Has she lost interest?

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by Whoknows89 on Thursday, February 21, 2019 and has 40 replies.
Taurus girl added me on snapchat. We spoke for just under 2wks before meeting. We met up 3 times. First time we went to dinner then clubbing and she slept over mine. 2nd time we went movies, she brought me my fav chocolate and sweets (without me asking). 3rd time she came to see me the morning before I left for an 8 day overseas vacay.

During my vacay I was uploading pictures of the girl I was there with. She saw these all. She seemed somewhat distant during my vacay with her communication.

I'm back yesterday, she seems distant and cold like something has changed. I asked her if I had done anything wrong and why she was distant and she said she'd been having a really long busy wk and was feeling overwhelmed. Had been working a lot and barely even had time to see her kids. She said that I've done nothing wrong, I'm still my amazing self and the second she gets some spare time she'll come to me.

I still feel something is wrong. Previously she'd be hitting me up A LOT. Continous texting, replying fast, initiating convo. Now she takes a while, hours even and just seems dull.

Have I fucked it? What can I do to show her I'm very interested? While I was away it was Valentines and I organised a rose to be delivered to her office. I left her a note to say I was thinking about her even though I was 1000 miles away.

Help pleaseeee she is

Taurus sun

Leo moon

Aries merc

Gemini venus

Cancer mars
Guys advice pls!
Posted by Whoknows89

During my vacay I was uploading pictures of the girl I was there with. She saw these all. She seemed somewhat distant during my vacay with her communication.

You answered your own question.
Who was this other girl you were with?

Taurus are posessive even if there isn't a label on the relationship.

We ned to be able to trust the person we are invested in.

Did you tell her about this girl you were going to be with while on vacay?

If not...its most likely over

Also whats your sign?
Thanks for taking the time to respond. Since then I went to her work and told her to come out for 1 min because I really wanted to give her a hug (this was a Friday). She came out after being difficult about it. We hugged tight, she smiled, seemed happy to see me. She said I smelt really good (better than usual). We chit chatted for a few mins and she leaned in for a kiss. We pecked a few times then she went back into work. She text me about 10mins later saying "thank you for coming to see me". I didn't reply to that until the next day. A taurus friend of mine told me to let it be and give her time to cool off because I had been acting "too intense".

Anyway I tried contacting her Saturday morning after this and no answer. I left her a voicemail explaining myself telling her I want to see her for at least an hour to speak about it all and I can think of 2 reasons why she's become distant and if she's no longer interested to please let me know because I'm not good at subtlety. Anyway she texts back sounding a bit annoyed telling me she's at work, she's busy, she doesn't have time this weekend and that she's sorry. I didn't respond to that.

On Saturday night she posts a snapchat with a girl (we're both girls - we're gay) and it's a girl who I had messaged THAT SAME DAY 🤦‍♀️. Anyway I felt like she had posted it on purpose as I know thats a very new friendship between them and I know 100% they would have discussed me last night. I didn't open the snapchat story but could tell it was them 2 from the small preview window.

To answer the question about if she knew who I was going on the trip with I told her it was a friend.

I sent her a song last night via snapchat. It was a love song and she still hasn't opened it.

If she's lost interest I want her to be clear and tell me. Not just leave me hanging. Also the girl she was out with last night sent me a message this morning via instagram. I know they're trying to catch me out. I feel like replying and saying "tell (girl im interested in) that I need to speak to her in person can you pls pass on that message because she's ignoring me. I want her. I'm interested in her".

I'm a Gemini.
Yeah you sound lost. I'm not gonna write novels here but you need to make up your mind about who you want and what you want, so you also messaged that other girl? I mean how many girls are you hitting up the same time? Go find yourself sag or gemini dominant woman, who literally won't give a s***

Taurus is way serious for you and wants real deal, not b.sing around.
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You went on three dates. It's hardly a 40 year marriage so stop acting as if it is. Have you once considered this girl or has it all been about you? Put yourself in her shoes, if you could possibly manage it, and see how your behaviour might be coming across to her. It's creepy to me and I'm just reading some words on an Internet forum. It's all a bit much.

