Posted by bkbella86Yeah trust your instincts.
I think you were right about your assumptions. I wouldn’t trust him.
Posted by Squishy_MarshmallowThis 100% . Thank you chica!Posted by Shey8888You know what? People will tell you you need to work on your issues before you get into a relationship. That's BS. Its not like people who are in a relationship have their shit together. Its not like men have it together. Man or woman, we all have our baggages. Find someone who will let you grow and work to become a better woman while in a relationship with you and who will grow along with you.
Thank you! Ya I know I let my emotions get the best of me! I’m an Aries woman 😂
However I did finally message him and told him the truth of what I did and apologized for attacking him!! He responded so wonderfully and told me he was the one that has to do the apologizing and said he also couldn’t imagine how it looked and didn’t realize it. And said he wished he had been more upfront with me. Then just carried on and asked me how I was doing and said that he was so happy to finally hear from me. We told eachother we missed eachother. In my head I thought we were back on.
Later I texted him saying “i want to see you” he replied “well f**** I cant tonight. Are you being serious?!?? I thought you didn’t?!?!”
I replied with “ of course I still want to see you the only reason why I didn’t is because I thought you were involved with someone else.” Of course I said a few other things but it’s not important
So I’m now waiting for a reply. I truly miss him he really made me feel somethings. And then I keep seeing Aries and Taurus don’t work out lol should I just give up now? My mind has really gotten the best of me this last week to where it’s made me sick to my stomach. I feel ashamed of how I went about things. In my defense a year ago I ended with my bf of 6 years and 2 kids. It was a very abusive relationship and he couldn’t be trusted so Unfortunatley sometimes I feel like everyone is being shady and no one can be trusted. I think I’m better off being single!!! Lol
Anyways any advice on this Taurus guy? I already wrote out something for if he says he doesn’t want to see me anymore. Only because I’m irrational sometimes so I had to write something simple and nice to send him so I don’t regret it laterclick to expand
Posted by AriquaMy intuition. And the details of the story.Posted by bkbella86What makes you say that
I think you were right about your assumptions. I wouldn’t trust to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneI have to always remind myself of this. I’ve always been super intuitive and always know bs before it was revealed to me but I didnt trust myself and decided to trust a complete stranger instead and fucked myslef over. Nope I’d rather be wrong about myself And my assumptions. I can deal with that better than giving someone the chance to prove me right.Posted by bkbella86Yeah trust your instincts.
I think you were right about your assumptions. I wouldn’t trust to expand
Posted by Shey8888I dated an Aries women for six years. Let me tell you how that went real quick so that maybe you could avoid this with your Taurus.
I met a man a few weeks ago. If any of you are into astrology he is a Taurus man. Anyways it was unexpected we clicked immediately and had the most amazing chemistry. After that we hung out for two weeks straight. He spent his every moment with me texted me all day and called me at nighttime or came over mind you this man has come off so respectful and hasn’t pressured me into anything. We can laugh and talk for hours on end. Life seriously took a weird but good feeling change the night I met him. Everyone that was with him was like wow the chemistry betweeen you two is rare.Then Fourth of July week he said he was renting a house with 6 guys. And was telling me all these stories of these guys. I was excited for him but felt unsettled for some reason. So he went off barley heard from him for a couple days then I looked at his fb and he was tagged in a picture and to me it looked like he was on a couples vacation. I immediately texted him and said I hope your having a great time. But I don’t think I’m going to be seeing you anymore no hard feelings. And left it at that. (Yes I know kind of harsh) he replied I respect your honest but did I do something are you mad at me? I left it short and said no I’m not mad and apologized for sending such text to him while he was having fun on vacation. A couple days later I sent him a text pretty much saying I’m not mad and no hard feelings but I don’t want to be involved with someone who’s involved with someone else. Then I blocked him because honestly... my anxiety got the best of me and I didn’t want to either hear an excuse or the truth. I know for a fact he texted me back the next day. But clearly I didn’t respond bc I have no idea he sent anything to me or what it said so he clearly thinks I’m ignoring him. Now my anxiety is high. I miss him so much. Or maybe I’m just angry at myself. I have no idea what to do now bc he hasn’t texted me which I don’t blame him bc he thinks I’m ignoring him. Any advice? I feel weak if I text him. I’m so stubborn and yes I’m an Aries. Please help I know I did wron for not letting him explain. No bad vibes here please
Posted by Squishy_MarshmallowPosted by Shey8888You know what? People will tell you you need to work on your issues before you get into a relationship. That's BS. Its not like people who are in a relationship have their shit together. Its not like men have it together. Man or woman, we all have our baggages. Find someone who will let you grow and work to become a better woman while in a relationship with you and who will grow along with you.
Thank you! Ya I know I let my emotions get the best of me! I’m an Aries woman 😂
However I did finally message him and told him the truth of what I did and apologized for attacking him!! He responded so wonderfully and told me he was the one that has to do the apologizing and said he also couldn’t imagine how it looked and didn’t realize it. And said he wished he had been more upfront with me. Then just carried on and asked me how I was doing and said that he was so happy to finally hear from me. We told eachother we missed eachother. In my head I thought we were back on.
Later I texted him saying “i want to see you” he replied “well f**** I cant tonight. Are you being serious?!?? I thought you didn’t?!?!”
