Combining East & West

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by venusianbull on Wednesday, February 1, 2012 and has 18 replies.
Taurus/Pigs are patient, materialistic and cautious. They can be found in
the upper echelons of society among the 'beautiful people'. Pigs born under
this sign are not snobs, however, they are generous, kind and understanding to a fault.
You're a very engaging, gentle, and lovable personality ??? people like you willingly. The sense of friendship is very much developed in you; you never hesitate to bend over backwards to please your numerous friends.
For you, the family circle is sacred and constitutes a sufficient universe where you evolve happily. You hardly like to get out of your home. Your attachment to your house, your hearth, your family has something really passionate. If you're a city-dweller, your greatest dream would be to own a house in the country and to acquire land and goods for your children, in conformity with your rather conservative nature.
You've simple tastes, which helps you find your happiness under all circumstances. Sensual and gourmand, you're intent on fully enjoying all the good pleasures of life and not concerning yourself with metaphysical considerations.
Your professional success is frequent and easy thanks to your talent, your all natural chance, and your art of winning good and loyal friends. Your imagination also is an appreciable advantage. If you show patience in seeing through what you've begun, then you can make a fortune. But you must refrain from dreaming too much, for some of your grandiose dreams are susceptible of lessening your efficacy and provoking bitter disappointments.
In love, you hate complications and dramas. It's simple and peaceful happiness that you look for. You love to bring well-being, gentle way of life, and amorous joys to those whom you love.
Posted by venusianbull
Taurus/Pigs are patient, materialistic and cautious. They can be found in
the upper echelons of society among the 'beautiful people'. Pigs born under
this sign are not snobs, however, they are generous, kind and understanding to a fault.
You're a very engaging, gentle, and lovable personality ??? people like you willingly. The sense of friendship is very much developed in you; you never hesitate to bend over backwards to please your numerous friends.
For you, the family circle is sacred and constitutes a sufficient universe where you evolve happily. You hardly like to get out of your home. Your attachment to your house, your hearth, your family has something really passionate. If you're a city-dweller, your greatest dream would be to own a house in the country and to acquire land and goods for your children, in conformity with your rather conservative nature.
You've simple tastes, which helps you find your happiness under all circumstances. Sensual and gourmand, you're intent on fully enjoying all the good pleasures of life and not concerning yourself with metaphysical considerations.
Your professional success is frequent and easy thanks to your talent, your all natural chance, and your art of winning good and loyal friends. Your imagination also is an appreciable advantage. If you show patience in seeing through what you've begun, then you can make a fortune. But you must refrain from dreaming too much, for some of your grandiose dreams are susceptible of lessening your efficacy and provoking bitter disappointments.
In love, you hate complications and dramas. It's simple and peaceful happiness that you look for. You love to bring well-being, gentle way of life, and amorous joys to those whom you love.

So sweet..thank you for dedicating this page to me...I feel so Winking Love It!!!
LOL I wonder how many of us are Pigs? I'ma be rooting for truffles. smile
I am a Metal Pig, you?

Water pig
I'm a crassy cock n bull with great plumage hah~!
Getting a whole menagerie in the Pasture. smile 3 Pigs and a Rooster so far.
Omg I just found out im not a pig after all!!! Im a Fire Horse!!! ja,ja,ja,ja Winking
This meWinking
The fire is always burning inside Fire Horses. They love living on the edge and are always ready for change as change always is more interesting. They are incredibly opinionated and one place you??ll never find Fire Horses is standing on the fence.
Whoot! smile Haha, okay. Two Pigs, a Horse and a Rooster. Big Grin
Posted by venusianbull
Whoot! smile Haha, okay. Two Pigs, a Horse and a Rooster. Big Grin

