Getting through to the Taurus Man....Slow and steady wins the race...But how?

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by countrygirl88 on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 and has 59 replies.
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I am a cancer female dating a taurus male. we've known of each other for almost a decade, were interested in each other back in the day, but never dated, due to both of us being in relationships. recently we have back come in contact and realized we still liked each other. He has told me that he can see himself being with me, but when I asked if there was anyone else in the picture, he told me that he was considering someone else as well. He downplayed her and said they were not having sex, and made it seem like nothing was really there, just a casual re-connection, but he also is not the best with communicating with me. I sometimes feel as though i have to reach out to him in order to hear from him. If I go a while w/o talking to him, he will reach out but sometimes it takes a day or so to notice that im gone....when we are around each other, he is always touching me, trying to tickle me, and i caught a couple of gazes from him...but then he will leave, text me a few hours later, and then i won't hear anything from him the next day, unless i reach out...i know he wants to take it slow, and i have no issues being patient, knowing i have a reason can i communicate that i am interested in him, and ask how he feels without adding too much pressure?

More details to follow, pending response....
Feel free to ask questions...I only put enough info to start the conversation....
Gurl you in a harem
And how would you figure this
so far no one has a genuine answer for me lol
Posted by countrygirl88
I am a cancer female dating a taurus male. we've known of each other for almost a decade, were interested in each other back in the day, but never dated, due to both of us being in relationships. recently we have back come in contact and realized we still liked each other. He has told me that he can see himself being with me, but when I asked if there was anyone else in the picture, he told me that he was considering someone else as well. He downplayed her and said they were not having sex, and made it seem like nothing was really there, just a casual re-connection, but he also is not the best with communicating with me. I sometimes feel as though i have to reach out to him in order to hear from him. If I go a while w/o talking to him, he will reach out but sometimes it takes a day or so to notice that im gone....when we are around each other, he is always touching me, trying to tickle me, and i caught a couple of gazes from him...but then he will leave, text me a few hours later, and then i won't hear anything from him the next day, unless i reach out...i know he wants to take it slow, and i have no issues being patient, knowing i have a reason can i communicate that i am interested in him, and ask how he feels without adding too much pressure?

More details to follow, pending response....
Are you sleeping together?
Posted by jeane
Posted by countrygirl88
I am a cancer female dating a taurus male. we've known of each other for almost a decade, were interested in each other back in the day, but never dated, due to both of us being in relationships. recently we have back come in contact and realized we still liked each other. He has told me that he can see himself being with me, but when I asked if there was anyone else in the picture, he told me that he was considering someone else as well. He downplayed her and said they were not having sex, and made it seem like nothing was really there, just a casual re-connection, but he also is not the best with communicating with me. I sometimes feel as though i have to reach out to him in order to hear from him. If I go a while w/o talking to him, he will reach out but sometimes it takes a day or so to notice that im gone....when we are around each other, he is always touching me, trying to tickle me, and i caught a couple of gazes from him...but then he will leave, text me a few hours later, and then i won't hear anything from him the next day, unless i reach out...i know he wants to take it slow, and i have no issues being patient, knowing i have a reason can i communicate that i am interested in him, and ask how he feels without adding too much pressure?

More details to follow, pending response....
Are you sleeping together?
click to expand
A very valid question.
No, not yet
Don't get me wrong, I'm not wanting or expecting an instant relationship....I am enjoying our flirting and getting to know each other...when I do hear from him, its like we never missed a beat...but i don't have time for games, and I am not about to waste my time...i want someone who is ready to settle down with the right person, not persons...
OP, I think his flirting and handsy-ness is a good sign that he is attracted to you, but I'd be concerned about this other girl. If he thought he had to bring her up, then he probably feels something for her and didn't think he could or should hide it.

He's trying to decide between the two of you. Not sure if you should go out of your way to win him over. That's something lower lifeforms do. Be who you are and let the chips fall where they may.

Or just walk away if you don't like the idea of having to compete for someone's love. Perfectly valid.
Posted by countrygirl88
No, not yet
He is not leaving more than a few days before contacting you. Often he responds fairly quickly or within a few hours. How often would you like him to contact you?

Very valid point...he brought her up bc i asked if there was any other person in the picture....he responded yes, and did say that he once thought he could see himself with her, but that doesn't mean that they are going to be together....he then said that they aren't having sex, "or anything", like there was nothing really going on with her....i didn't pry bc i honestly don't care in the sense of being insecure, but the reason why it crossed my mind is bc i don't compete with females for male attention...just not that desperate....but i do like him and don't wanna throw things away based upon an assumption....

Hi Jean, im more of a talk everyday type...when i am interested in someone i don't like days to go by without hearing from that not saying that i need to be on the phone 24/7...just a call here, a text there...bc you make time for what you want, imo
Posted by countrygirl88
Very valid point...he brought her up bc i asked if there was any other person in the picture....he responded yes, and did say that he once thought he could see himself with her, but that doesn't mean that they are going to be together....he then said that they aren't having sex, "or anything", like there was nothing really going on with her....i didn't pry bc i honestly don't care in the sense of being insecure, but the reason why it crossed my mind is bc i don't compete with females for male attention...just not that desperate....but i do like him and don't wanna throw things away based upon an assumption....

