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Apr 23, 2016Comments: 512 · Posts: 2343 · Topics: 199
Many have difficulties with us, because we are difficult. Many people are getting desperate and get pusyh,
for lack of possibilites. Do the opposite, validate us and try to look for the positive intention behind our
difficulties. We dont listen to your arguments because we are assholes, we dont listen, because this
a pressing emotional need. We need love and kindness, the willingness to listen and understand us.
We are stubborn, because we want something really bad. The things we want really bad are often aligned
with our need for security and certainty. So there is no point in out argue us, this is not rational for us anymore,
we go in Survival mode. So forget logic, when we are stubborn. Tell us thats okay, hug us, that we dont have to change our mind right away and ask for the positive intentions, maybe we could find a solution that makes you happy as well.
We really are soft and mushy inside, force and bossiness makes a rational argument next to impossible, we
go to war.
We are not very verbal, we are physical. Fire signs dont like that. Here are a few things:
Connect with us through activities, esspecially romantic partner dancing, be with us in nature, again we really need to hear that it is okay. A prerequisite is that it is okay for you as well. Start slow start communicating with less personal things and texting. Anything thats romantic and put us in touch with our inner child.
I hope that helps, any tips from other fellow taurusses?
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Aug 02, 2014Comments: 177 · Posts: 2392 · Topics: 92
"Tell us thats okay, hug us, that we dont have to change our mind right away"
This is true..
I hate being pushed, specially when it comes to matters of the heart
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Apr 18, 2013Comments: 1 · Posts: 4807 · Topics: 263
So true !!!!!! Just give us a big nice cuddle and we will pretend we r listening.... hehe
Signed Up:
Apr 23, 2016Comments: 512 · Posts: 2343 · Topics: 199
We are very soft inside, we are a feminine sign after all. We need to be validated and told that we are okay
and loved just the way we are.
ha - really ? ah - no
please don't hug me and try to pacify me and tell me it's ok and that you'll give me time to change my mind - that is a form of manipulation to me and I have a very solid wall against manipulation
if I've given you my opinion and we don't agree - so be that - we should both be able to work that out
if I want something and I have the means to obtain it - I will do just that - you are welcome to do same
don't try to sweeten me up for the kill (the come back to see if I will now agree with you) - I will also see that coming - again, I see that as manipulation
the only way I can compromise is if I am working with an equally compromising person - open minded to throw both our thoughts on the table and make a deal - that is how things work to me
so sorry, but I don't agree with most of the tips above at all - might be the cap moon ...
Signed Up:
Apr 23, 2016Comments: 512 · Posts: 2343 · Topics: 199
Its not manipulation, its a form of showing respect and acceptance, thats whats its all about. It has to be genuine though.