Gemini man with a Taurus woman...

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by gemaqua on Wednesday, August 16, 2006 and has 12 replies.
I'm a gemini man with:
Sun Gemini 23.10 Ascendant Aquarius 0.52
Moon Aquarius 21.39 II Pisces 17.43
Mercury Cancer 10.38 III Aries 26.26
Venus Gemini 3.45 IV Taurus 23.54
Mars Taurus 21.55 V Gemini 15.39
Jupiter Leo 7.39 VI Cancer 6.18
Saturn Virgo 8.11 VII Leo 0.52
Uranus Scorpio 17.37 R VIII Virgo 17.43
Neptune Sagittarius 19.01 R IX Libra 26.26
Pluto Libra 16.29 R Midheaven Scorpio 23.54
Lilith Leo 27.12 XI Sagittarius 15.39
Asc node Virgo 11.59 XII Capricorn 6.18

We started to work in the same company 4 months ago and at the beginning actually I felt nothing about her and our only contact was every work day's "good morning"s. But I don't know why and how, one day I noticed I love her, even though not knowing her and having not a true conversation with her. Her calm glances and sweet face, slow movements and comfortable voice attracted me very much. Our offices were in different floors, and one day I learnt from my colleagues she was gone to another city for another job. I was shocked, then immediately got her phone number from human resources department and called her for a meeting when she comes to homecity on weekends. I was very happy when she accepted my offer. But she could not find the opportunity to come on first several weekends and I became impatient, then I started to send love messages to her phone. Then I don't know, perhaps she disliked these messages or perhaps she is surprised to this quick action, she did not want to meet me any more. So, I really do not understand, at the beginning she was willing to meet, but after receiving love messages, she did not want it. And the most interesting part is: she never says "I don't want you". At the end I got really bored and said "Ok,from now on I won't call you." But, I still love her. Can any taurus women solve her behavior?.. What was she trying to tell me?...
By reading this, I don't see where you have actually gotten to know her; only "love" her?
That sounds on the side of stalking and obsessed. When people whom I do not know come on strong, it freaks me out. Being a Taurus, we generally are non-confrontational unless it is absolutely necessary. It sounds like she accepted the meeting request because she thought it was for professional reasons, but the moment you started sending her love messages on her phone, she figured out that you schemed her. With me being in the Human Resources field myself, your HR department can actually get into A LOT of trouble for giving out her personal phone number to someone without her consent and if you continue to do these things, she can file harassment charges on you and the company.
I would leave her alone...
Human Resources gave you her number!!! [mouth wide open] oh okay back to your story....
Dude, I think you scared her off. Honestly, I'd be scared too if you did that to me. Maybe a taurus woman isn't meant for you, I'm sure their are othef signs out there Gemini that would be flattered by your actions. Then again maybe not.
Okay I'm curious...Do you think you only think you "love" her cause you can't have her now? And you purposely torture yourself?
Because I'm willing to bet that 'if' you had her, you'd leave her for some other broad that tickled your fancy 4 months later.
I accept and I am respectful all of these comments,because you can not know the whole story and the truth of course.
Firstly, when I asked HR lady for her number she rejected my wish. I persisted and said "I want the number because I love her". Then she gave me the number. Actually I don't care HR,the company,etc. I took all the risks, risks are not as important as her. And file harassment ???!!! There can not be such a thing!!! This is a disturbing action, how can a man do such a thing who tries to prevent any damage approaching his love???!!! Ha???
To begin a conversation and after a while flirting...A common dating process?..This is not difficult to achieve. And why I did not choose this way? In the office, especially in her floor there were many stupids converting any news into stupid jokes. So if I had a true conversation with her, they would understand my interest to her and disturb her verbally. Yes, logical or not, I protected her by this way. If it were a classical flirting, I wouldn't care so much, honestly. She was like a baby cat and this arouse in me the feelings: guarding and defending her...Of course that does not mean she was weak, on the contrary she was strong in many areas, but this guarding desire is a male phenomenon over her female.
I'm 27 and she is 25 years old.I loved her when I was in another country for a training and there were 2000km. between us. Did anyone love someone who was 2000km. apart from her/him?..I remember, in the second day of the training.. I was in my hotel room and reading my training notes. Then with no reason her image came to my head with a non-periodic recursion like ocean waves bang the shore or a wild wind blows. I did not understand this and said "Hey, what is this? I am not interested in this girl, I say only a cool 'good morning' every day to her and then go. What is this event related to?" At beginnig I did not pay attention to this, but day by day it grew and surrounded me. There were a lot of beautiful girls around me but I could not even look at them. If I look at a beautiful girl, after severel seconds later her image comes into my head and I stop looking. Even I can not believe this!!!but that is it. This love came to me like novels and legends. I did not understand it and even I can not believe it, but it is true...
I'll continue later,
"when I asked HR lady for her number she rejected my wish. I persisted and said "I want the number because I love her". Then she gave me the number"
that HR person is as messed up as you. if you continue to stalk this girl, she will file charges and even possibly put a restraining order on you.
let's hope she doesn't sue the company...that's seriously messed up.
This John Mark Karr guy claimed he "loved" JonBenet Ramsey - look what happened to her.
Or look what happened with Lenny liked the mouse so much....
(Of Mice and Men)
Aqua, don't you think you freaked her out with your love messages? You could have waited to meet her before doing this. You jumped so many steps, she's probably more down to earth and needed real connection. I think she was willing to give you a chance but you spoiled it with your actions.
this gemaqua guy isn't telling the whole story....HR can get sued for that kind of practice.
you know as well as i do that we value our security...anytime it is threatened, we protect ourselves.
I would sue that company in a heartbeat for giving out my personal information.
scorpoffcharts, you are completely right.
Unfortunately,I understood this at the end,because I woke up at the end.
After I completed the training I came back to homecity and started to search from internet if I can get any info about her and I found her high school's web site, but I cold not get any member info of course, registration needed.Then I noticed a small part there:'members who were born today, members who were born this week'. I double clicked these parts and they opened.I was surprised when I saw her name with her birthday in the ...were born this week part. I got her birthday, and it was 3 days later. I wouldn't wait for one year to give her a birthday gift. At that night I ordered a red rose via internet by giving the office address attached a poem I wrote for her and without specifying my month passed, I could not find her alone in office hours, then one day I called her extension from my room and said: "next week I will start to participate in sales meetings and I have limited experience and knowledge about that. So, could you help me about sales subjects? Shall we talk about this in a lunch,perhaps?.." She accepted. But in that day she was very busy and we could not meet. Then, after 2 or 3 days I learnt that she was gone.
The next day I called her. I said directly: 'If I don't disturb you, I will be happy if I can see you when you come back here on weekends.' She immediately accepted, even I did not expect such a quick response. Than I said: ' I can also come to your city if you are suitable.' ,she replied: ' I am trying to rent a flat for me here and my parents are helping me. Then I said:'Ok, then. I will wait your coming here.'
So, I'll continue, I can write at nights only (my time now is: 23:50),