I'm not sure what advice to give for a girl/girl dating or relationship scenario but as a female (straight) in a relationship with a taurus male, I'd say you lost her when I read the bit about you going on holiday with another girl (although I assumed you were male upon my initial read). She may think you have been playing games or were not honest with your intentions. These things are vital to Taurus folk. I don't think much has been invested in this by either of you and she may not be seeing you as a worthwhile investment of her time. Perhaps it's time to chalk this one up to experience and date some other ladies. There's plenty out there.
She replied finally and said she wasn't ignoring me at all that she was just confused. When we first met I didn't want anything serious and had girls all around me. I went on vacay, came back and it was all very full on straight away and it scared her. Said she'd been feeling really overwhelmed with life in general lately and crappy because I want her time and it's not something she can give at this moment
Posted by Whoknows89

Thanks for taking the time to respond. Since then I went to her work and told her to come out for 1 min because I really wanted to give her a hug (this was a Friday). She came out after being difficult about it. We hugged tight, she smiled, seemed happy to see me. She said I smelt really good (better than usual). We chit chatted for a few mins and she leaned in for a kiss. We pecked a few times then she went back into work. She text me about 10mins later saying "thank you for coming to see me". I didn't reply to that until the next day. A taurus friend of mine told me to let it be and give her time to cool off because I had been acting "too intense".

Anyway I tried contacting her Saturday morning after this and no answer. I left her a voicemail explaining myself telling her I want to see her for at least an hour to speak about it all and I can think of 2 reasons why she's become distant and if she's no longer interested to please let me know because I'm not good at subtlety. Anyway she texts back sounding a bit annoyed telling me she's at work, she's busy, she doesn't have time this weekend and that she's sorry. I didn't respond to that.

On Saturday night she posts a snapchat with a girl (we're both girls - we're gay) and it's a girl who I had messaged THAT SAME DAY 🤦‍♀️. Anyway I felt like she had posted it on purpose as I know thats a very new friendship between them and I know 100% they would have discussed me last night. I didn't open the snapchat story but could tell it was them 2 from the small preview window.

To answer the question about if she knew who I was going on the trip with I told her it was a friend.

I sent her a song last night via snapchat. It was a love song and she still hasn't opened it.

If she's lost interest I want her to be clear and tell me. Not just leave me hanging. Also the girl she was out with last night sent me a message this morning via instagram. I know they're trying to catch me out. I feel like replying and saying "tell (girl im interested in) that I need to speak to her in person can you pls pass on that message because she's ignoring me. I want her. I'm interested in her".

Thoughts? you are trolling

"I posted pictures with another girl", "I didnt reply, because other Taurus said so", "I am a Gemini"

troll certificate smile
I explained to her why I had been acting crazy and it's because I felt she was hurt about the vacay and uploading pics and vids of the girl. Told her I was interested in only her and would be happy to continue getting to know each other or just be friends or just cut it completely I just needed her to be clear. She said things had been crazy for her this wk but it wouldn't be like that forever, she really enjoyed my company and nothing has changed. I sent her a final reply to let her know if she needed to talk or vent I was there as a friend and I hoped this wk was better for her.

I'm leaving it. True - we haven't invested in each other but she seemed like a good potential.and I've clearly stuffed it up by thinking I did something wrong with the vacay and the girl and then coming back trying to fix it and acting crazy.
I have a Libra moon and the past 3 girls I've been involved with have had leo moons. Gemini, Libra, Pisces and now this Taurus.

I gave her attention while I was here but yes I didn't while I was gone. I was giving us both some room to breathe. Ahhh guess I stuffed it then


I'm not trolling anyone but you're entitled to have your own thoughts and assumptions so that's cool.
i think this sort of thing demonstrates where two men have the rest of us (straight/lesbian) beat hands down.

men don't fuck around like this.

they tell each other they are interested. they don't get caught up in what it all means. they discuss their sexual likes/dislikes/preferences then they get naked.

it's no more complicated than that. i think the rest of us could learn a thing or two from gay men.

op, be honest with her. you're still being confusing. you're telling her you'll be friends but actually you want more.

just put your cards out on the table and see where it goes from there.

that's what worked for me.
I have put my cards out. I told her if she's open to something more then I'm willing to do that with her. If she just wants a friendship then I can do that. If she wants us to forget we ever met I can do that too. I'm leaving it for now. I've made it clear I want her and she's worth it and the rest of these females don't matter to me.

Nothing more I can do now.
Lol you keep fucking up
Posted by Whoknows89

I have put my cards out. I told her if she's open to something more then I'm willing to do that with her. If she just wants a friendship then I can do that. If she wants us to forget we ever met I can do that too. I'm leaving it for now. I've made it clear I want her and she's worth it and the rest of these females don't matter to me.