I replied with “ of course I still want to see you the only reason why I didn’t is because I thought you were involved with someone else.” Of course I said a few other things but it’s not important
So I’m now waiting for a reply. I truly miss him he really made me feel somethings. And then I keep seeing Aries and Taurus don’t work out lol should I just give up now? My mind has really gotten the best of me this last week to where it’s made me sick to my stomach. I feel ashamed of how I went about things. In my defense a year ago I ended with my bf of 6 years and 2 kids. It was a very abusive relationship and he couldn’t be trusted so Unfortunatley sometimes I feel like everyone is being shady and no one can be trusted. I think I’m better off being single!!! Lol
Anyways any advice on this Taurus guy? I already wrote out something for if he says he doesn’t want to see me anymore. Only because I’m irrational sometimes so I had to write something simple and nice to send him so I don’t regret it laterclick to expand
Posted by bkbella86I could be nothing. But he said he was going on an all guys trip. So seems suspect to me that females were there. Why hide that?Posted by LadyNeptuneI have to always remind myself of this. I’ve always been super intuitive and always know bs before it was revealed to me but I didnt trust myself and decided to trust a complete stranger instead and fucked myslef over. Nope I’d rather be wrong about myself And my assumptions. I can deal with that better than giving someone the chance to prove me right.Posted by bkbella86Yeah trust your instincts.
I think you were right about your assumptions. I wouldn’t trust to expand
Posted by earlorg16this is the real deal - thank you!Posted by Shey8888I dated an Aries women for six years. Let me tell you how that went real quick so that maybe you could avoid this with your Taurus.
I met a man a few weeks ago. If any of you are into astrology he is a Taurus man. Anyways it was unexpected we clicked immediately and had the most amazing chemistry. After that we hung out for two weeks straight. He spent his every moment with me texted me all day and called me at nighttime or came over mind you this man has come off so respectful and hasn’t pressured me into anything. We can laugh and talk for hours on end. Life seriously took a weird but good feeling change the night I met him. Everyone that was with him was like wow the chemistry betweeen you two is rare.Then Fourth of July week he said he was renting a house with 6 guys. And was telling me all these stories of these guys. I was excited for him but felt unsettled for some reason. So he went off barley heard from him for a couple days then I looked at his fb and he was tagged in a picture and to me it looked like he was on a couples vacation. I immediately texted him and said I hope your having a great time. But I don’t think I’m going to be seeing you anymore no hard feelings. And left it at that. (Yes I know kind of harsh) he replied I respect your honest but did I do something are you mad at me? I left it short and said no I’m not mad and apologized for sending such text to him while he was having fun on vacation. A couple days later I sent him a text pretty much saying I’m not mad and no hard feelings but I don’t want to be involved with someone who’s involved with someone else. Then I blocked him because honestly... my anxiety got the best of me and I didn’t want to either hear an excuse or the truth. I know for a fact he texted me back the next day. But clearly I didn’t respond bc I have no idea he sent anything to me or what it said so he clearly thinks I’m ignoring him. Now my anxiety is high. I miss him so much. Or maybe I’m just angry at myself. I have no idea what to do now bc he hasn’t texted me which I don’t blame him bc he thinks I’m ignoring him. Any advice? I feel weak if I text him. I’m so stubborn and yes I’m an Aries. Please help I know I did wron for not letting him explain. No bad vibes here please
She meant the world to me and I gave her all I could and then some. However, every time I was out with friends or even mentioned another woman (yes I have friends with women, not a big deal) she'd immediately worry or think something was up even if my friend was already married, taken, or strictly a PLATONIC friend. If I even spoke to a semi attractive or attractive woman, she'd assume I was seeing them or interested even though I'm not and have zero history of cheating ever. I'm just friendly, I like good people, and most important, I want to enjoy myself.
Her mood would shift, she'd get anxious, and she'd either freak out at me for no reason or she'd push me away without giving me a clue as to why even though I knew why. This went on for years and it took a toll on me, but yet, I loved her and still wanted to be there for her thinking that over time, she'll come around to accepting it. 4 years in, she was the one who cheated on me it turned out. It hurt like hell and definitely pushed me away but I gave her another chance. Two years, her anxiety got worse and she'd break through my phone, my laptop, looking for any details of whether I was flirting, cheating, or talking to any other women. She found nothing because, I'm not a cheater. We broke up two years later because I was over dealing with this. This was over 3 years ago. She's still trying to get me back in her life til this day.
Case in point, sometimes your instincts and assumptions are wrong. The way to keep a Taurus around? Be honest, communicate, confrontational, but most importantly, Strong. We like strong women: women who know they're confident and beautiful without overly flaunting it or bragging about it, women who are sure of themselves and know they have us without any worry, and women who are Consistently great to be around. If you allow your anxiety to get the best of you, and not openly communicate those feelings to him (and if you're even worried in the slightest he's seeing someone else), CONFRONT him and just talk to him about it. The truth will eventually expose to expand
Posted by Arielle83Posted by earlorg16YupPosted by Shey8888I dated an Aries women for six years. Let me tell you how that went real quick so that maybe you could avoid this with your Taurus.
I met a man a few weeks ago. If any of you are into astrology he is a Taurus man. Anyways it was unexpected we clicked immediately and had the most amazing chemistry. After that we hung out for two weeks straight. He spent his every moment with me texted me all day and called me at nighttime or came over mind you this man has come off so respectful and hasn’t pressured me into anything. We can laugh and talk for hours on end. Life seriously took a weird but good feeling change the night I met him. Everyone that was with him was like wow the chemistry betweeen you two is rare.Then Fourth of July week he said he was renting a house with 6 guys. And was telling me all these stories of these guys. I was excited for him but felt unsettled for some reason. So he went off barley heard from him for a couple days then I looked at his fb and he was tagged in a picture and to me it looked like he was on a couples vacation. I immediately texted him and said I hope your having a great time. But I don’t think I’m going to be seeing you anymore no hard feelings. And left it at that. (Yes I know kind of harsh) he replied I respect your honest but did I do something are you mad at me? I left it short and said no I’m not mad and apologized for sending such text to him while he was having fun on vacation. A couple days later I sent him a text pretty much saying I’m not mad and no hard feelings but I don’t want to be involved with someone who’s involved with someone else. Then I blocked him because honestly... my anxiety got the best of me and I didn’t want to either hear an excuse or the truth. I know for a fact he texted me back the next day. But clearly I didn’t respond bc I have no idea he sent anything to me or what it said so he clearly thinks I’m ignoring him. Now my anxiety is high. I miss him so much. Or maybe I’m just angry at myself. I have no idea what to do now bc he hasn’t texted me which I don’t blame him bc he thinks I’m ignoring him. Any advice? I feel weak if I text him. I’m so stubborn and yes I’m an Aries. Please help I know I did wron for not letting him explain. No bad vibes here please
She meant the world to me and I gave her all I could and then some. However, every time I was out with friends or even mentioned another woman (yes I have friends with women, not a big deal) she'd immediately worry or think something was up even if my friend was already married, taken, or strictly a PLATONIC friend. If I even spoke to a semi attractive or attractive woman, she'd assume I was seeing them or interested even though I'm not and have zero history of cheating ever. I'm just friendly, I like good people, and most important, I want to enjoy myself.
