Do Taurus men ever move on?

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by virgal_perfectionist on Friday, May 31, 2019 and has 21 replies.
I mean he broke up with me a few years ago & I took it incredibly hard...

Just recently, I realized that I was 100% over him ( ok 85% ) and that's when he tries and pop back into my life. He follows me on social media now, he's always one of the first to check my story on insta & he even text me the other night saying he had a 'crazy dream' about me. Ughhh... I just knew he moved on by now...

What does this mean? Is he slowly trying to come back into my life?
Nope. Too bad.

They make 72% of all the stalkers sitting behind the bar.
Posted by TurnOn

Nope. Too bad.

They make 72% of all the stalkers sitting behind the bar.
Posted by virgal_perfectionist

Posted by TurnOn

Nope. Too bad.

They make 72% of all the stalkers sitting behind the bar.
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I know.

True story.
He had insecurities and trust issues. He kept telling me that I deserve better no matter how much I showed him I wanted him and only him. I really loved him...more than I ever loved any man. But I guess it wasn't enough *shrugs*
What was the dream about?
Posted by virgal_perfectionist

He had insecurities and trust issues. He kept telling me that I deserve better no matter how much I showed him I wanted him and only him. I really loved him...more than I ever loved any man. But I guess it wasn't enough *shrugs*
If he is an insecure moron how is this your fault?
Posted by TaurusBull1977

What was the dream about?
I asked him what was so 'crazy' about the dream and he said 'It was a dumb dream'...then asked if I was doing okay... I just stopped responding after that
Posted by Gemitati

Posted by virgal_perfectionist

He had insecurities and trust issues. He kept telling me that I deserve better no matter how much I showed him I wanted him and only him. I really loved him...more than I ever loved any man. But I guess it wasn't enough *shrugs*
If he is an insecure moron how is this your fault?
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I still haven't received closure from the break up and I'm okay with that now. He made me feel as if the break up was 100% my fault but under the same breath he would say things like 'it's me not you' kind of thing. Until this day, I believe he still won't take any ownership that he's the reason for the breakup. He gave up ...not me
Posted by virgal_perfectionist

Posted by Gemitati

Posted by virgal_perfectionist

He had insecurities and trust issues. He kept telling me that I deserve better no matter how much I showed him I wanted him and only him. I really loved him...more than I ever loved any man. But I guess it wasn't enough *shrugs*
If he is an insecure moron how is this your fault?
I still haven't received closure from the break up and I'm okay with that now. He made me feel as if the break up was 100% my fault but under the same breath he would say things like 'it's me not you' kind of thing. Until this day, I believe he still won't take any ownership that he's the reason for the breakup. He gave up ...not me
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He is right. You are deserve better than reassuring this putz that he isn’t that worthless when he is.

Fuck it!

How pathetic is he really? 🤮
Posted by CapNCrunch

Are you single?

Is he single?

Why not mingle?
You're a poet

And didn't know it

Posted by Gemitati

Posted by virgal_perfectionist

Posted by Gemitati

Posted by virgal_perfectionist

He had insecurities and trust issues. He kept telling me that I deserve better no matter how much I showed him I wanted him and only him. I really loved him...more than I ever loved any man. But I guess it wasn't enough *shrugs*
If he is an insecure moron how is this your fault?
I still haven't received closure from the break up and I'm okay with that now. He made me feel as if the break up was 100% my fault but under the same breath he would say things like 'it's me not you' kind of thing. Until this day, I believe he still won't take any ownership that he's the reason for the breakup. He gave up ...not me
He is right. You are deserve better than reassuring this putz that he isn’t that worthless when he is.

Fuck it!

How pathetic is he really? 🤮
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Very pathetic! For the longest after the break up, he'd come back around and i'll semi-welcome him back, stroke his ego and he'd be right back blaming me for everything! It took a few more times of him doing that before I came to realization that he's a immature jerk and I stopped responding to him, now this... him following me on social media and watching my stories. I should block him huh?
Yes block him.

Or at the very least remove him from your feed so you don’t spend any more energy on this.
Posted by virgal_perfectionist

Posted by Gemitati

Posted by virgal_perfectionist

Posted by Gemitati

Posted by virgal_perfectionist

He had insecurities and trust issues. He kept telling me that I deserve better no matter how much I showed him I wanted him and only him. I really loved him...more than I ever loved any man. But I guess it wasn't enough *shrugs*
If he is an insecure moron how is this your fault?
I still haven't received closure from the break up and I'm okay with that now. He made me feel as if the break up was 100% my fault but under the same breath he would say things like 'it's me not you' kind of thing. Until this day, I believe he still won't take any ownership that he's the reason for the breakup. He gave up ...not me
He is right. You are deserve better than reassuring this putz that he isn’t that worthless when he is.

