Does it matter what kind of car he drives?

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by purrrfect on Friday, April 21, 2006 and has 15 replies.
lol Venus...I saw your name today and remembered I had a question for the bulls smile
Ok, I know that people are different. Still, some good taurean input is needed. I hooked one of my brothers up with a coworker. Both of them are Tauruses. I don't know her on a "close" level but enough to consider them a good match. They are both newly single and easy to talk to. They are meeting for the first time tonight after chatting on the phone for about 2 weeks.
I was feeling good about this up until my brother called me earlier sounding nervous. He has a good paying job, a nice house and can charm the panties off a nun. BUT, he is concerned about her judging him based on his car. Which is just a car. A plain blue car, lol! I seriously wouldn't care about what a man drives but I know some women do. I've come across 2 types of Tauruses. The very earthy, no make-up type and the very high maintenance girly types. She seems to fit the girly type. Now I am nervous for him.
So, for you girly tauruses out there . . . How important is his car?
hmm.. the thing is, i'm not even sure about what kind of taurus girl that i actually am. i am innately a very down-to-earth person, but my sagittarian ascendant can cause me to be somewhat decorative, as well. but if i were to guess, then i would think that i'm a little bit of both -- it solely depends on my mood and whether or not i'm just being lazy lol.
but to answer your question, i wouldn't care about the kind of car that a guy drives, plainly becuz i'm not at all impressed by what a guy owns or how much money he has.
however, i can understand why some taurus girls would see a guy's mode of transportation as an issue. she may think that he doesn't know how to support himself financially, or just simply that he's an overall messy and unorganized person, without any real goals and aspirations. which, i will admit, does sound a little bit harsh lol -- but i'm merely going out on a crazy limb on this.
but my point is -- if a taurus girl happens to have an problem with a guy's car, the reason would probably be along those lines. tauruses may delve deep into situations that are front of them by coming up with little (or big lol) views/opinions about them. they're really not trying to be judgemental towards the guy -- they're just being careful and cautious becuz they tend to know exactly what they want in a person. therefore, they like to sum up what they learn by observing and gathering up enough information about their current date.
another possible reason to why a taurus girl would have a problem with a guy's car is becuz she likes beauty (i'm only bringing this up becuz it happens to be a taurean characteristic, even though it wouldn't often apply in this area), so an ugly car wouldn't necessarily fit that description. however, i doubt that that would be the case -- just becuz, although tauruses enjoy all things that are attractive, they are not at all shallow when regarding matters of the heart. we're actually really thoughtful and considerate when dealing with love (although stubborness can show up every now and then lol).
but in my case, personality and a sense of humor are the only real things that could possibly win me. if you're natural and funny, you'll definately have my attention.
Venus thank you : )
I was a little nervous about this question. But they both happen to be bulls, so this was the best place for it....
however, i can understand why some taurus girls would see a guy's mode of transportation as an issue. she may think that he doesn't know how to support himself financially, or just simply that he's an overall messy and unorganized person, without any real goals and aspirations. which, i will admit, does sound a little bit harsh lol --
Not harsh. I understand the cleanliness aspect. I would probably be a little concerned if i saw 3 empty bags of cheetos, a full ashtray and a funky smell, lol.
Thanks again for the input. :::crosses fingers for little bro::::
"Not harsh. I understand the cleanliness aspect. I would probably be a little concerned if i saw 3 empty bags of cheetos, a full ashtray and a funky smell, lol."
dang, i would probably barf or something if i saw all of that and smelled whatever was making the odor unpleasant. haha man, i don't even wanna IMAGINE what he could have possibly done in there lol.

"Thanks again for the input. :::crosses fingers for little bro::::"
no problem, purfffect. i wish your brother the best of luck, too. =D
It's important.
Ok as long as it isn't a hooptie lol
I don't consider myself girly btw
The other day I had a knot in my stomach because I gave my number out, he is a hottie!
And not because I have a bf but because I didn't get to see his car lol Ugh! You disgust me sometimes TC!
Leave me alone Sad
Just don't let it be like a hyundai, suzuki, little ford or dodge, cavalier or gay little cars like that or toooooo old.
Btw, I saw his car... nice Winking
...It's important....
lmao tauruschic!
But what if he explains to her he also pays toward a mortgage on a 4 bedroom home? Would this make a diff?

There is a reason to why we check out a guys car and probably not what men think. A car is a basic need, if the guy doesn't have a decent car when he doesn't have much other expenses, it's saying that he's lazy, not wise with his money, not very ambitious. All those things are turn offs. It's not that we want someone to treat us, spend money on us ( ok a bit, yes smile ) but my reasoning is that if I can have a car, work hard and have goals... so should the guy I develop interest in.
I went home to grab a few things (I rent from my brother). Open the door and smell candle. I go into the kitchen, there are beer bottles and empty chinese food boxes everywhere. Music scattered on the floor. I guess it didn't matter after all : )
Now I get to clean it up. lol
Thanks guys!
This will keep anti busy for awhile . . not to worry. Have fun Winking

i don't get why i have never yet conformed to the taurean life style . i mean, i sound like a taurus when i describe myself, but i never have the exact, same views as do the fellow taureans that i'd happen to come across. that could have been a result of my moon and rising signs' placements (i know that i mention this a lot, but that's only becuz they do play a huge role in my overall personality).
i actually don't have many taurus friends; the girls are normally easy to talk to, but they're a little too gossipy (not all, but a large portion), and the guys are usually nice and masculine, but i don't see things the way that they do, either. however, there are two taurus girls that i'm really close to and adore (they both have their moons in water, though), and i've got one, close taurean guy friend from HS whom i also appreciate (he has his moon sign in water, as well).
so yeah, i guess that i only get along with (in a non-superficial way) tauruses with their moon signs in water, or maybe in libra, since that's also a venus sign. and libra is similar to a water sign in the fact that it's also somewhat soft and sensitive, so that would balance the taurus native out well, too.
but anyway, i don't think that i'm considered an overly materialistic person. i mean, i do like to shop and have nice things (typical, female nature), but i never go overboard. i spend more money on food and on my boyfriend than i do on myself; just becuz i like living a more luxurious life style doesn't mean that my life revolves around the tangible elements, nor does it mean that i would expect for my guy to be living his life based on how i live mine -- that would be a plain-out ignorant thing to expect.
btw, i read that tauruses stop caring about the material world (not completely, but less obsessively) when they feel emotionally fulfilled (either self-fulfilled, in a spritual sense, or fulfilled by successfully acquiring a committed relationship), so i would hope that my cancer moon has helped me better assess the emotional side of me. (i can be very, VERY deep and reflective, but unfortunately, i can also do that to a fault..)
and cancers are supposed to be kinda cheap, anyway.. so i guess that that also plays a role in evening me out when it comes to money matters. i love the sentimental stuff -- i'd prefer something thoughtful over something expensive, ANY day.

but all in all, i'd just rather go out and learn more about life than sitting around thinking about what else i would like to purchase..
..but that's just me.
"I went home to grab a few things (I rent from my brother). Open the door and smell candle. I go into the kitchen, there are beer bottles and empty chinese food boxes everywhere. Music scattered on the floor. I guess it didn't matter after all : )"

lol well i guessed it worked out for them that night. i'm glad to hear that. =]
but then again, they ARE both tauruses, so i guess that it worked out for "now" haha. but just make sure neither gets too stubborn over something small.

anywhoo, i hope that they have fun spoiling each other in the future lol.

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