Her mood would shift, she'd get anxious, and she'd either freak out at me for no reason or she'd push me away without giving me a clue as to why even though I knew why. This went on for years and it took a toll on me, but yet, I loved her and still wanted to be there for her thinking that over time, she'll come around to accepting it. 4 years in, she was the one who cheated on me it turned out. It hurt like hell and definitely pushed me away but I gave her another chance. Two years, her anxiety got worse and she'd break through my phone, my laptop, looking for any details of whether I was flirting, cheating, or talking to any other women. She found nothing because, I'm not a cheater. We broke up two years later because I was over dealing with this. This was over 3 years ago. She's still trying to get me back in her life til this day.
Case in point, sometimes your instincts and assumptions are wrong. The way to keep a Taurus around? Be honest, communicate, confrontational, but most importantly, Strong. We like strong women: women who know they're confident and beautiful without overly flaunting it or bragging about it, women who are sure of themselves and know they have us without any worry, and women who are Consistently great to be around. If you allow your anxiety to get the best of you, and not openly communicate those feelings to him (and if you're even worried in the slightest he's seeing someone else), CONFRONT him and just talk to him about it. The truth will eventually expose to expand
Posted by Shey8888Doll,
I met a man a few weeks ago. If any of you are into astrology he is a Taurus man. Anyways it was unexpected we clicked immediately and had the most amazing chemistry. After that we hung out for two weeks straight. He spent his every moment with me texted me all day and called me at nighttime or came over mind you this man has come off so respectful and hasn’t pressured me into anything. We can laugh and talk for hours on end. Life seriously took a weird but good feeling change the night I met him. Everyone that was with him was like wow the chemistry betweeen you two is rare.Then Fourth of July week he said he was renting a house with 6 guys. And was telling me all these stories of these guys. I was excited for him but felt unsettled for some reason. So he went off barley heard from him for a couple days then I looked at his fb and he was tagged in a picture and to me it looked like he was on a couples vacation. I immediately texted him and said I hope your having a great time. But I don’t think I’m going to be seeing you anymore no hard feelings. And left it at that. (Yes I know kind of harsh) he replied I respect your honest but did I do something are you mad at me? I left it short and said no I’m not mad and apologized for sending such text to him while he was having fun on vacation. A couple days later I sent him a text pretty much saying I’m not mad and no hard feelings but I don’t want to be involved with someone who’s involved with someone else. Then I blocked him because honestly... my anxiety got the best of me and I didn’t want to either hear an excuse or the truth. I know for a fact he texted me back the next day. But clearly I didn’t respond bc I have no idea he sent anything to me or what it said so he clearly thinks I’m ignoring him. Now my anxiety is high. I miss him so much. Or maybe I’m just angry at myself. I have no idea what to do now bc he hasn’t texted me which I don’t blame him bc he thinks I’m ignoring him. Any advice? I feel weak if I text him. I’m so stubborn and yes I’m an Aries. Please help I know I did wron for not letting him explain. No bad vibes here please
Posted by earlorg16Posted by Shey8888I dated an Aries women for six years. Let me tell you how that went real quick so that maybe you could avoid this with your Taurus.
I met a man a few weeks ago. If any of you are into astrology he is a Taurus man. Anyways it was unexpected we clicked immediately and had the most amazing chemistry. After that we hung out for two weeks straight. He spent his every moment with me texted me all day and called me at nighttime or came over mind you this man has come off so respectful and hasn’t pressured me into anything. We can laugh and talk for hours on end. Life seriously took a weird but good feeling change the night I met him. Everyone that was with him was like wow the chemistry betweeen you two is rare.Then Fourth of July week he said he was renting a house with 6 guys. And was telling me all these stories of these guys. I was excited for him but felt unsettled for some reason. So he went off barley heard from him for a couple days then I looked at his fb and he was tagged in a picture and to me it looked like he was on a couples vacation. I immediately texted him and said I hope your having a great time. But I don’t think I’m going to be seeing you anymore no hard feelings. And left it at that. (Yes I know kind of harsh) he replied I respect your honest but did I do something are you mad at me? I left it short and said no I’m not mad and apologized for sending such text to him while he was having fun on vacation. A couple days later I sent him a text pretty much saying I’m not mad and no hard feelings but I don’t want to be involved with someone who’s involved with someone else. Then I blocked him because honestly... my anxiety got the best of me and I didn’t want to either hear an excuse or the truth. I know for a fact he texted me back the next day. But clearly I didn’t respond bc I have no idea he sent anything to me or what it said so he clearly thinks I’m ignoring him. Now my anxiety is high. I miss him so much. Or maybe I’m just angry at myself. I have no idea what to do now bc he hasn’t texted me which I don’t blame him bc he thinks I’m ignoring him. Any advice? I feel weak if I text him. I’m so stubborn and yes I’m an Aries. Please help I know I did wron for not letting him explain. No bad vibes here please
She meant the world to me and I gave her all I could and then some. However, every time I was out with friends or even mentioned another woman (yes I have friends with women, not a big deal) she'd immediately worry or think something was up even if my friend was already married, taken, or strictly a PLATONIC friend. If I even spoke to a semi attractive or attractive woman, she'd assume I was seeing them or interested even though I'm not and have zero history of cheating ever. I'm just friendly, I like good people, and most important, I want to enjoy myself.
