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Dec 01, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 139 · Topics: 14
I am in a flirty messaging situation over a few months with a taurus man which is lovely however I am starting to feel like I am one or more than just me and i am not sure what to do about it. If it's not that - that he is more after attention as such more than me per se.
He is going through a separation and having a very hard time with things so unavailable as such, and i am moving country (this is long distance as it is now) so I am not looking for anything where I am.. so it's a nice thing to have for now whilst I have nothing else on the horizon. i like him a LOT the connection is intense (in person) and we had a magical time together. He tells me how messed up his life is now not much detail and I don't probe.
Problem is my nagging gut feeling makes me feel there is more than just me he is seeking romantic attention from and I am not sure what to do about it as it is making me feel a bit "played" and I don't want to make a fool of myself. When I disappear he comes back stronger than ever saying how romantic our time was how he cant wait to see me again and in truth it's hard for me to just think "forget him"as our connection was so strong ..which he tells me all the time and how that's its not just about sex or anything like that and that we really connected
In the grand scheme I guess it doesn't matter as we cant actually see each other for a few months and he is in no way in any situation to be able to give anything to me or have me top of mind, but I do feel there is someone that has his attention more than me, (but I can't say for sure). When I have messaged him he responds instantly he never avoids me or anything but we rarely do more than messaging. A few little things make me think there is someone else tho i am possibly reading into it so cant say for sure.
Biggest issue for me is he has said lets skype so i can see your beautiful face etc but it doesn't happen. This has happened twice now so naturally I am starting to feel a bit weird by it all, and i don't know how to proceed. I did even say "lets do it this time as you always say it but never do it" - but nada - he does get very sidetracked for hours with his work in the zone, but thats no excuse really.
I wouldn't contact him on principal first now and I am happy to be there for him going through such a hard time but I am his lover over his friend firstly, and now my pride has been hurt a bit and I am not sure how to proceed (cancer!)
I like it that he brings out the romantic in me... its been years since a man has been like this to me so this all serves a purpose within me.. but I dont want to make a fool of myself and I have pride. I also wouldn't want to put pressure on him with the way his life is, and as a Taurus the long distance thing also probably would add to everything if he is into someone else too, but that is temporary as I am moving. I have no doubt he feels the way about me he says he does but I don't know how much "game" there is as such. Its probably one of the strongest attractions in my life so im feeling really stuck on it all!
any advice here on how to be with him would be great thanks
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Dec 01, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 139 · Topics: 14
just that it seems its always about him not really about me a lot of the time or ever that much but im not sure he can see beyond the mess of his life ? may be the taurus in him - so whatever is going to suit his needs in the now (or whoever) because it feels like he is so desperate to not feel the way he does maybe. lets skype soon is getting old !
hes never been single or not in love so whatever he is going through is very foreign to him. Hes definitely had or is having something else but its in another country closer to me that he goes to for work, he hasn't exactly hidden it from me but doesn't talk about it... but I hate the feeling of it I guess that it could develop into something really serious before we get to spend more time together
I don't think anything he says to me or even feels is ingenuine as such but i think every woman wants to feel like they have have some sort of focus on them whoever it is in any situation
I guess i just have to accept this as the dynamic if I choose it
i would kill to be with him in a relationship (not that I know him but on the outside) its just that hes not available to me as it is - hes my crush of 20 years so why I care so much - most lust at first and second sight of my life !
have to leave it to the universe
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Dec 01, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 139 · Topics: 14
Ah probably not explained well the way it is we met 15 or so years ago when he was on vacation here connected then disappeared from each other's lives then just reconnected (properly) a few months ago by chance when I was on vacation I'd always had him in my head here and there for reasons like when you think fondly of someone .. I wouldn't sleep with him back then as he was married.
Now it's that he is in a situation where his marriage has fallen apart when we have reconnected and he's not attached .. we both look great for our age I'm over 40 he's a few years older
Anyway he seemed to have turned a little on some good news he got ... i will see how long it lasts he was suddenly very diff out of the blue very strange .. he asked about my day in great detail like "I want to know everything about it" sort of thing as well as about my impending move lots of questions .. then proceeded to tell me he has been googling cancer and Taurus and sent me a big thing about it all and insisted I read it (ugh key to my heart astrology lol) and all mushy stuff ! He had some really good news that day still weird tho
As for what I want.. really I'd just like a nice little romance with him as I know he isn't available to commit properly with the marriage thing - he is so sensual and touchy feely and makes me feel things I forgot existed after the many years of nonsense I went through of men who didn't expose or let me show that side of me (stupid Pisces games especially ugh) .. this one is so special but my cancer can't feel in competition even as a romance it's just how I am. Then I think I would want to go find someone acually available anyway (as I don't want kids no hurry)
Anyway bizarre change !