Hi, this is a girl on girl thing. I am a Cancer, and my ex girlfriend is a Taurus. AND I REALLY NEED SOME HELP, PLEASE.
For the starters, we were toghether for like 4/5 months. We meet and we clicked imediately. She had a boyfriend but she started being with me anyway. She told me she dosen't love him anymore, and that their relationship is not working anymore for almost a year and a bit now. She was very interested in me, she said so many sweet things and what not, including that she didn't feel something like that for anyone before me.
So here came the summer break and she went home, while I remained in town for work. The first month was great. She did so many things for me, she even stayed up late until 4 a.m (that's the time i got back for work every morning) just to skype with me, for my birthday she made me a surprise, she even tried to come for a week and stay with me ( didn't succed because of money problems)
She broke up with her boyfriend meanwhile.
We started having little problems. Childish problems. We started arguing because of the lack of attention (i know i am needy sometimes but she just flipped off one day because i did not write to her for 2 hours - while i was at work). We started having big problems in our separate lifes. Me at work and with my family, i also started to feel VERY depressed because I didn't had many friends araoud (they all were home in the summer break) and she started having big problems with her family. Two months in the summer break and she breaks up with me. She said she dosen't want to try anymore. I begged for about 3-4 days, but then i just stopped and stayed friends with her. I said that i'll wait for her to come back, and so i did. She was contacting me.
After the summer break was gone she came in town. She still said that her mind was set on the fact that we've been broken up and that's it. We started hanging out again, and somehow we started kissing, sleeping togheter, and discussing our problems.
She was hot and cold for a few months, we had weeks when she was all cute and affectious (two weeks ago she said she dosen't want to let me slip away to some other girls, and that she liked me very much). Then I noticed she's VERY jelous on another girl, a friend of mine, wich she says that she likes me. I was soooo confused.
A few days ago i approaced her because she was all cold again for like two days. She said that she made her mind and she dosen't want to try it again with me, so she broke up with me again.
Tho she clearly cares for me and she has feelings for me. I made it clear that i love her with all of my heart, that i truly want her and that i think we just need to calm down and discuss why we are acting the way we do. I also said that i can't be simply friends with her because i just want her to be my gf.
That happened 3 days ago, and I'm thinking that she needs some time to cool it off? She didn't text me since then, but yesterday and the day before that we met up for some projects (we have a few projects togheter). We made jokes at some point, laughed, and so on, but she was still very cold at the end of the night, and i was also a bit cold cause i don't know how to act.
What sould i do? I'm trying to get her back asap, but at the same time i know i have to let her calm down. But not for to long so i can still have a chance and so she can't get used to the idea that i don't fight for her so that i moved on.
I am so confused.
She's playing with you. Might like to have someone she can fall back on when the well runs dry, but doesn't seem to feel anything for you anymore. Get mad that she thinks she can do that to you and freeze her out. You'll meet someone else.
Signed Up:
Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
She used you as a boost to exit a failing relationship. It was fun while it lasted.
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Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
Once you step into the side chick role that's all you'll ever be, boyfriend or not.
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Aug 04, 2015Comments: 2057 · Posts: 38091 · Topics: 1026
Hon, leave her as soon as you can.
Do you want your life to be a turmoil based on her mood swings? Respect yourself. It's not her sign we are talking about. Every woman can be a nut but she sounds like a person with some mental disorder. Keep out!
You don't need this at your age. Too much to deal with and future seems not so good.
Hugs. Move on.
1. Love come into form through any direction in life man or woman, at any given time.
2. This is and can be karma debt to either oppsite sex or same.
3. If shit isn't right we still work it out, but with who and if they treat you right does matter.
4. She is still messing with the current ex bff, you would be a side chick right now.
5. No matter what sex. TAURUS will always just want space and a care free respect attitude. Even if you are in the same household Taurus will do their own thing and then come back to it. If you sleeping in the bed or cooking together that's brownie points.
- she treats me right, she takes care of me, i know that she cares, its just that we're in the final year of college and we have so many things on our heads, plus the other problems (family problems and what not) and we can't seem to syncronize when it comes to feeling. It's clear that they're there, but still
How old are you two?
- we're 21, almost 22
Signed Up:
Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
How many people actually test someone and testing comes to people who have been through many ringers in life subconsciously and consciously. Only the person doesn't know and then they wonder why the hot and cold acts. Every person is been know to do this. I just hope it's not malicious or manipulative cause it's not right to play games of hot and cold.
When people feel the same about each other, their feelings are never out of sync. Moods may change, extraneous factors may interfere on one end or the other, but the feelings are constant. If someone runs hot and cold in a committed relationship, something is wrong. Hot and cold is a game people play sometimes before the relationship happens, to test one another, and that's somewhat understandable. No need for it once two people have established their relationship.
- we are not in a committed relationship, neither we were in the last few months since she's back in country.
Also 2 days ago we met for a project and we ended making out for 2 hours straight, and last night we we're out with a group of friends at a birthday party. There was this girl wich kind of likes me and my ex started dancing with me and being super super jealous