hmm, it's all Animal Farm or Charlotte's Web in here.
Where's our Spider? She needs to be saving me from becoming tomorrows ham.
Its the snake thats the equivalent. The pig is the equivalent to scorpio.
Pisces Horse
The apparent peacefulness of this combination of Fish and Horse is but a fine shell surrounding a highly fragile and spiritual nature. Pisces/Horse people are both clairvoyant and humanistic. They give of themselves without expecting more than a pat on the head in return. In this double sign, the Horse's ordinarily selfish push for autonomy is quieted. Pisces keeps the Horse's dander down, teaches him to be self-effacing, and shows him the wonders of clairvoyance. The Pisces/Horse is well-advised to find a real passion (music, dance, art , building or even business) while still young and follow his or her star throughout his entire life. If he waits too long to find his path, he may become distracted and fritter away his energies looking for just the right profession. In love the Pisces born Horse has the capacity for undying devotion. He or she may be slightly on the shy side in bed. But the intuitive mate will know how to turn this charming creature on with tons of reassurance and smooches. In turn, he will admire and applaud his mate for bringing him pleasure
The Realistic Sagittarian Rat Personality
The Sagittarian Rat has an easygoing personality and is cheerful and friendly most of the time. They are very levelheaded and usually brilliant at working out fast solutions to problems. As they think so realistically their suggestions will often be instantly workable and effective. These particular skills make a Sagittarian Rat an asset to any workplace or circle of friends. They will be sensible, supportive, reliable and respectful when working or socializing with others. As friends they will sometimes be a little blunt in their responses but you know you will always get an honest and sincere answer.
A Sagittarian Rat loves to travel and many of these people will learn to drive at sometime in their life. These characters crave freedom and space at times and getting away from mundane routines. They are keen on changes of scene and will try and escape the boring day-to-day things whenever they have free time. These are down to earth personalities who are basically home-loving but who possess a sense of adventure. Sagittarian Rat's do not like restrictions and may grow restless when they are in need of a break. They have a real appreciation of the world and will take any opportunity to see some of it.
In relationships a Sagittarian Rat can be rather spontaneous and romantic, they like to treat partners to surprises. When these people are in love their usual rational minds are clouded over by dreaminess. They hold a special place in their heart's for soul mates and will often completely override their commonsensical sides in personal relationships. The Sagittarian Rat is loveable and attentive and perceptive to the feelings and moods of others. You will not have to tell them how you are feeling, or what you are thinking, as they will probably already intuitively know.
The Compromising Libran Monkey Personality
The Monkey is full of fun and energy and is extremely loving and sociable. These character traits are referred to in Chinese Astrology to determine personalities. People whose birth is in the Year of the Monkey are believed to inherit some of these characteristics. The Monkey's influence is quite strong in Western Astrology born Libran's. The Libran Monkey is usually friendly, affectionate, and evenly balanced in their give and take temperaments. They are almost always compromising and agreeable and highly considerate of others. A Libran Monkey has a lovely even nature, as the Libran balance adds a bit of calm to the liveliness and mischievious Monkey.
The Libran Monkey is for the most part cheery, with a bright outlook on life and is a helpful kind personality. They often have the Libran ability to see things from all angles so they are fair-minded and easy to get along with. These personalities like to keep busy and have lots of energy and tolerance. This makes them suitable to most jobs and their strong aptitude to compromise makes them brilliant work mates. Libran Monkey's generally have lots of friends and an active social life. They like to keep up to date with things and will have an interest in current happenings in the world.
A Libran Monkey is attracted by all kinds of new information and they will usually be avid readers. Their collected and compromising nature's allow them to look at things calmly and equally before they evaluate them. These evaluations also include people as the Libran Monkey is also fairly astute. They will frequently use their instincts and perception to decide if others are amiable and trustworthy. These individual's tend to be rather good at assessing people, probably in order to protect their sometimes too soft meet halfway personalities. Their caring and sharing disposition is occasionally taken advantage of if they are not careful.
Personal relationships are most often an essential for the Libran Monkey, they need to be loved and wanted. They absolutely loathe being on their own and will usually seek a long term partner quite early in life. The charisma from both astrological influences of Libra and the Monkey help these people to attract and keep soul mates. A Libran Monkey's compromised and composed approach towards others is one of the best in the zodiac. In relationships they bloom and grow and partners are treated to the romantic and sensual sides of their character. They are agreeable and considerate for the majority of the time.
The main weakness in these particular personalities is in their inability to lose arguments graciously. The Libran Monkey will not provoke arguments but can really argue their case if one is initiated. Their usual compromising temperament is always unbalanced by a disagreement of any kind. If they feel that they are right and the other person is wrong a Libran Monkey will become very uncompromising and immensely stubborn. It is best not to get into a verbal fight with this personality as this weakness is rather prominent and easily activated
Now we've a Zoo. smile