Ok so long story short I was married to an abusive man for 10 years, I finally left him and then met this incredible Taurus man. I told him everything that happened in my past and said I have trust issues. He has helped me work through that and the past 7 weeks have been amazing. Tonight he seemed a little off and when I asked him if he was ok he said he was just tired. When I got home a few hours later I felt something was off so I text him with:
I know you said you're just tired but I keep thinking it's something I've said or done ? but I'm probably just cray cray
His reply to this was:
To be honest i dont know if its something you said or something in my head but things dont feel right I've been trying to work out what it is for the past week now
I'm feeling so lost... I have been telling him I really really really really like him, but about a week ago I realised I have fallen in love with him, and I haven't had the courage to say it incase he isn't there yet or I make a fool out of myself. And now I'm wondering if by not saying it that that is what the problem is. I'm feeling so lost and confused. I don't know if he wants to break it off or not. But can anyone give me advice on what to do? I did send a text back saying I don't know what's happened but I'll give him as much space as I can so he can figure it out. I already feel devastated. I told myself not to fall for anyone again after my ex husband and it looks like I've gone and got myself hurt. I'm desperate to keep this Taurus in my life, but I feel doomed because I'm a Scorpio.
Wow, that literally sound very similar to what I'm going through with my Taurus now. He probably just needs his space but usually it's not personal until you keep bugging him about not telling his true feelings. Taurus are stubborn and do not like to be changed or rushed, he wants to take his time and think it out. They also have a terrible wondering eye and he may be trying to weigh out if he wants to commit. Definitely be understanding of his space and try not to be too intense. Giving him space is good he should contact you eventually just don't do what I did and try to contact him that's when it's personal. Let him come to you.
Ok radio silence it is! I did tell him I would give him his space and if he wanted to talk he knows where I am. And I also asked if he wanted to break it off i would understand and like it if he told me directly not just assumed I know. And then wished him a good night as usual. I will maintain radio silence, no matter how tempting a good morning handsome text is.
I feel like I'm re living the heart break from when I left my ex husband all over again.... This sucks balls... I should have sucked it up and just said the "I love you" words ?
I definitely can relate I also feel like I'm reliving the way my break from an abusive ex with my Taurus. I also ask my Taurus if he wanted to break up but he said no but I could sense that there was still something not right. I kept prying into it and eventually I made him want to break up when really he just wanted space. Taurus mean are very selfish when it come to emotional/mental things but very giving in other aspects. So if you don't allow them to have there space they will find anyone else who will.
You shouldn't have said I love you. honestly it's just a game with these men, most men in general enjoy the chase. When you reveal too much of yourself first it defeat the mystery.
I'm going to try and give him space... Even before I was emotionally invested (which I tried not to do) I enjoyed spending time with him... Ugh just so painful feeling like I've been shut out and he won't talk to me about it. And this night feels like it's a million years long because I've now made myself so upset I can't sleep ?
I understand I guess us scorpios are the same! I stayed up all night the night that my Taurus didn't contact me. But try to stay occupied with friends and family like it's not even on your mind.
Yea I was already thinking of what to do tomorrow that wouldn't invoke him/ seeing him or remind me of him... Lol I'm sure I can find something
I was with a Taurus aswell same sitch ur in n I thought he would be the one. Until he started playing hot and cold on me and I got too impatient for the games. I read up so much about it and apparently they do that if they like you. My ex was a user though he ended up marrying someone a month later after I left him, who was 20 years older then him not so attractive with 4 kids to support his scumbag insecure ass. Now I see why it didn't work had to always be something in it for him.
Yea I was already thinking of what to do tomorrow that wouldn't involve him / seeing him or remind me of him... Lol I'm sure I can find something
Signed Up:
Mar 15, 2017Comments: 55 · Posts: 942 · Topics: 15
Eh, give it time. I know scorps strong attachment can be devastating for the waiting period. But with taurus, there's really nothing you can do about it.
Try diverting your focus.
And again.
Signed Up:
Aug 12, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 4771 · Topics: 30
Describe your courtship with this Taurus man for the seven weeks the two of you were dating...
I also need to add we can't seem to go more than 2 days without seeing each other before we have to catch up for coffee or lunch.
Or going over and staying the weekend
Signed Up:
Sep 17, 2014Comments: 22 · Posts: 8048 · Topics: 36
I think you're at a crossroads with him. You need to handle this intelligently. Yes give him his space but I wouldn't drop off the face of the planet.
You don't know why he has gone silent. Don't start jumping to any wild conclusions and don't goad him into breaking up with you. Just be cool.
Give him a few days and then get in touch with him. Ask him how he has been and dont be weird. Just act normal.
Signed Up:
Aug 12, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 4771 · Topics: 30
Face slapping during sex.....
I would leave it alone. You did nothing wrong. You had a right to be upset.
His issue not yours. Let him get over it!
Yea I know I guess it is something he needs to deal with. I just wish he would have just talked to me about this "off" feeling. Coz now I feel like a fool for not noticing it and thought everything was normal and going ok. And how he tried to cover it up saying he was just tired it was only later when I asked if he was sure he was ok and just tired he opened up and said it. He was acting fairly normal too on our movie date and his mood did line up with the tired excuse (he works odd hours) so I took his word for it and now I know the truth to it, I'm upset ?
Yes he does know about the abuse I have suffered. He has shared his opinion on it and has been very understanding about it all actually. I'm assuming he has freaked out over something and doesnt know if it is all in his head or not. He will figure it out eventually and I'll get my answer either way. He has been really awesome but why flog a dead horse... If he doesn't think we are going anywhere well then it's time to move on huh. If like to fight to keep him but if that's just gonna drive him further away what's the point... I'm probably screwed no matter what I do anyway .