Hi Jean, im more of a talk everyday type...when i am interested in someone i don't like days to go by without hearing from that not saying that i need to be on the phone 24/7...just a call here, a text there...bc you make time for what you want, imo

A typical Taurus may not be for you then. They will become occupied with other things. They are fairly independent and I think from my experience, they expect you to be the same.

I speak to my partner fairly regularly but not everyday. There will be the odd days where he will get on with whatever he needs to deal with. Sometimes I will text and he might not respond for a few hours if he is busy. Its not personal. He's just busy.

Especially while you are only dating and not in a exclusive relationship you might need to change your expectations.

I was thinking of letting him know that i am interested over dinner....I read that the taurus is slow to move and i may have to make the first move...through cooking dinner and inviting him thinking of trying this move and letting him know that i am interested in him, and that i don't want to rush this or add undue pressure to him or myself, but i thought it fair that he knows so that he can tell me if the feeling will be reciprocated or not....thoughts???
Thank you Jean, that is actually what I was hoping you would say...i work full time and and in school full time, along with family obligations and friends...I wouldn't say i am too busy to date, but i will say that my own independance can sometimes allow for me to be used, or can easily send a message that i am not interested to those i a military vet, so i am not used to dating civilians, but was told that if you don't hear something daily from the person you like, it means he is not interested...
I was thinking of letting him know that i am interested over dinner....I read that the taurus is slow to move and i may have to make the first move...through cooking dinner and inviting him thinking of trying this move and letting him know that i am interested in him, and that i don't want to rush this or add undue pressure to him or myself, but i thought it fair that he knows so that he can tell me if the feeling will be reciprocated or not....thoughts???
Posted by countrygirl88
Thank you Jean, that is actually what I was hoping you would say...i work full time and and in school full time, along with family obligations and friends...I wouldn't say i am too busy to date, but i will say that my own independance can sometimes allow for me to be used, or can easily send a message that i am not interested to those i a military vet, so i am not used to dating civilians, but was told that if you don't hear something daily from the person you like, it means he is not interested...
Whoever told you that should be slapped. When I got together with my partner I used to hear from him every few days? We didn't see each other for maybe a week at a time? He was interested (obviously) but yeah, it was a slow burn. To be fair, I was keeping him at arms length too and I was interested!
Not to disagree with these guys here ^^^ but my Taurus is one step away from being clingy! It's me, the water sign, who needs my space regularly.

He texts me EVERY day and has done for the last year. Fuck me, it's been a year!!

He's not one for talking endlessly on the phone but text/voice texts are an everyday occurrence. I've had to ask him to reduce down the texts during the day as I'm working and need to focus on that. It's not horrendous, it's just become more the last few weeks. I also had to ask him to ease up on the evening texts as I often work late so when I go home I want to get shit done or switch off... not be sitting texting shit to him.

He wants to see me more often than I want to see him. I like my physical space so I can miss him but he's want me with him everyday. If we don't see each other midweek then he suffers but I don't.

It's not a nasty clingy behaviour. I think he just needs to do some more shit instead of making me his entire world. Then again, at least he's bothered about me!

Posted by AgentP911
Not to disagree with these guys here ^^^ but my Taurus is one step away from being clingy! It's me, the water sign, who needs my space regularly.

He texts me EVERY day and has done for the last year. Fuck me, it's been a year!!

He's not one for talking endlessly on the phone but text/voice texts are an everyday occurrence. I've had to ask him to reduce down the texts during the day as I'm working and need to focus on that. It's not horrendous, it's just become more the last few weeks. I also had to ask him to ease up on the evening texts as I often work late so when I go home I want to get shit done or switch off... not be sitting texting shit to him.

He wants to see me more often than I want to see him. I like my physical space so I can miss him but he's want me with him everyday. If we don't see each other midweek then he suffers but I don't.

It's not a nasty clingy behaviour. I think he just needs to do some more shit instead of making me his entire world. Then again, at least he's bothered about me!

That's interesting. Is he water dominant?
Posted by jeane
Posted by AgentP911
Not to disagree with these guys here ^^^ but my Taurus is one step away from being clingy! It's me, the water sign, who needs my space regularly.

He texts me EVERY day and has done for the last year. Fuck me, it's been a year!!

He's not one for talking endlessly on the phone but text/voice texts are an everyday occurrence. I've had to ask him to reduce down the texts during the day as I'm working and need to focus on that. It's not horrendous, it's just become more the last few weeks. I also had to ask him to ease up on the evening texts as I often work late so when I go home I want to get shit done or switch off... not be sitting texting shit to him.

He wants to see me more often than I want to see him. I like my physical space so I can miss him but he's want me with him everyday. If we don't see each other midweek then he suffers but I don't.

It's not a nasty clingy behaviour. I think he just needs to do some more shit instead of making me his entire world. Then again, at least he's bothered about me!

That's interesting. Is he water dominant?
click to expand

No. None at all.

Rising Leo

Sun Taurus

Moon Leo

Mercury Aries

Venus Aries

Mars Cap

Jupiter Sag

Saturn Taurus

Uranus Libra

Neptune Sag

Pluto Virgo

True node Aquarius

It must be cos he's so in love ? The soppy twat!

