best her.

And BTW what's up with that park? Why is it in all of your stories and you apparently even use it for avatar now.
Is it like one of these cursed places? like a sentient entity personified in a park where you go and your soul gets to float with all the balloons and the evil clowns or some stephen king shit like that?

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that's what i was thinking, Park of Lost Souls
Posted by Dapadon
Posted by Hemispheres
You're giving her too much credit. After hearing stories of her childhood, being molested and being given up for adoption ontop of dating shitty guys her entire life she doesn't know what a healthy relationship is. Therefore she sees no wrongdoing on her part. To her its normal.

You can't "make" her or anyone see what you consider to be wrongdoing on their part. Clearly something wasn't right from the start. From then on it was your decision to keep it going. Hopefully now you drop it. Otherwise you'll just be swamped with your own obsessions and delusions of her. Just quit it. Her lack of respect should be enough.
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She knows she's fucked and that's all that matters. When I started rubbing it in her face that I caught her in a lie and she was done, she didn't even try and argue other than a couple childish lines. She got all pouty and was looked at the ground "Ok, fine!! I'll bring your stuff next week, don't worry I'll delete your card info."

She tried texting me to explain but I just sent her a screenshot of her stating on FB chat that there was no way she could make it. Shut her ass down quick.

I left the park like
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Posted by hydorah
Posted by Hemispheres

I decided to stick around long enough to best her.

Lol you're setting yourself up for fail. She has you on a leash and you like it.
Why don't you just dump her and go to the park

And BTW what's up with that park? Why is it in all of your stories and you apparently even use it for avatar now.
Is it like one of these cursed places? like a sentient entity personified in a park where you go and your soul gets to float with all the balloons and the evil clowns or some stephen king shit like that?

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The issue is that park is the only place she wanted to meet. Exactly why I wanted to meet the roommate. Not only was it suspicious but it was getting old.... fast.

A retraining order would be thrown out in this case, its not like I stayed with her and followed her every move, threatening to do something to her or harm her in she did it again. Stalking is repeadedly following someone around and doing or saying things to make them feel unsafe. Its not like I followed her back to her house and invited myself in to confront her. My gut told me she was full of shit so I took initiative and caught her in a lie and confronted her on it, simple as that.

I think its safe to assume the majority of women on DXP engage in these types of games, seeing as how they excuse this type of behavior and want to write me off as a stalker. Majority of them being Piscean women.

Skips hive mentality and goes straight to IRL monkeys in a barrel.
Exactly why I did what I did. It smelled fishy... pun intended so I waited for her to slip up and caught her. Then I caught her in another lie. She stated she was working all day next Friday, 8-5. But somehow she's going to meet me at 10am next Friday to give me the stuff I ordered.
Posted by Hemispheres
Posted by Dapadon
Posted by Hemispheres
You're giving her too much credit. After hearing stories of her childhood, being molested and being given up for adoption ontop of dating shitty guys her entire life she doesn't know what a healthy relationship is. Therefore she sees no wrongdoing on her part. To her its normal.

You can't "make" her or anyone see what you consider to be wrongdoing on their part. Clearly something wasn't right from the start. From then on it was your decision to keep it going. Hopefully now you drop it. Otherwise you'll just be swamped with your own obsessions and delusions of her. Just quit it. Her lack of respect should be enough.

She knows she's fucked and that's all that matters. When I started rubbing it in her face that I caught her in a lie and she was done, she didn't even try and argue other than a couple childish lines. She got all pouty and was looked at the ground "Ok, fine!! I'll bring your stuff next week, don't worry I'll delete your card info."

She tried texting me to explain but I just sent her a screenshot of her stating on FB chat that there was no way she could make it. Shut her ass down quick.

I left the park like
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Oh Lordy..that's petty
Nope. That's getting a taste of your own medicine.

Can't teach an old dog new tricks but its always fun to try and teach them and watch them fall flat on their face in the process.
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the park is alive
Posted by kalin
How come you can't find someone your age? Leave this poor mom alone.

She contacted me wanting to set up the first date, so your laughable comment is invalid.

Move along now, idiot.
Posted by kalin
otherwise why would you even agree to go on the date in the first place? Pathetic

Probably because she lied and told me she was 35.

Why so butthurt?
And you need to smoke a joint, keyboard warrior.
Posted by kalin
I just feel sorry for her to have to deal with your crazy shit

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Posted by kalin
I just feel sorry for her to have to deal with your crazy shit

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Why is everyone defending a bold faced liar?

Posted by Montgomery
Why is everyone defending a bold faced liar?


Most likely because they've done the same thing and are still angry they were dumb enough to allow themselves to be caught.
They both sound pretty messed up...
Posted by Montgomery
Why is everyone defending a bold faced liar?


Not sure if you've seen OPs other posts, but this girl definitely dodged more of a bullet than OP did.