Her mood would shift, she'd get anxious, and she'd either freak out at me for no reason or she'd push me away without giving me a clue as to why even though I knew why. This went on for years and it took a toll on me, but yet, I loved her and still wanted to be there for her thinking that over time, she'll come around to accepting it. 4 years in, she was the one who cheated on me it turned out. It hurt like hell and definitely pushed me away but I gave her another chance. Two years, her anxiety got worse and she'd break through my phone, my laptop, looking for any details of whether I was flirting, cheating, or talking to any other women. She found nothing because, I'm not a cheater. We broke up two years later because I was over dealing with this. This was over 3 years ago. She's still trying to get me back in her life til this day.
Case in point, sometimes your instincts and assumptions are wrong. The way to keep a Taurus around? Be honest, communicate, confrontational, but most importantly, Strong. We like strong women: women who know they're confident and beautiful without overly flaunting it or bragging about it, women who are sure of themselves and know they have us without any worry, and women who are Consistently great to be around. If you allow your anxiety to get the best of you, and not openly communicate those feelings to him (and if you're even worried in the slightest he's seeing someone else), CONFRONT him and just talk to him about it. The truth will eventually expose to expand
Posted by earlorg16Thank GOD I'm NOT Aries!!!!Posted by Shey8888I dated an Aries women for six years. Let me tell you how that went real quick so that maybe you could avoid this with your Taurus.
I met a man a few weeks ago. If any of you are into astrology he is a Taurus man. Anyways it was unexpected we clicked immediately and had the most amazing chemistry. After that we hung out for two weeks straight. He spent his every moment with me texted me all day and called me at nighttime or came over mind you this man has come off so respectful and hasn’t pressured me into anything. We can laugh and talk for hours on end. Life seriously took a weird but good feeling change the night I met him. Everyone that was with him was like wow the chemistry betweeen you two is rare.Then Fourth of July week he said he was renting a house with 6 guys. And was telling me all these stories of these guys. I was excited for him but felt unsettled for some reason. So he went off barley heard from him for a couple days then I looked at his fb and he was tagged in a picture and to me it looked like he was on a couples vacation. I immediately texted him and said I hope your having a great time. But I don’t think I’m going to be seeing you anymore no hard feelings. And left it at that. (Yes I know kind of harsh) he replied I respect your honest but did I do something are you mad at me? I left it short and said no I’m not mad and apologized for sending such text to him while he was having fun on vacation. A couple days later I sent him a text pretty much saying I’m not mad and no hard feelings but I don’t want to be involved with someone who’s involved with someone else. Then I blocked him because honestly... my anxiety got the best of me and I didn’t want to either hear an excuse or the truth. I know for a fact he texted me back the next day. But clearly I didn’t respond bc I have no idea he sent anything to me or what it said so he clearly thinks I’m ignoring him. Now my anxiety is high. I miss him so much. Or maybe I’m just angry at myself. I have no idea what to do now bc he hasn’t texted me which I don’t blame him bc he thinks I’m ignoring him. Any advice? I feel weak if I text him. I’m so stubborn and yes I’m an Aries. Please help I know I did wron for not letting him explain. No bad vibes here please
She meant the world to me and I gave her all I could and then some. However, every time I was out with friends or even mentioned another woman (yes I have friends with women, not a big deal) she'd immediately worry or think something was up even if my friend was already married, taken, or strictly a PLATONIC friend. If I even spoke to a semi attractive or attractive woman, she'd assume I was seeing them or interested even though I'm not and have zero history of cheating ever. I'm just friendly, I like good people, and most important, I want to enjoy myself.
Her mood would shift, she'd get anxious, and she'd either freak out at me for no reason or she'd push me away without giving me a clue as to why even though I knew why. This went on for years and it took a toll on me, but yet, I loved her and still wanted to be there for her thinking that over time, she'll come around to accepting it. 4 years in, she was the one who cheated on me it turned out. It hurt like hell and definitely pushed me away but I gave her another chance. Two years, her anxiety got worse and she'd break through my phone, my laptop, looking for any details of whether I was flirting, cheating, or talking to any other women. She found nothing because, I'm not a cheater. We broke up two years later because I was over dealing with this. This was over 3 years ago. She's still trying to get me back in her life til this day.
Case in point, sometimes your instincts and assumptions are wrong. The way to keep a Taurus around? Be honest, communicate, confrontational, but most importantly, Strong. We like strong women: women who know they're confident and beautiful without overly flaunting it or bragging about it, women who are sure of themselves and know they have us without any worry, and women who are Consistently great to be around. If you allow your anxiety to get the best of you, and not openly communicate those feelings to him (and if you're even worried in the slightest he's seeing someone else), CONFRONT him and just talk to him about it. The truth will eventually expose to expand
Posted by Arielle83Oh for sure. It’s not a red flag that he has girl friends he goes on trips with. It’s a red flag he’s telling op it’s a guys only trip.Posted by LadyNeptuneI’ve gone on guys wkds with guy friends. I don’t give a fuck if their gfs get upset.Posted by bkbella86I could be nothing. But he said he was going on an all guys trip. So seems suspect to me that females were there. Why hide that?Posted by LadyNeptuneI have to always remind myself of this. I’ve always been super intuitive and always know bs before it was revealed to me but I didnt trust myself and decided to trust a complete stranger instead and fucked myslef over. Nope I’d rather be wrong about myself And my assumptions. I can deal with that better than giving someone the chance to prove me right.Posted by bkbella86Yeah trust your instincts.