Nothing more I can do now.
well, i hope it turns in your favour. i can appreciate you are in a precarious place but just don't go too far the other way either. if you are happy to be friends for now show that by behaving in a friendly manner.
Well first of all, it sounds like she has done a lot of coming to you, so maybe she would like for you to come to her this time. I know I will lose interest if I am always the one initiating. It will make me think he is not serious about it. Maybe different with women idk.

Taureans are very territorial so if she doesnt know this female you went on the trip with, she probably doesnt want to see a bunch of pics of her. Petty but yeah that lost you points for sure. No matter how innocent it was, it was not the Tauro with you, it was her. Thats the mentality anyway. I hope she is evolved enough to take it with a grain of salt, bc thats a tough pill for us to swallow. Hopefully she can just be happy you had a good time, and ignore the minutiae of it all.

Maybe plan a picnic for you two and talk with her about both of your feelings in a relaxed setting, preferably around food ROFL.
Thing is when I got back I had been trying to see her in person to talk. I hate communicating serious issues or feelings over text or calls. Face to face is best and she obviously didn't want a bar of it/was too busy but not busy enough to go out with a girl and post photos of them 😒 anyway

She messaged me this morning wishing me a good day at work. I'll let it be for now and respond when the day ends as I'm trying to give her "space".
Posted by Whoknows89

Thing is when I got back I had been trying to see her in person to talk. I hate communicating serious issues or feelings over text or calls. Face to face is best and she obviously didn't want a bar of it/was too busy but not busy enough to go out with a girl and post photos of them 😒 anyway

She messaged me this morning wishing me a good day at work. I'll let it be for now and respond when the day ends as I'm trying to give her "space".
jesus, just respond to her! otherwise she'll be thinking all day about why you read her message but didn't respond.
Giving someone space doesn’t mean not responding to THEIR texts. 😂 It’s being honest and open and giving them space when they ask for it. You got it all wrong girl. By not responding, you’re ignoring her. You’re going to lose this Taurus by playing games they hate to play.
Far out. This is why I suck at dating or when we hit a road block. I spent all weekend harrasing her and now she's veeerrryyy slowly coming around. I second guess myself in terms of whether I should reply or not because maybe she's just responding to be nice?

My last text to her was last night saying hope she has a bettee week this week and "all the best". Then she responded to that this morning? I'm worried if I reply she's just going to roll her eyes and be like calm down give me some room to breathe!

Uuugghhhh 😩
Posted by Whoknows89

Far out. This is why I suck at dating or when we hit a road block. I spent all weekend harrasing her and now she's veeerrryyy slowly coming around. I second guess myself in terms of whether I should reply or not because maybe she's just responding to be nice?

My last text to her was last night saying hope she has a bettee week this week and "all the best". Then she responded to that this morning? I'm worried if I reply she's just going to roll her eyes and be like calm down give me some room to breathe!

Uuugghhhh 😩
can you make a light hearted joke with it? just something to acknowledge her effort.
I'll respond in an hour or two. I did just get back from vacay and facing 570 emails and she knows that because I posted a pic on snapchat.

I'll definitely respond to. My mars ans venus in cancer (esp mars) makes me 2nd guess everything. She also has her mars in cancer.
Posted by BlindedByLove

Leo moon

You failed to give em the most important part

LOL this is so true and it made me laugh.

My Taurus sun with Leo moon used to say 'attention, pay me!' in a playful way while we were dating. He's not a drama queen or a diva at all but he certainly likes attention from me.
I responded a few hours later and she replied within 5mins. We sent a few text back and forth until 5pm and I stopped replying.

We didn't speak at all until this morning I get a text from her at 9am "Good morning babe, hope you have a less stressful day at work 💕"

I'm in a rush today so will reply when I get into the office. I'm confused. She never told me directly she didn't want anything, she hasn't clarified what she wants other than I scared her and she doesn't have time to give me the time I want at the moment (and this was over the wknd when I went nuts).

Taurus friends.. what's going on in her mind?!
Posted by Whoknows89

I responded a few hours later and she replied within 5mins. We sent a few text back and forth until 5pm and I stopped replying.

We didn't speak at all until this morning I get a text from her at 9am "Good morning babe, hope you have a less stressful day at work 💕"

I'm in a rush today so will reply when I get into the office. I'm confused. She never told me directly she didn't want anything, she hasn't clarified what she wants other than I scared her and she doesn't have time to give me the time I want at the moment (and this was over the wknd when I went nuts).