Not all water signs are overly emotional basket cases!
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
PS. Think about it OP. The Taurus has know. You 10 years and now that he has a chance to be with you, he is letting you compete with someone else for his affections??? After 10 years! He cent be that serious about you you.... Think hard. Perhaps you are both meant to be just friends and nothing more...
Hence harem
Posted by countrygirl88
I was thinking of letting him know that i am interested over dinner....I read that the taurus is slow to move and i may have to make the first move...through cooking dinner and inviting him thinking of trying this move and letting him know that i am interested in him, and that i don't want to rush this or add undue pressure to him or myself, but i thought it fair that he knows so that he can tell me if the feeling will be reciprocated or not....thoughts???

I looooooooove when people cook for me.

I know that's just me and maybe not him, but I say go for it.

Ok, i think my questions are being taken waaaayyy out of context...Are you all going to say that when you date someone that you actually like, that person is the ONLY person you focus on, putting all of your eggs into ONE basket, even after only a short period of time?? I doubt it, bc THAT would be clingy lol...He was being honest with me, I am the one that asked if there was anyone else in the picture, and he answered, by saying maybe one, but there is nothing serious there...its called communicating, correct? since when has dating been turned into a harem, and since when does being honest with a person turn into a competition to compete for love and affection? If that is the case, I have my own harem as well lololol....we haven't been dating long at all, not even a full month...I just wanted some insight to the sometimes mysterious Taurus man, in the event that our chance meet actually turns into something of know, the same way you would check out a person when you meet them to try and get an edge up..normal, healthy dating research that actually sparked after a conversation about zodiac signs with a friend....I hope this clears things up some on my end, as I know you all were working with limited information...Please feel free to share your thoughts.... smile
Thank you for your response, but clearly you are taking simple words from my initial statement and creating your own worries, I am here to provide answers to your "questions" lol....We met 10 years ago, IN THE MILITARY...i was only 18, and was in a was he...the attraction was there but i didn't make a move, and neither did he because we were loyal to our current partners of the time...back in 2011 he tried to reach out, but I was still in a relationship, so I couldn't and would not entertain him...If you would've actually read my post, instead of looking for ways to criticize, you would've noticed that I said "we've known OF each other for almost a decade",...i never said we've known each other for years and been in each other's life..kinda hard to do that when im in a relationship while spending 6 years making great money in afghanistan..but i understand how you would come to your quick conclusion...yes, then your point would make sense...just because you are not a person who talks to your SO everyday does not make me clingy for wanting a simple text is funny that you mention not talking to someone everyday but you put all eggs in one basket within 1 month of connecting to someone and Im clingy for exploring my options and living my life while wanting at least a text within a 24 hour period??....I am very appreciative of any advice that I get, when it will actually make sense to my situation and is what i was actually asking is very judgemental and ignorant to assume one is a part of a harem just bc and attractive guy has a chick that may be trying to also get into his one wants a bum, so its not a bad thing that ppl want him, just as much as me not having a harem of my own bc there are guys that wanna be with me as question really was in regards to interest and how I should go about asking him, that was pretty much it..and now, you should probably re-read my initial post...ALL OF IT lol

my question was simply: how can i communicate that i am interested in him, and ask how he feels without adding too much pressure?

Funny how no one has actually answered it as of yet...
Posted by countrygirl88

my question was simply: how can i communicate that i am interested in him, and ask how he feels without adding too much pressure?

Funny how no one has actually answered it as of yet...

i will take a stab. if you are interested just tell him you are interested. no games, no coy hints, they just won't get it. you need to be forthright.

similarly, if you want to know how he feels about you, ask him. i don't know how this could be perceived as undue pressure. ask him, he'll give you a straight answer.

Thank you Jean....It's refreshing that some people still have an appreciation for forthright personalities...I said undue pressure bc some men are not the best at conversations relating to the heart or affections and feel as though they are being pressured, thus using this to hide from this type of talk...

Thank you for your advice. smile
Posted by countrygirl88
Thank you Jean....It's refreshing that some people still have an appreciation for forthright personalities...I said undue pressure bc some men are not the best at conversations relating to the heart or affections and feel as though they are being pressured, thus using this to hide from this type of talk...

Thank you for your advice. smile
that's alright. good luck with it. bulls are not made of sugar. you don't have to tiptoe around them. they aren't great about talking about feelings so don't expect a long, detailed conversation with lots of descriptive words about how he is feeling but he will tell you the truth.
Are you a taurus?
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by Bricks195
Posted by countrygirl88
I was thinking of letting him know that i am interested over dinner....I read that the taurus is slow to move and i may have to make the first move...through cooking dinner and inviting him thinking of trying this move and letting him know that i am interested in him, and that i don't want to rush this or add undue pressure to him or myself, but i thought it fair that he knows so that he can tell me if the feeling will be reciprocated or not....thoughts???

I looooooooove when people cook for me.

I know that's just me and maybe not him, but I say go for it.

He probably has other members of his harem cooking for him as well... He is probably "judging" them all on their dishes before making his final decision! Smh....
click to expand

Could be. I just wanted to enjoy a home cooked meal vicariously through him.

Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by countrygirl88
Thank you for your response, but clearly you are taking simple words from my initial statement and creating your own worries, I am here to provide answers to your "questions" lol....We met 10 years ago, IN THE MILITARY...i was only 18, and was in a was he...the attraction was there but i didn't make a move, and neither did he because we were loyal to our current partners of the time...back in 2011 he tried to reach out, but I was still in a relationship, so I couldn't and would not entertain him...If you would've actually read my post, instead of looking for ways to criticize, you would've noticed that I said "we've known OF each other for almost a decade",...i never said we've known each other for years and been in each other's life..kinda hard to do that when im in a relationship while spending 6 years making great money in afghanistan..but i understand how you would come to your quick conclusion...yes, then your point would make sense...just because you are not a person who talks to your SO everyday does not make me clingy for wanting a simple text is funny that you mention not talking to someone everyday but you put all eggs in one basket within 1 month of connecting to someone and Im clingy for exploring my options and living my life while wanting at least a text within a 24 hour period??....I am very appreciative of any advice that I get, when it will actually make sense to my situation and is what i was actually asking is very judgemental and ignorant to assume one is a part of a harem just bc and attractive guy has a chick that may be trying to also get into his one wants a bum, so its not a bad thing that ppl want him, just as much as me not having a harem of my own bc there are guys that wanna be with me as question really was in regards to interest and how I should go about asking him, that was pretty much it..and now, you should probably re-read my initial post...ALL OF IT lol

my question was simply: how can i communicate that i am interested in him, and ask how he feels without adding too much pressure?

Funny how no one has actually answered it as of yet...
Not every day!!! Do not expect communication every day.. if you do, Taurus is not for you.

If Taurus wants you there will be "no other competition"

If Taurus wants you he will make it as clear as your nose as he is highly persistent ....

Never chase. If he wants you he knows how to get you. "Cooking us dinner" will not be that simple to get on our "Exclusive Club" list...

U are on his harem list.

Need I go on...

Taurus sun, mars and nn..
click to expand

I keep seeing this and not saying anything. No more haha.

I've never been in a relationship where I didn't keep in touch with my girlfriend every day. I don't think people need to be inseparable; that would be annoying, but calling or texting every day is not a burden. If I'm in a relationship with you, there's a 99% chance I enjoy talking to you.

I never heard before this thread that Tauruses don't like to keep in touch daily. I didn't know that was supposed to be our thing. And I have Mercury in Taurus, too. I still talk to my girlfriends daily.

Posted by Bricks195
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by countrygirl88
Thank you for your response, but clearly you are taking simple words from my initial statement and creating your own worries, I am here to provide answers to your "questions" lol....We met 10 years ago, IN THE MILITARY...i was only 18, and was in a was he...the attraction was there but i didn't make a move, and neither did he because we were loyal to our current partners of the time...back in 2011 he tried to reach out, but I was still in a relationship, so I couldn't and would not entertain him...If you would've actually read my post, instead of looking for ways to criticize, you would've noticed that I said "we've known OF each other for almost a decade",...i never said we've known each other for years and been in each other's life..kinda hard to do that when im in a relationship while spending 6 years making great money in afghanistan..but i understand how you would come to your quick conclusion...yes, then your point would make sense...just because you are not a person who talks to your SO everyday does not make me clingy for wanting a simple text is funny that you mention not talking to someone everyday but you put all eggs in one basket within 1 month of connecting to someone and Im clingy for exploring my options and living my life while wanting at least a text within a 24 hour period??....I am very appreciative of any advice that I get, when it will actually make sense to my situation and is what i was actually asking is very judgemental and ignorant to assume one is a part of a harem just bc and attractive guy has a chick that may be trying to also get into his one wants a bum, so its not a bad thing that ppl want him, just as much as me not having a harem of my own bc there are guys that wanna be with me as question really was in regards to interest and how I should go about asking him, that was pretty much it..and now, you should probably re-read my initial post...ALL OF IT lol

my question was simply: how can i communicate that i am interested in him, and ask how he feels without adding too much pressure?

Funny how no one has actually answered it as of yet...
Not every day!!! Do not expect communication every day.. if you do, Taurus is not for you.

If Taurus wants you there will be "no other competition"

If Taurus wants you he will make it as clear as your nose as he is highly persistent ....

Never chase. If he wants you he knows how to get you. "Cooking us dinner" will not be that simple to get on our "Exclusive Club" list...

U are on his harem list.

Need I go on...

Taurus sun, mars and nn..

I keep seeing this and not saying anything. No more haha.

I've never been in a relationship where I didn't keep in touch with my girlfriend every day. I don't think people need to be inseparable; that would be annoying, but calling or texting every day is not a burden. If I'm in a relationship with you, there's a 99% chance I enjoy talking to you.

I never heard before this thread that Tauruses don't like to keep in touch daily. I didn't know that was supposed to be our thing. And I have Mercury in Taurus, too. I still talk to my girlfriends daily.

click to expand
What about when you are dating around? Would you still contact all the women you are seeing everyday?
Posted by jeane
Posted by Bricks195
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by countrygirl88
Thank you for your response, but clearly you are taking simple words from my initial statement and creating your own worries, I am here to provide answers to your "questions" lol....We met 10 years ago, IN THE MILITARY...i was only 18, and was in a was he...the attraction was there but i didn't make a move, and neither did he because we were loyal to our current partners of the time...back in 2011 he tried to reach out, but I was still in a relationship, so I couldn't and would not entertain him...If you would've actually read my post, instead of looking for ways to criticize, you would've noticed that I said "we've known OF each other for almost a decade",...i never said we've known each other for years and been in each other's life..kinda hard to do that when im in a relationship while spending 6 years making great money in afghanistan..but i understand how you would come to your quick conclusion...yes, then your point would make sense...just because you are not a person who talks to your SO everyday does not make me clingy for wanting a simple text is funny that you mention not talking to someone everyday but you put all eggs in one basket within 1 month of connecting to someone and Im clingy for exploring my options and living my life while wanting at least a text within a 24 hour period??....I am very appreciative of any advice that I get, when it will actually make sense to my situation and is what i was actually asking is very judgemental and ignorant to assume one is a part of a harem just bc and attractive guy has a chick that may be trying to also get into his one wants a bum, so its not a bad thing that ppl want him, just as much as me not having a harem of my own bc there are guys that wanna be with me as question really was in regards to interest and how I should go about asking him, that was pretty much it..and now, you should probably re-read my initial post...ALL OF IT lol