I think you were right about your assumptions. I wouldn’t trust him.
Op don’t call him ‘YOUR’ Taurus man. You haven’t locked him down yet, looks like another bish beat you too it 🤷♀️
I’m not into my guy friends!click to expand
Posted by Shey8888In the future, it may be best to save that question for in person. That way you can catch his body language to see if he's lying. Taurus tend to be crap liars. You could read it in their expression. Dating does suck, yeah.Posted by earlorg16Posted by Shey8888I dated an Aries women for six years. Let me tell you how that went real quick so that maybe you could avoid this with your Taurus.
I met a man a few weeks ago. If any of you are into astrology he is a Taurus man. Anyways it was unexpected we clicked immediately and had the most amazing chemistry. After that we hung out for two weeks straight. He spent his every moment with me texted me all day and called me at nighttime or came over mind you this man has come off so respectful and hasn’t pressured me into anything. We can laugh and talk for hours on end. Life seriously took a weird but good feeling change the night I met him. Everyone that was with him was like wow the chemistry betweeen you two is rare.Then Fourth of July week he said he was renting a house with 6 guys. And was telling me all these stories of these guys. I was excited for him but felt unsettled for some reason. So he went off barley heard from him for a couple days then I looked at his fb and he was tagged in a picture and to me it looked like he was on a couples vacation. I immediately texted him and said I hope your having a great time. But I don’t think I’m going to be seeing you anymore no hard feelings. And left it at that. (Yes I know kind of harsh) he replied I respect your honest but did I do something are you mad at me? I left it short and said no I’m not mad and apologized for sending such text to him while he was having fun on vacation. A couple days later I sent him a text pretty much saying I’m not mad and no hard feelings but I don’t want to be involved with someone who’s involved with someone else. Then I blocked him because honestly... my anxiety got the best of me and I didn’t want to either hear an excuse or the truth. I know for a fact he texted me back the next day. But clearly I didn’t respond bc I have no idea he sent anything to me or what it said so he clearly thinks I’m ignoring him. Now my anxiety is high. I miss him so much. Or maybe I’m just angry at myself. I have no idea what to do now bc he hasn’t texted me which I don’t blame him bc he thinks I’m ignoring him. Any advice? I feel weak if I text him. I’m so stubborn and yes I’m an Aries. Please help I know I did wron for not letting him explain. No bad vibes here please
She meant the world to me and I gave her all I could and then some. However, every time I was out with friends or even mentioned another woman (yes I have friends with women, not a big deal) she'd immediately worry or think something was up even if my friend was already married, taken, or strictly a PLATONIC friend. If I even spoke to a semi attractive or attractive woman, she'd assume I was seeing them or interested even though I'm not and have zero history of cheating ever. I'm just friendly, I like good people, and most important, I want to enjoy myself.
Her mood would shift, she'd get anxious, and she'd either freak out at me for no reason or she'd push me away without giving me a clue as to why even though I knew why. This went on for years and it took a toll on me, but yet, I loved her and still wanted to be there for her thinking that over time, she'll come around to accepting it. 4 years in, she was the one who cheated on me it turned out. It hurt like hell and definitely pushed me away but I gave her another chance. Two years, her anxiety got worse and she'd break through my phone, my laptop, looking for any details of whether I was flirting, cheating, or talking to any other women. She found nothing because, I'm not a cheater. We broke up two years later because I was over dealing with this. This was over 3 years ago. She's still trying to get me back in her life til this day.
Case in point, sometimes your instincts and assumptions are wrong. The way to keep a Taurus around? Be honest, communicate, confrontational, but most importantly, Strong. We like strong women: women who know they're confident and beautiful without overly flaunting it or bragging about it, women who are sure of themselves and know they have us without any worry, and women who are Consistently great to be around. If you allow your anxiety to get the best of you, and not openly communicate those feelings to him (and if you're even worried in the slightest he's seeing someone else), CONFRONT him and just talk to him about it. The truth will eventually expose itself.
Uhh that is so me! 🤦🏼♀️ Terrible! I have been very upfront with him! Very honest! Even if ya embarrassing. I haven’t heard from him since I sent him the text about still wanting to see him if he’s not involved with anyone else. And I texted that 12 hrs ago. Maybe he just doesn’t care idk. Dating sucks!click to expand
Posted by earlorg16Posted by Shey8888In the future, it may be best to save that question for in person. That way you can catch his body language to see if he's lying. Taurus tend to be crap liars. You could read it in their expression. Dating does suck, yeah.Posted by earlorg16Posted by Shey8888I dated an Aries women for six years. Let me tell you how that went real quick so that maybe you could avoid this with your Taurus.
