Fifty Shades of Taurus

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by miimii on Friday, July 12, 2013 and has 11 replies.
So for anyone who has read Fifty shades of grey and has dealt with a Taurus male this is for you. The Taurus I was seeing reminds me of Christian Grey. Not in the over the top way but there are similarities. Hard working, mysterious, persistant, dominating (especially in the bedroom), controlling and loves to bite and spank lol. Just a random thought. Haven't finished the book yet
John and Christian have similarities as well.
Sorry, but the book(s) were so uninteresting and poorly written that I couldn't be bothered to read through one (only skimmed a few chapters), let alone 3...
Anyway, CG sounds more like a Virgo or a Cap with some Scorpionic placements, such as Pluto aspects (esp.), 8th house, and/or certain planets in Scorpio...
Posted by chopstickcharmer
meh i am john in 9 1/2 weeks. i'm more psychologically abusive.
... smile

E. Edward Grey from Secretary could fit the bill.
Posted by chopstickcharmer
i've never seen that movie. i'm an 80's man visually.

Since 1984.
Posted by chopstickcharmer
is there a book? i might prefer to read it.

The film itself is based upon a short story- Bad Behavior by Mary Gaitskill. Which I have not read, therefore cannot recommend, but do take a look if you are interested.
Posted by chopstickcharmer
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by chopstickcharmer
i've never seen that movie. i'm an 80's man visually.

Since 1984.

*cue childhood picks of ands in a suit.*
click to expand

In diapers?...
Hell.. Scorpio and any sign relationship. .lol
I don't think domination or bondage is perverted. It is kinky though.
Posted by Impulsv
Yup the same here that character is meant for a taurus. Actually I feel it's a great sample of taurus scorp relationship

+1000 .... True . Hes so damn controlling n sweet at the same time !
I got bit, spanked, hair pulled, told to stfu and dominated by my taurus and I loved every minute of it even when he scared me lol. He is the FIRST in 28 years that knows how to ....nvm but you know.