my question was simply: how can i communicate that i am interested in him, and ask how he feels without adding too much pressure?

Funny how no one has actually answered it as of yet...
Not every day!!! Do not expect communication every day.. if you do, Taurus is not for you.

If Taurus wants you there will be "no other competition"

If Taurus wants you he will make it as clear as your nose as he is highly persistent ....

Never chase. If he wants you he knows how to get you. "Cooking us dinner" will not be that simple to get on our "Exclusive Club" list...

U are on his harem list.

Need I go on...

Taurus sun, mars and nn..

I keep seeing this and not saying anything. No more haha.

I've never been in a relationship where I didn't keep in touch with my girlfriend every day. I don't think people need to be inseparable; that would be annoying, but calling or texting every day is not a burden. If I'm in a relationship with you, there's a 99% chance I enjoy talking to you.

I never heard before this thread that Tauruses don't like to keep in touch daily. I didn't know that was supposed to be our thing. And I have Mercury in Taurus, too. I still talk to my girlfriends daily.

What about when you are dating around? Would you still contact all the women you are seeing everyday?
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I don't date around, but there have been a couple times when I was interested in a couple girls at the same time. Yes, I talked to them as often as I could. If it wasn't daily, it was because we couldn't talk daily, not because I didn't want to.

Being attracted to someone makes me want to talk to them, even in situations where I know I can't act on my feelings. I still get a little bit of a kick from talking to them. The more attracted I am and more available they are, the more I want to talk.
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by Bricks195
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by countrygirl88
Thank you for your response, but clearly you are taking simple words from my initial statement and creating your own worries, I am here to provide answers to your "questions" lol....We met 10 years ago, IN THE MILITARY...i was only 18, and was in a was he...the attraction was there but i didn't make a move, and neither did he because we were loyal to our current partners of the time...back in 2011 he tried to reach out, but I was still in a relationship, so I couldn't and would not entertain him...If you would've actually read my post, instead of looking for ways to criticize, you would've noticed that I said "we've known OF each other for almost a decade",...i never said we've known each other for years and been in each other's life..kinda hard to do that when im in a relationship while spending 6 years making great money in afghanistan..but i understand how you would come to your quick conclusion...yes, then your point would make sense...just because you are not a person who talks to your SO everyday does not make me clingy for wanting a simple text is funny that you mention not talking to someone everyday but you put all eggs in one basket within 1 month of connecting to someone and Im clingy for exploring my options and living my life while wanting at least a text within a 24 hour period??....I am very appreciative of any advice that I get, when it will actually make sense to my situation and is what i was actually asking is very judgemental and ignorant to assume one is a part of a harem just bc and attractive guy has a chick that may be trying to also get into his one wants a bum, so its not a bad thing that ppl want him, just as much as me not having a harem of my own bc there are guys that wanna be with me as question really was in regards to interest and how I should go about asking him, that was pretty much it..and now, you should probably re-read my initial post...ALL OF IT lol

my question was simply: how can i communicate that i am interested in him, and ask how he feels without adding too much pressure?

Funny how no one has actually answered it as of yet...
Not every day!!! Do not expect communication every day.. if you do, Taurus is not for you.

If Taurus wants you there will be "no other competition"

If Taurus wants you he will make it as clear as your nose as he is highly persistent ....

Never chase. If he wants you he knows how to get you. "Cooking us dinner" will not be that simple to get on our "Exclusive Club" list...

U are on his harem list.

Need I go on...

Taurus sun, mars and nn..

I keep seeing this and not saying anything. No more haha.

I've never been in a relationship where I didn't keep in touch with my girlfriend every day. I don't think people need to be inseparable; that would be annoying, but calling or texting every day is not a burden. If I'm in a relationship with you, there's a 99% chance I enjoy talking to you.

I never heard before this thread that Tauruses don't like to keep in touch daily. I didn't know that was supposed to be our thing. And I have Mercury in Taurus, too. I still talk to my girlfriends daily.

Maybe it's me... But I have always liked my space and lead a hectic life style so like to keep as independent as possible and have always been attracted to men that are very independent also.

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I have two jobs and not a whole lot of free time. I'm not with anyone right now and I have no idea how I would find the time at this point, but I have an ex that I still talk to every day. It's like a mirage in the desert on some days.

