Even More Confused by Taurus Man

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by woodenmeow on Tuesday, May 21, 2013 and has 5 replies.
Just when I think I have a handle on the whole taurus guy thing. I don't.
We had some kind of relationship for 3 years, from romantic to just friends, and blurred in the middle.
So 2 months after we made things clear, just friends (what he wanted).
I have not made contact unless it's work emails.
He texted me the other day out of no-where just to see how I was doing with all the changes at work...
I scratched my head.
Then yesterday out of no where again. He called me to say hi and that he wanted me to know first that he was staying in his same city but changing dept. He asked me if I could help him with ordering some business card. I said sure, and we chatted about other things, laughed at each other funny stories. Then he said he was going to have dinner with friends and would call me in a few days. I was like sure.. Still stratching my head.
I don't understand. He was certain 2 months ago to make sure I knew that he just wanted to be friends and he didn't do long distance. So I dont' understand the random
Help...Please make some sense.
sounds like he is just being friends, aren't those emails just friend emails? Taureans don't let you go, you will always be their possession in some way shape or form smile
Not much there to "make sense" of, from my perspective. He is being your friend--where's the confusion? :-p
Like Ms. Celtic said: Taureans don't let go. Possessiveness and whatnot. (Personally, once I let someone in and welcome them into my special little 'circle', that person will be there forever, unless we have a MAJOR falling out).
When he said "Friends" I assumed friends not as a literal term. Just a nice way to leave things.
I can't really be chummy with him. It just brings up bad feelings.
Why would I subject myself to that. You can't just go from bein romantic to just friends. Its not like some light switch you flip on and off.
I don't think he has put into consideration that when I get a new boyfriend, its not going to be ok for me to continue to be friendly. It wouldn't be right. Am I wrong?
That is so Funny...I thought I could try to be his friend on some kind of level. It just seems too difficult.
I just keep stratching my head.