I met a man a few weeks ago. If any of you are into astrology he is a Taurus man. Anyways it was unexpected we clicked immediately and had the most amazing chemistry. After that we hung out for two weeks straight. He spent his every moment with me texted me all day and called me at nighttime or came over mind you this man has come off so respectful and hasn’t pressured me into anything. We can laugh and talk for hours on end. Life seriously took a weird but good feeling change the night I met him. Everyone that was with him was like wow the chemistry betweeen you two is rare.Then Fourth of July week he said he was renting a house with 6 guys. And was telling me all these stories of these guys. I was excited for him but felt unsettled for some reason. So he went off barley heard from him for a couple days then I looked at his fb and he was tagged in a picture and to me it looked like he was on a couples vacation. I immediately texted him and said I hope your having a great time. But I don’t think I’m going to be seeing you anymore no hard feelings. And left it at that. (Yes I know kind of harsh) he replied I respect your honest but did I do something are you mad at me? I left it short and said no I’m not mad and apologized for sending such text to him while he was having fun on vacation. A couple days later I sent him a text pretty much saying I’m not mad and no hard feelings but I don’t want to be involved with someone who’s involved with someone else. Then I blocked him because honestly... my anxiety got the best of me and I didn’t want to either hear an excuse or the truth. I know for a fact he texted me back the next day. But clearly I didn’t respond bc I have no idea he sent anything to me or what it said so he clearly thinks I’m ignoring him. Now my anxiety is high. I miss him so much. Or maybe I’m just angry at myself. I have no idea what to do now bc he hasn’t texted me which I don’t blame him bc he thinks I’m ignoring him. Any advice? I feel weak if I text him. I’m so stubborn and yes I’m an Aries. Please help I know I did wron for not letting him explain. No bad vibes here please
She meant the world to me and I gave her all I could and then some. However, every time I was out with friends or even mentioned another woman (yes I have friends with women, not a big deal) she'd immediately worry or think something was up even if my friend was already married, taken, or strictly a PLATONIC friend. If I even spoke to a semi attractive or attractive woman, she'd assume I was seeing them or interested even though I'm not and have zero history of cheating ever. I'm just friendly, I like good people, and most important, I want to enjoy myself.
Her mood would shift, she'd get anxious, and she'd either freak out at me for no reason or she'd push me away without giving me a clue as to why even though I knew why. This went on for years and it took a toll on me, but yet, I loved her and still wanted to be there for her thinking that over time, she'll come around to accepting it. 4 years in, she was the one who cheated on me it turned out. It hurt like hell and definitely pushed me away but I gave her another chance. Two years, her anxiety got worse and she'd break through my phone, my laptop, looking for any details of whether I was flirting, cheating, or talking to any other women. She found nothing because, I'm not a cheater. We broke up two years later because I was over dealing with this. This was over 3 years ago. She's still trying to get me back in her life til this day.
Case in point, sometimes your instincts and assumptions are wrong. The way to keep a Taurus around? Be honest, communicate, confrontational, but most importantly, Strong. We like strong women: women who know they're confident and beautiful without overly flaunting it or bragging about it, women who are sure of themselves and know they have us without any worry, and women who are Consistently great to be around. If you allow your anxiety to get the best of you, and not openly communicate those feelings to him (and if you're even worried in the slightest he's seeing someone else), CONFRONT him and just talk to him about it. The truth will eventually expose itself.
Uhh that is so me! 🤦🏼♀️ Terrible! I have been very upfront with him! Very honest! Even if ya embarrassing. I haven’t heard from him since I sent him the text about still wanting to see him if he’s not involved with anyone else. And I texted that 12 hrs ago. Maybe he just doesn’t care idk. Dating sucks!click to expand
Posted by LadyNeptunewas it explicitly "guys only" or just renting a place with 6 dudes though? that's a serious sausage fest if the shouldn't be seen as a betrayal if other men are inviting women to join them....would really need to know what she saw in the pics exactly....was he kissing a girl, taking selfies with his arm around one? or is she just irrationally jealous bc there were other women standing nearby in the photos....Posted by Arielle83Oh for sure. It’s not a red flag that he has girl friends he goes on trips with. It’s a red flag he’s telling op it’s a guys only trip.Posted by LadyNeptuneI’ve gone on guys wkds with guy friends. I don’t give a fuck if their gfs get upset.Posted by bkbella86I could be nothing. But he said he was going on an all guys trip. So seems suspect to me that females were there. Why hide that?Posted by LadyNeptuneI have to always remind myself of this. I’ve always been super intuitive and always know bs before it was revealed to me but I didnt trust myself and decided to trust a complete stranger instead and fucked myslef over. Nope I’d rather be wrong about myself And my assumptions. I can deal with that better than giving someone the chance to prove me right.Posted by bkbella86Yeah trust your instincts.
I think you were right about your assumptions. I wouldn’t trust him.
Op don’t call him ‘YOUR’ Taurus man. You haven’t locked him down yet, looks like another bish beat you too it 🤷♀️
I’m not into my guy friends!
Why try to be shady and hide it when you know social media is gonna put you on blast?click to expand
Posted by MetatronPosted by LadyNeptunewas it explicitly "guys only" or just renting a place with 6 dudes though? that's a serious sausage fest if the shouldn't be seen as a betrayal if other men are inviting women to join them....would really need to know what she saw in the pics exactly....was he kissing a girl, taking selfies with his arm around one? or is she just irrationally jealous bc there were other women standing nearby in the photos....Posted by Arielle83Oh for sure. It’s not a red flag that he has girl friends he goes on trips with. It’s a red flag he’s telling op it’s a guys only trip.Posted by LadyNeptuneI’ve gone on guys wkds with guy friends. I don’t give a fuck if their gfs get upset.Posted by bkbella86I could be nothing. But he said he was going on an all guys trip. So seems suspect to me that females were there. Why hide that?Posted by LadyNeptuneI have to always remind myself of this. I’ve always been super intuitive and always know bs before it was revealed to me but I didnt trust myself and decided to trust a complete stranger instead and fucked myslef over. Nope I’d rather be wrong about myself And my assumptions. I can deal with that better than giving someone the chance to prove me right.Posted by bkbella86Yeah trust your instincts.
I think you were right about your assumptions. I wouldn’t trust him.
Op don’t call him ‘YOUR’ Taurus man. You haven’t locked him down yet, looks like another bish beat you too it 🤷♀️
I’m not into my guy friends!