Posted by countrygirl88
Thank you for your response, but clearly you are taking simple words from my initial statement and creating your own worries, I am here to provide answers to your "questions" lol....We met 10 years ago, IN THE MILITARY...i was only 18, and was in a was he...the attraction was there but i didn't make a move, and neither did he because we were loyal to our current partners of the time...back in 2011 he tried to reach out, but I was still in a relationship, so I couldn't and would not entertain him...If you would've actually read my post, instead of looking for ways to criticize, you would've noticed that I said "we've known OF each other for almost a decade",...i never said we've known each other for years and been in each other's life..kinda hard to do that when im in a relationship while spending 6 years making great money in afghanistan..but i understand how you would come to your quick conclusion...yes, then your point would make sense...just because you are not a person who talks to your SO everyday does not make me clingy for wanting a simple text is funny that you mention not talking to someone everyday but you put all eggs in one basket within 1 month of connecting to someone and Im clingy for exploring my options and living my life while wanting at least a text within a 24 hour period??....I am very appreciative of any advice that I get, when it will actually make sense to my situation and is what i was actually asking is very judgemental and ignorant to assume one is a part of a harem just bc and attractive guy has a chick that may be trying to also get into his one wants a bum, so its not a bad thing that ppl want him, just as much as me not having a harem of my own bc there are guys that wanna be with me as question really was in regards to interest and how I should go about asking him, that was pretty much it..and now, you should probably re-read my initial post...ALL OF IT lol

my question was simply: how can i communicate that i am interested in him, and ask how he feels without adding too much pressure?

Funny how no one has actually answered it as of yet...

Six years making great money in Afghanistan...

War... it's always about the money!

OP, I agree with Jeane here. Just be direct and ask him/tell him you like him. Then it's done. I wouldn't lose sleep over it. Date him. Don't fuck him. Get to know him. If he's interested in more you'll know soon enough. Dating, watching, waiting will reveal his intentions and give you time to build something with him. In the end, he may not want a relationship with you and prefer someone else. It happens. It's no bad reflection on you. I would recommend you date others so you don't focus all your attention on one man. Entertain a few other options as you never know, one of those might be a better match for you. If you want to cook for him then do so but just ensure you're not putting in more than he is. Keep the balance there hence dating others can help you psychologically to know you do have other options and stop you chasing/giving too much to a man who may not be giving you much in return.

It's hard to know your situation as we only have what you say to go on but bear in mind if you're putting your situation out here you will get a mix of views.
I will have to agree with JohntheBaptist here,

The Bull had 10 years to solidify his position with her.

Granted they were both in their own respective relationships, however, she is now available, there should be nothing to prevent him for going in FULL THROTTLE!

What is he pondering on? Is she worthy enough? Is she attractive enough?

Surely this Bull must know this by now.

Call it a gut instinct, but something tells me the Cancer woman is a plan B option, just in case Option A flakes out for some reason.

He mentioned the other female...not a harem.

Honestly, the 'harem' would have been less damaging.

Less emotional ties.

Something tells me he has emotional ties to this other woman.

OP, don't even bother whipping him a meal.

Posted by countrygirl88
but when I asked if there was anyone else in the picture, he told me that he was considering someone else as well. He downplayed her and said they were not having sex, and made it seem like nothing was really there, just a casual re-connection,
This other woman is clearly an ex....

Posted by DMV
Gurl you in a harem

Posted by AgentP911
Not to disagree with these guys here ^^^ but my Taurus is one step away from being clingy! It's me, the water sign, who needs my space regularly.

He texts me EVERY day and has done for the last year. Fuck me, it's been a year!!

He's not one for talking endlessly on the phone but text/voice texts are an everyday occurrence. I've had to ask him to reduce down the texts during the day as I'm working and need to focus on that. It's not horrendous, it's just become more the last few weeks. I also had to ask him to ease up on the evening texts as I often work late so when I go home I want to get shit done or switch off... not be sitting texting shit to him.

He wants to see me more often than I want to see him. I like my physical space so I can miss him but he's want me with him everyday. If we don't see each other midweek then he suffers but I don't.

It's not a nasty clingy behaviour. I think he just needs to do some more shit instead of making me his entire world. Then again, at least he's bothered about me!

Sounds like you are not "into" him. I treat people how you are describing when I am just not "that into them."


Just tell him you are interested in him. Its up to him to make a move. To court you. Not the other way around.
Posted by bostongigi
Posted by AgentP911
Not to disagree with these guys here ^^^ but my Taurus is one step away from being clingy! It's me, the water sign, who needs my space regularly.

He texts me EVERY day and has done for the last year. Fuck me, it's been a year!!

He's not one for talking endlessly on the phone but text/voice texts are an everyday occurrence. I've had to ask him to reduce down the texts during the day as I'm working and need to focus on that. It's not horrendous, it's just become more the last few weeks. I also had to ask him to ease up on the evening texts as I often work late so when I go home I want to get shit done or switch off... not be sitting texting shit to him.

He wants to see me more often than I want to see him. I like my physical space so I can miss him but he's want me with him everyday. If we don't see each other midweek then he suffers but I don't.

It's not a nasty clingy behaviour. I think he just needs to do some more shit instead of making me his entire world. Then again, at least he's bothered about me!

Sounds like you are not "into" him. I treat people how you are describing when I am just not "that into them."

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Not at all. I'm very much into him. I just show it differently.

That's what you do when you're not into someone.

If I'm not into someone I wouldn't waste my time on them.
Posted by countrygirl88
so far no one has a genuine answer for me lol
You have to suffer here to get some!