Fuck it!

How pathetic is he really? 🤮
Very pathetic! For the longest after the break up, he'd come back around and i'll semi-welcome him back, stroke his ego and he'd be right back blaming me for everything! It took a few more times of him doing that before I came to realization that he's a immature jerk and I stopped responding to him, now this... him following me on social media and watching my stories. I should block him huh?
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Don’t! You’ll show him you care.

And you don’t! So let him follow and drool all over your good life now!

Don’t hide from him. Say ‘thank you for following me dear’ or ask ‘do you follow Jesus THIS close?’

And best of all find someone handsome and change your status to ‘in love with strong man’...👍
Posted by LadyNeptune

Yes block him.

Or at the very least remove him from your feed so you don’t spend any more energy on this.
I agree, I don't even follow him back but seeing his face pop up under my stories makes me feel so numb...I guess, blocking him would solve that. But on the other side of that I subliminally post hot photos so he can see what he's missing lol
Posted by Gemitati

Posted by virgal_perfectionist

Posted by Gemitati

Posted by virgal_perfectionist

Posted by Gemitati

Posted by virgal_perfectionist

He had insecurities and trust issues. He kept telling me that I deserve better no matter how much I showed him I wanted him and only him. I really loved him...more than I ever loved any man. But I guess it wasn't enough *shrugs*
If he is an insecure moron how is this your fault?
I still haven't received closure from the break up and I'm okay with that now. He made me feel as if the break up was 100% my fault but under the same breath he would say things like 'it's me not you' kind of thing. Until this day, I believe he still won't take any ownership that he's the reason for the breakup. He gave up ...not me
He is right. You are deserve better than reassuring this putz that he isn’t that worthless when he is.

Fuck it!

How pathetic is he really? 🤮
Very pathetic! For the longest after the break up, he'd come back around and i'll semi-welcome him back, stroke his ego and he'd be right back blaming me for everything! It took a few more times of him doing that before I came to realization that he's a immature jerk and I stopped responding to him, now this... him following me on social media and watching my stories. I should block him huh?
Don’t! You’ll show him you care.

And you don’t! So let him follow and drool all over your good life now!

Don’t hide from him. Say ‘thank you for following me dear’ or ask ‘do you follow Jesus THIS close?’

And best of all find someone handsome and change your status to ‘in love with strong man’...👍
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ooohhh I like this piece of advice *takes notes*
Posted by virgal_perfectionist

Posted by TaurusBull1977

What was the dream about?
I asked him what was so 'crazy' about the dream and he said 'It was a dumb dream'...then asked if I was doing okay... I just stopped responding after that
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Good response. There was no dream.

Hes full of shit.
Posted by HankJWimbleton

User Submitted Image
well the 'mending' phase has expired about 2 years ago. He needs to move forward! Because I have. smile
taurus never change.

like my 'friend' finding out i might be seriously ill but all she did was try to sell me supplements or some other bullshit snake oil. our 'friendship' is just always her trying to profit from me.

always the profiteer.
Dunno about other Taurus men but I move on right away. No time to think continously and only make myself feel bad inside. If its on its forever (till it lasts), if its over I move on.

I hate the weak, insecure type Taurus men that I read here sometimes to be honest.
Posted by MareInfame
Posted by Majin

Dunno about other Taurus men but I move on right away. No time to think continously and only make myself feel bad inside. If its on its forever (till it lasts), if its over I move on.

I hate the weak, insecure type Taurus men that I read here sometimes to be honest.

What do you consider are the traits of these weak, insecure, Taurus males? Could you elaborate, please?
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Few traits/things that come in to my mind:

- No to less self confidence

- Maybe because not taking care of themselves enough to look good

- No to almost none income, most good taurus men like to have a stable income but more on that later

- Scared to spend money, counting every penny type

- Hopeless type, likes any attention and searches something behind it immediatly. Especially with girls

- In combination with that after getting the attention acting like a stalker (or after being left)

- Or act dramaticly like it is the end of the world

- Living their own life, their closed vicious circle

The good ones, like myself:

- Very high self confidence

- Stable and good income to live luxury life, buy whatever he desires and also save at the same time

- Looking good, going to the barber quite often to look fresh and clean

- Being chased instead chasing, till a certain degree

- Learn from the past, and move on. But never forget the past or you can't find your future

- A true leader, speaks the loudest and goes infront

- A good friend to build on and trust, tell your secrets and be there whenever you need him

Thats my opinion/view on this matter after reading here for some time and seeing some myself.