Why try to be shady and hide it when you know social media is gonna put you on blast?click to expand
Posted by Shey8888If he lied about it like that, I understand you being upset....Should've just had a simple convo around it though - "Why did you lie to me? You said it would be all dudes and I see there were 3 girls there....Here's what that looks like to me..." etc.Posted by MetatronPosted by LadyNeptunewas it explicitly "guys only" or just renting a place with 6 dudes though? that's a serious sausage fest if the shouldn't be seen as a betrayal if other men are inviting women to join them....would really need to know what she saw in the pics exactly....was he kissing a girl, taking selfies with his arm around one? or is she just irrationally jealous bc there were other women standing nearby in the photos....Posted by Arielle83Oh for sure. It’s not a red flag that he has girl friends he goes on trips with. It’s a red flag he’s telling op it’s a guys only trip.Posted by LadyNeptuneI’ve gone on guys wkds with guy friends. I don’t give a fuck if their gfs get upset.Posted by bkbella86I could be nothing. But he said he was going on an all guys trip. So seems suspect to me that females were there. Why hide that?Posted by LadyNeptuneI have to always remind myself of this. I’ve always been super intuitive and always know bs before it was revealed to me but I didnt trust myself and decided to trust a complete stranger instead and fucked myslef over. Nope I’d rather be wrong about myself And my assumptions. I can deal with that better than giving someone the chance to prove me right.Posted by bkbella86Yeah trust your instincts.
I think you were right about your assumptions. I wouldn’t trust him.
Op don’t call him ‘YOUR’ Taurus man. You haven’t locked him down yet, looks like another bish beat you too it 🤷♀️
I’m not into my guy friends!
Why try to be shady and hide it when you know social media is gonna put you on blast?
No he said 6 guys in a rented house turns out it was 3 guys 3 girls checked into a hotel. And there was a pic of all of Them in the pool. And no he wasn’t doing anything with her but. It took me back that I think he lied and I was just to expand
Posted by Shey8888I wouldn't do that if I were you. Wait until you see him again. In the mean time, try to occupy yourself and not wait on this dude to text you back. It's just gonna drive you mad.Posted by earlorg16Posted by Shey8888In the future, it may be best to save that question for in person. That way you can catch his body language to see if he's lying. Taurus tend to be crap liars. You could read it in their expression. Dating does suck, yeah.Posted by earlorg16Posted by Shey8888I dated an Aries women for six years. Let me tell you how that went real quick so that maybe you could avoid this with your Taurus.
I met a man a few weeks ago. If any of you are into astrology he is a Taurus man. Anyways it was unexpected we clicked immediately and had the most amazing chemistry. After that we hung out for two weeks straight. He spent his every moment with me texted me all day and called me at nighttime or came over mind you this man has come off so respectful and hasn’t pressured me into anything. We can laugh and talk for hours on end. Life seriously took a weird but good feeling change the night I met him. Everyone that was with him was like wow the chemistry betweeen you two is rare.Then Fourth of July week he said he was renting a house with 6 guys. And was telling me all these stories of these guys. I was excited for him but felt unsettled for some reason. So he went off barley heard from him for a couple days then I looked at his fb and he was tagged in a picture and to me it looked like he was on a couples vacation. I immediately texted him and said I hope your having a great time. But I don’t think I’m going to be seeing you anymore no hard feelings. And left it at that. (Yes I know kind of harsh) he replied I respect your honest but did I do something are you mad at me? I left it short and said no I’m not mad and apologized for sending such text to him while he was having fun on vacation. A couple days later I sent him a text pretty much saying I’m not mad and no hard feelings but I don’t want to be involved with someone who’s involved with someone else. Then I blocked him because honestly... my anxiety got the best of me and I didn’t want to either hear an excuse or the truth. I know for a fact he texted me back the next day. But clearly I didn’t respond bc I have no idea he sent anything to me or what it said so he clearly thinks I’m ignoring him. Now my anxiety is high. I miss him so much. Or maybe I’m just angry at myself. I have no idea what to do now bc he hasn’t texted me which I don’t blame him bc he thinks I’m ignoring him. Any advice? I feel weak if I text him. I’m so stubborn and yes I’m an Aries. Please help I know I did wron for not letting him explain. No bad vibes here please
She meant the world to me and I gave her all I could and then some. However, every time I was out with friends or even mentioned another woman (yes I have friends with women, not a big deal) she'd immediately worry or think something was up even if my friend was already married, taken, or strictly a PLATONIC friend. If I even spoke to a semi attractive or attractive woman, she'd assume I was seeing them or interested even though I'm not and have zero history of cheating ever. I'm just friendly, I like good people, and most important, I want to enjoy myself.
Her mood would shift, she'd get anxious, and she'd either freak out at me for no reason or she'd push me away without giving me a clue as to why even though I knew why. This went on for years and it took a toll on me, but yet, I loved her and still wanted to be there for her thinking that over time, she'll come around to accepting it. 4 years in, she was the one who cheated on me it turned out. It hurt like hell and definitely pushed me away but I gave her another chance. Two years, her anxiety got worse and she'd break through my phone, my laptop, looking for any details of whether I was flirting, cheating, or talking to any other women. She found nothing because, I'm not a cheater. We broke up two years later because I was over dealing with this. This was over 3 years ago. She's still trying to get me back in her life til this day.
Case in point, sometimes your instincts and assumptions are wrong. The way to keep a Taurus around? Be honest, communicate, confrontational, but most importantly, Strong. We like strong women: women who know they're confident and beautiful without overly flaunting it or bragging about it, women who are sure of themselves and know they have us without any worry, and women who are Consistently great to be around. If you allow your anxiety to get the best of you, and not openly communicate those feelings to him (and if you're even worried in the slightest he's seeing someone else), CONFRONT him and just talk to him about it. The truth will eventually expose itself.
Uhh that is so me! 🤦🏼♀️ Terrible! I have been very upfront with him! Very honest! Even if ya embarrassing. I haven’t heard from him since I sent him the text about still wanting to see him if he’s not involved with anyone else. And I texted that 12 hrs ago. Maybe he just doesn’t care idk. Dating sucks!