Like in real life...
Posted by jeane
Posted by countrygirl88
Very valid point...he brought her up bc i asked if there was any other person in the picture....he responded yes, and did say that he once thought he could see himself with her, but that doesn't mean that they are going to be together....he then said that they aren't having sex, "or anything", like there was nothing really going on with her....i didn't pry bc i honestly don't care in the sense of being insecure, but the reason why it crossed my mind is bc i don't compete with females for male attention...just not that desperate....but i do like him and don't wanna throw things away based upon an assumption....

Hi Jean, im more of a talk everyday type...when i am interested in someone i don't like days to go by without hearing from that not saying that i need to be on the phone 24/7...just a call here, a text there...bc you make time for what you want, imo

A typical Taurus may not be for you then. They will become occupied with other things. They are fairly independent and I think from my experience, they expect you to be the same.

I speak to my partner fairly regularly but not everyday. There will be the odd days where he will get on with whatever he needs to deal with. Sometimes I will text and he might not respond for a few hours if he is busy. Its not personal. He's just busy.

Especially while you are only dating and not in a exclusive relationship you might need to change your expectations.

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I am always admiring your wits BUT here I must chime in!

There no such thing too busy to text or call!

If he cares, loves you and all - there is no such busy mode!

I once said - I don't want to hear this nonsense! You go to the bathroom? Text me HI I am ok how are you busy will call later...or tomorrow...

And he does!!! Because he cares!!!

Otherwise I would doubt his feelings.

And you know I am talking about Scorpio! Who's mind can be changed...never! Lol
Posted by countrygirl88
Are you a taurus?
He is a

So what happened OP?

I say you right! Texting or calling is not a burden when person is into you.

I went from months of the breaks for breather to daily communications!

I used to ask if hernia thinking about me and now I don't have to because once he made fun of me saying NO...that's why in calling...

I felt stupid.

And about how to approach man - depends on how much are you open with each other. You can ask him straight in a face or you can tell the story about how you don't want to be dragged along.

Or simply to tell him that after so long he should know if he likes you enough to try and make it work.

If he will not be positive - I would say - walk and don't look back.

I agree with everyone who said he must know!
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by jeane
Posted by countrygirl88
Very valid point...he brought her up bc i asked if there was any other person in the picture....he responded yes, and did say that he once thought he could see himself with her, but that doesn't mean that they are going to be together....he then said that they aren't having sex, "or anything", like there was nothing really going on with her....i didn't pry bc i honestly don't care in the sense of being insecure, but the reason why it crossed my mind is bc i don't compete with females for male attention...just not that desperate....but i do like him and don't wanna throw things away based upon an assumption....

Hi Jean, im more of a talk everyday type...when i am interested in someone i don't like days to go by without hearing from that not saying that i need to be on the phone 24/7...just a call here, a text there...bc you make time for what you want, imo

A typical Taurus may not be for you then. They will become occupied with other things. They are fairly independent and I think from my experience, they expect you to be the same.

I speak to my partner fairly regularly but not everyday. There will be the odd days where he will get on with whatever he needs to deal with. Sometimes I will text and he might not respond for a few hours if he is busy. Its not personal. He's just busy.

Especially while you are only dating and not in a exclusive relationship you might need to change your expectations.


I am always admiring your wits BUT here I must chime in!

There no such thing too busy to text or call!

If he cares, loves you and all - there is no such busy mode!

I once said - I don't want to hear this nonsense! You go to the bathroom? Text me HI I am ok how are you busy will call later...or tomorrow...

And he does!!! Because he cares!!!

Otherwise I would doubt his feelings.

And you know I am talking about Scorpio! Who's mind can be changed...never! Lol
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So are you saying that my partner doesn't love me?
Posted by jeane
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by jeane
Posted by countrygirl88
Very valid point...he brought her up bc i asked if there was any other person in the picture....he responded yes, and did say that he once thought he could see himself with her, but that doesn't mean that they are going to be together....he then said that they aren't having sex, "or anything", like there was nothing really going on with her....i didn't pry bc i honestly don't care in the sense of being insecure, but the reason why it crossed my mind is bc i don't compete with females for male attention...just not that desperate....but i do like him and don't wanna throw things away based upon an assumption....

Hi Jean, im more of a talk everyday type...when i am interested in someone i don't like days to go by without hearing from that not saying that i need to be on the phone 24/7...just a call here, a text there...bc you make time for what you want, imo

A typical Taurus may not be for you then. They will become occupied with other things. They are fairly independent and I think from my experience, they expect you to be the same.

I speak to my partner fairly regularly but not everyday. There will be the odd days where he will get on with whatever he needs to deal with. Sometimes I will text and he might not respond for a few hours if he is busy. Its not personal. He's just busy.

Especially while you are only dating and not in a exclusive relationship you might need to change your expectations.


I am always admiring your wits BUT here I must chime in!

There no such thing too busy to text or call!

If he cares, loves you and all - there is no such busy mode!

I once said - I don't want to hear this nonsense! You go to the bathroom? Text me HI I am ok how are you busy will call later...or tomorrow...

And he does!!! Because he cares!!!

Otherwise I would doubt his feelings.

And you know I am talking about Scorpio! Who's mind can be changed...never! Lol
So are you saying that my partner doesn't love me?
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For me that would be a huge problem!

Because when I love someone that person is on my mind all the time.

