FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428 I'm Calling You Out!

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by AnomalousBull on Sunday, July 5, 2015 and has 16 replies.
It's officially less than ten days until the end of America, allegedly. Seeing as how you are the closest to ground zero in So Cal I was wondering if you felt anxious or afraid? I mean you are surrounded by numerous Military bases which routinely conduct training, so is Jade Helm any different. I personally think this silly Jade Helm crap will come to pass just like all the other doomsday prophecies and end of the world scenarios hundreds of years prior. Still since we're both in California and we are directly affected by this ordeal what are you thoughts?

...something happened?
Well as long as we have a bunker of some sort where I can hide and not be in anyone's face. I am cool.. I don't want to consistently worry...I already stress in everyday life and I am trying to keep positive.. if you are feeling down I am here for all of you. Cause if something happens we have a support group and
Are cool peeps..

I want to be know for my existence of this world. That I was a good person who was good hearted and knows how to be a true survivor.. live long and prosper as much as you possibly can..

I don't think anything happened yet. I did see strange lights over here. Or really bright planets too close together simultaneously..
Jade Helm was a military exercise for a new software AI that can run holographic battlefield simulations real time and adjust battle plans accordingly. It's the future of warfare, no longer will humans gather Intel and give orders... it even has the capability to scour the internet for intel (NSA spying programs anyone?) and control drones remotely.
Posted by Hemispheres
Jade Helm was a military exercise for a new software AI that can run holographic battlefield simulations real time and adjust battle plans accordingly. It's the future of warfare, no longer will humans gather Intel and give orders... it even has the capability to scour the internet for intel (NSA spying programs anyone?) and control drones remotely.

You sir have provided a lick of sense!

It's important to note that nobody knows anything for certain but this is a very plausible explanation. Well it's more believable than those Nibiru, Aliens invading us, and Isis being in cahoots with obama theories. Oh boy. I think at the end of the day what it comes down to is that there are tons of people in the world whom are just not happy with living and so the thought of something fantastical transpiring such a Gov takeover, in their minds would hasten our eventual end.

Sad state of affairs, then you have the shitheads who are trying to capitalize off the situation. Why do I need to buy a coffee mug, or a shirt from you if what you say is true and we're going to cease to exist, then what do you need with my money!? LOL. Nobody ever seems to ask these questions or give it a second thought. Bottom line what's the point in capitalizing off something if money is going to become irrelevant? This is also what has ticked me off about Alex Jones and Infowars for a number of years.

That clown gets in front of his camera daily and proclaims the world is ending, the banks are in free fall and all this other shit which never happens. Yet he posts a shitload of ads to his videos and his marketing is heavy. For someone whom is all about "warning the people", he sure makes a mighty fine living off scaring people. Than again, I suppose that's why his show broadcasts on an "Entertainment Website". Ultimately people should have to buy someones book in order to learn a truth, and when someone is continuously pushing for people to buy said book it only reaffirms what I already knew that there is no global truth and only an individuals truth.

Anyway I fully expect everything to come to pass.
@ AB. Damn you scared me alittle bit...I always think about what the next major disaster may be government issues, or terrorist attacks of some sort. Since I am in So Cali not much here atm.. But man all over the world with man made or mother natures at her finest( flooding and earthquakes). Just make sure you have a plan, survivor's kit with food and water, oh and a weapon of some sort. This is consistently a burden to think.. Do you have everything? Are you ready
@ MysteriousPresence-Thank you .... I will check it out....
I only brought up Jade Helm, because you are in or near the "Insurgent Pocket". For example, Jade Helm is allegedly a Special Operations training exercise taking places in several states at the same time over an eight week process. Massive, biggest Military drill we've ever undertaken. Both Utah and Texas are deemed "Hostile Territory" hence why so many Texans are arming themselves and promising to defend their homes against our military. LOL.

The tip of Southern California is what has been deemed an "Insurgent Pocket", This is a designated, pre-scheduled training, however a lot of people believe this isn't a training but in fact a real threat, possibly an invasion which makes no sense. I mean Americans invading America? stupid. lol.

Unfortunately it's all anyone can talk about in my neck of the woods and it continuously gains ground week after week. There's a lot of Distrustful Americans out there, they aren't buying what the Gov is selling. This could all be disastrous with the right type of people in the wrong frame of mind. There's a group which is organizing on Facebook, former Military, Police Officers etc with training in counter measures, Surveillance and other special expertise whom have banded together to challenge the Gov. Right now they are getting operatives into position in every state, ham operators are relaying info, surveillance crews are conducting round the clock observations etc. It's straight up looney tunes! lmao.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
@ AB. Damn you scared me alittle bit...I always think about what the next major disaster may be government issues, or terrorist attacks of some sort. Since I am in So Cali not much here atm.. But man all over the world with man made or mother natures at her finest( flooding and earthquakes). Just make sure you have a plan, survivor's kit with food and water, oh and a weapon of some sort. This is consistently a burden to think.. Do you have everything? Are you ready

I'm CERT trained.

Also hold valid cards for AED, CPR (Adult, Child, Pet) and First Aid.

I have a closet full of supplies including a Defibrillator, med kits, oxygen tanks, respirators, gas masks, food, water, solar powered radios, tons of batteries and even 300 body bags. Other items include Kevlar, smoke grenades, air flares, ground flares, GPS, MRE's, Night Vision, Flir, and other specialized toys.
@Op- All right then looks like you're ready.. Far more than I am. I am just taking literally what I can either carry or pack in my car..
@ OP- Damn I think I'll hang around you for protection. Lol figurative and quite literally. But yeah idk.. I really don't know anymore. I heard that we were going to all have a major disaster on the mayan declaration speech of last year..The end of days type thing.

. What are we supposed to expect nowadays.. There is too many chiefs and not enough Indians. We have to work together. And alot of people have different beliefs on how to rule America.. We the people. One nation under God. What are the pledges of America..?
Eh I'm still pissed they stopped doing Pledge of Allegiance in school every morning. You know how many times I got in trouble for either not doing it or doing it but not being graceful enough while doing so? I remember when refusing the Pledge of Allegiance was a Suspension level offense and kids today don't even have to do it!!!!!!! Bastards. I got so many detentions and pink slips back in the day and now it's no big deal.

I'm also Firearms qualified. Wink.
Well shit I don't need much now. You have a weapon.. Lol I'm out ranked and I can save money though.. Woohoo..

Yea I remember the pledges.. IT stopped like 1996 or so.. I only remember elementary schools..Lol
Correction, I'm Firearms Qualified but I do not currently have a Firearm. Tongue

I have a lot of knowledge and training in combat. I held my first Firearm at age 4, it was a .38 Caliber 4 inch Victory Edition Revolver. Age 5 I learned hand to hand combat, age 6 I learned about Boobytraps by age 7 I was being trained in Knives and was proficient with Explosives by age 11.

My father was a US Marine SNCO, his idea of father and son bonding was teaching me how to kill and maim other human beings. LOL!
Well damn. Ok.... Lol well now I just need a protector.. of course you're very far in distance. I better just get my own shit and collaborate later simultaneously. Lol..