Taurus friends.. what's going on in her mind?!
She's giving you the green light.

Don't over think it.

Just go with the flow.

Dont rush her tho...let her set the pace

Definitely no rushing. I replied with

"Good morning and thank you. I hope yours is cruisy also x"

I'm just going to let her come to me and hit me up whenever she wants and I'll simply respond.

Definitely not going to chase. THANK YOU!
Posted by Whoknows89

Definitely no rushing. I replied with

"Good morning and thank you. I hope yours is cruisy also x"

I'm just going to let her come to me and hit me up whenever she wants and I'll simply respond.

Definitely not going to chase. THANK YOU!
show some interest otherwise she'll stop initiating.

taurus like to chase but they also like to know they are going to be successful before they start.
Posted by jeane

Posted by Whoknows89

Definitely no rushing. I replied with

"Good morning and thank you. I hope yours is cruisy also x"

I'm just going to let her come to me and hit me up whenever she wants and I'll simply respond.

Definitely not going to chase. THANK YOU!
show some interest otherwise she'll stop initiating.

taurus like to chase but they also like to know they are going to be successful before they start.
click to expand
She already knows I'm interested. I made that clear over the weekend. I just don't want to freak her out again so I'm laying low letting her come to me. I feel like I'm on thin ice and slowly trying to get back to where we were
Guys, after I sent her that text I sent her another later that afternoon and she said I can text her whenever I want to ask how her day is etc. Anyway we ended up texting through text and snapchat (having different convos) until about 11pm that night. She opened up about how she's extremely fearful of letting someone in, has gotten used to being alone but would like to share her life with someone but has just let in way too many wrong people in before.

She messaged the next morning after I sent her some taurus stuff before sleeping asking me if I thought that was her from what I know so far. I replied she then asked how my morning was and I was feeling shit (had neck pains atm) so explained that to her and asked about her morning and she went MIA. This was yesterday morning about 11am and I haven't heard since. She went dead quiet didn't even post anything on snapchat until this morning and she posts her life (literally) all the time...

I should just leave it right? Not text her at all? What happened to her?
I'm a taurus sun and this would be too much game playing for me. The posting the picture with another girl while on vaca would be a huge red flag to me. If I managed to get past that the texting games would completely turn me off. Routinely not replying until the next day, not replying all day, waiting several hours to reply and not initiating texts would be a complete turn off to me. If you want to text her why wait? I don't get it.
I'm not referring to the occasional getting busy and not replying, which happens to everyone at times. But when someone is consistently not replying in a timely fashion, they're either playing games or not that into me. Either way, I'm out.
Reaqume - it's because previously she said I was acting too full on and it scared her so now I feel lile everytime I text her maybe I'm bothering her.

I want to have a relationship with this girl but understand it will take time. We've been texting since then after she went MIA for an entire day I let her be and then hit her up and she seemed happy to hear from me. I have the day off today and she works near my house literally 5mins away. Asked her for lunch on her break but she said "sorry I'm training today". Last night we said next weekend we'd maybe hang out.

I want her to know I'm serious about her. How can I do this and not scare her off?
Hi guys, need some guidance again pls. We text a little back and forth over the weekend. She was receptive and flirty. Sunday I didn't hit her up at all. Monday I text her morning she replies about 6pm telling me she had a horrible day and cried a few times and would explain why when she saw me. Asked how I was. I replied and she never replied to me.

Left it for all of Tue no contact. I text her this morning (Wed) asking if she was free this wknd as I'd like to see her.

On Saturday I told her she's wifey material. She agreed and I told her sooner or later I was going to wife her up. It was just a matter of time.

Anyway - what's with her being so crappy at communication? She has an aries merc and gemini venus. I almost feel like I should just stop. When we first started she was 100% charging at me. That's taken a complete 360.

She just replied a really cute and sweet text and said she wouldn't mind doing something low key on Friday as she has work Sat and Sun. Hopefully she doesn't bail!
Posted by Whoknows89

I'll respond in an hour or two. I did just get back from vacay and facing 570 emails and she knows that because I posted a pic on snapchat.

So she knows that your posts on snapchat are more of a priority than responding back to her texts...great plan.
Just a heads up... don't show up again at her workplace unless she invites you. Thats the part that scared her I'll bet.
Uh, do you ever like call her....?
I have a few times before but she hasn't answered and texts to say she'll call back and ends up responding via text than phone so I just stopped calling all together.