I am never too busy to forget his existence! I can hardly imagine what would I have to be doing to be too busy to not to want to hear his voice and have a few laughs together. 5 min conversation does wonders! WHO doesn't have 5 minutes?

And I am talking about crazy Scorp who makes himself busy if he can relax. Being relaxed is not natural for him. However there is always driving or being at the store or just finishing something and taking a break before starting something new to tell me what happened and what's is going to happen...

Seems just natural!
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by jeane
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by jeane
Posted by countrygirl88
Very valid point...he brought her up bc i asked if there was any other person in the picture....he responded yes, and did say that he once thought he could see himself with her, but that doesn't mean that they are going to be together....he then said that they aren't having sex, "or anything", like there was nothing really going on with her....i didn't pry bc i honestly don't care in the sense of being insecure, but the reason why it crossed my mind is bc i don't compete with females for male attention...just not that desperate....but i do like him and don't wanna throw things away based upon an assumption....

Hi Jean, im more of a talk everyday type...when i am interested in someone i don't like days to go by without hearing from that not saying that i need to be on the phone 24/7...just a call here, a text there...bc you make time for what you want, imo

A typical Taurus may not be for you then. They will become occupied with other things. They are fairly independent and I think from my experience, they expect you to be the same.

I speak to my partner fairly regularly but not everyday. There will be the odd days where he will get on with whatever he needs to deal with. Sometimes I will text and he might not respond for a few hours if he is busy. Its not personal. He's just busy.

Especially while you are only dating and not in a exclusive relationship you might need to change your expectations.


I am always admiring your wits BUT here I must chime in!

There no such thing too busy to text or call!

If he cares, loves you and all - there is no such busy mode!

I once said - I don't want to hear this nonsense! You go to the bathroom? Text me HI I am ok how are you busy will call later...or tomorrow...

And he does!!! Because he cares!!!

Otherwise I would doubt his feelings.

And you know I am talking about Scorpio! Who's mind can be changed...never! Lol
So are you saying that my partner doesn't love me?
For me that would be a huge problem!

Because when I love someone that person is on my mind all the time.

I am never too busy to forget his existence! I can hardly imagine what would I have to be doing to be too busy to not to want to hear his voice and have a few laughs together. 5 min conversation does wonders! WHO doesn't have 5 minutes?

And I am talking about crazy Scorp who makes himself busy if he can relax. Being relaxed is not natural for him. However there is always driving or being at the store or just finishing something and taking a break before starting something new to tell me what happened and what's is going to happen...

Seems just natural!
click to expand
Hmm, maybe I should break up with him then...
Posted by jeane
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by jeane
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by jeane
Posted by countrygirl88
Very valid point...he brought her up bc i asked if there was any other person in the picture....he responded yes, and did say that he once thought he could see himself with her, but that doesn't mean that they are going to be together....he then said that they aren't having sex, "or anything", like there was nothing really going on with her....i didn't pry bc i honestly don't care in the sense of being insecure, but the reason why it crossed my mind is bc i don't compete with females for male attention...just not that desperate....but i do like him and don't wanna throw things away based upon an assumption....

Hi Jean, im more of a talk everyday type...when i am interested in someone i don't like days to go by without hearing from that not saying that i need to be on the phone 24/7...just a call here, a text there...bc you make time for what you want, imo

A typical Taurus may not be for you then. They will become occupied with other things. They are fairly independent and I think from my experience, they expect you to be the same.

I speak to my partner fairly regularly but not everyday. There will be the odd days where he will get on with whatever he needs to deal with. Sometimes I will text and he might not respond for a few hours if he is busy. Its not personal. He's just busy.

Especially while you are only dating and not in a exclusive relationship you might need to change your expectations.


I am always admiring your wits BUT here I must chime in!

There no such thing too busy to text or call!

If he cares, loves you and all - there is no such busy mode!

I once said - I don't want to hear this nonsense! You go to the bathroom? Text me HI I am ok how are you busy will call later...or tomorrow...

And he does!!! Because he cares!!!

Otherwise I would doubt his feelings.

And you know I am talking about Scorpio! Who's mind can be changed...never! Lol
So are you saying that my partner doesn't love me?
For me that would be a huge problem!

Because when I love someone that person is on my mind all the time.

I am never too busy to forget his existence! I can hardly imagine what would I have to be doing to be too busy to not to want to hear his voice and have a few laughs together. 5 min conversation does wonders! WHO doesn't have 5 minutes?

And I am talking about crazy Scorp who makes himself busy if he can relax. Being relaxed is not natural for him. However there is always driving or being at the store or just finishing something and taking a break before starting something new to tell me what happened and what's is going to happen...

Seems just natural!
Hmm, maybe I should break up with him then...
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It is just a talk we have here. If something that bothers me doesn't bother you - just do what you feels right for you.

But when advice given to the other person we both have a say. Don't we?

I just can not imagine him doesn't want to say hello. That would make me sad and wondering and paranoid. But it's me.

Posted by Capri__unicorn
I totally get that we subscribe to the idea that effort equals interest but that is not the end all be all for every person. Some of male friends are in constant contact with girls that they only like sleeping with. Others are in long committed relationships and don't speak every single day.
I guess love strength is different for people.

For some love is all consuming and blows their mind away.

For others - it's less tense and more levelheaded.

So I guess if you can live a whole day or 2 without communication - great!

To me however it would mean you can live another day and another day - so just live without me than...

But again - that's me!