I am seeing that now. He keeps avoiding it. I think I’m just done if he doesn’t respond to me by tonight and just tell him I get the hint and wish him the best.if that’s a good idea. Maybe I’m pushing him away more. It sucks he spent every moment had had either with me texting me or calling me. Now I feel like I don’t to expand
Posted by MetatronYeah, this would've been the proper approach.Posted by Shey8888If he lied about it like that, I understand you being upset....Should've just had a simple convo around it though - "Why did you lie to me? You said it would be all dudes and I see there were 3 girls there....Here's what that looks like to me..." etc.Posted by MetatronPosted by LadyNeptunewas it explicitly "guys only" or just renting a place with 6 dudes though? that's a serious sausage fest if the shouldn't be seen as a betrayal if other men are inviting women to join them....would really need to know what she saw in the pics exactly....was he kissing a girl, taking selfies with his arm around one? or is she just irrationally jealous bc there were other women standing nearby in the photos....Posted by Arielle83Oh for sure. It’s not a red flag that he has girl friends he goes on trips with. It’s a red flag he’s telling op it’s a guys only trip.Posted by LadyNeptuneI’ve gone on guys wkds with guy friends. I don’t give a fuck if their gfs get upset.Posted by bkbella86I could be nothing. But he said he was going on an all guys trip. So seems suspect to me that females were there. Why hide that?Posted by LadyNeptuneI have to always remind myself of this. I’ve always been super intuitive and always know bs before it was revealed to me but I didnt trust myself and decided to trust a complete stranger instead and fucked myslef over. Nope I’d rather be wrong about myself And my assumptions. I can deal with that better than giving someone the chance to prove me right.Posted by bkbella86Yeah trust your instincts.
I think you were right about your assumptions. I wouldn’t trust him.
Op don’t call him ‘YOUR’ Taurus man. You haven’t locked him down yet, looks like another bish beat you too it 🤷♀️
I’m not into my guy friends!
Why try to be shady and hide it when you know social media is gonna put you on blast?
No he said 6 guys in a rented house turns out it was 3 guys 3 girls checked into a hotel. And there was a pic of all of Them in the pool. And no he wasn’t doing anything with her but. It took me back that I think he lied and I was just to expand
Posted by earlorg16Posted by Shey8888I wouldn't do that if I were you. Wait until you see him again. In the mean time, try to occupy yourself and not wait on this dude to text you back. It's just gonna drive you mad.Posted by earlorg16Posted by Shey8888In the future, it may be best to save that question for in person. That way you can catch his body language to see if he's lying. Taurus tend to be crap liars. You could read it in their expression. Dating does suck, yeah.Posted by earlorg16Posted by Shey8888I dated an Aries women for six years. Let me tell you how that went real quick so that maybe you could avoid this with your Taurus.
I met a man a few weeks ago. If any of you are into astrology he is a Taurus man. Anyways it was unexpected we clicked immediately and had the most amazing chemistry. After that we hung out for two weeks straight. He spent his every moment with me texted me all day and called me at nighttime or came over mind you this man has come off so respectful and hasn’t pressured me into anything. We can laugh and talk for hours on end. Life seriously took a weird but good feeling change the night I met him. Everyone that was with him was like wow the chemistry betweeen you two is rare.Then Fourth of July week he said he was renting a house with 6 guys. And was telling me all these stories of these guys. I was excited for him but felt unsettled for some reason. So he went off barley heard from him for a couple days then I looked at his fb and he was tagged in a picture and to me it looked like he was on a couples vacation. I immediately texted him and said I hope your having a great time. But I don’t think I’m going to be seeing you anymore no hard feelings. And left it at that. (Yes I know kind of harsh) he replied I respect your honest but did I do something are you mad at me? I left it short and said no I’m not mad and apologized for sending such text to him while he was having fun on vacation. A couple days later I sent him a text pretty much saying I’m not mad and no hard feelings but I don’t want to be involved with someone who’s involved with someone else. Then I blocked him because honestly... my anxiety got the best of me and I didn’t want to either hear an excuse or the truth. I know for a fact he texted me back the next day. But clearly I didn’t respond bc I have no idea he sent anything to me or what it said so he clearly thinks I’m ignoring him. Now my anxiety is high. I miss him so much. Or maybe I’m just angry at myself. I have no idea what to do now bc he hasn’t texted me which I don’t blame him bc he thinks I’m ignoring him. Any advice? I feel weak if I text him. I’m so stubborn and yes I’m an Aries. Please help I know I did wron for not letting him explain. No bad vibes here please
She meant the world to me and I gave her all I could and then some. However, every time I was out with friends or even mentioned another woman (yes I have friends with women, not a big deal) she'd immediately worry or think something was up even if my friend was already married, taken, or strictly a PLATONIC friend. If I even spoke to a semi attractive or attractive woman, she'd assume I was seeing them or interested even though I'm not and have zero history of cheating ever. I'm just friendly, I like good people, and most important, I want to enjoy myself.
Her mood would shift, she'd get anxious, and she'd either freak out at me for no reason or she'd push me away without giving me a clue as to why even though I knew why. This went on for years and it took a toll on me, but yet, I loved her and still wanted to be there for her thinking that over time, she'll come around to accepting it. 4 years in, she was the one who cheated on me it turned out. It hurt like hell and definitely pushed me away but I gave her another chance. Two years, her anxiety got worse and she'd break through my phone, my laptop, looking for any details of whether I was flirting, cheating, or talking to any other women. She found nothing because, I'm not a cheater. We broke up two years later because I was over dealing with this. This was over 3 years ago. She's still trying to get me back in her life til this day.
Case in point, sometimes your instincts and assumptions are wrong. The way to keep a Taurus around? Be honest, communicate, confrontational, but most importantly, Strong. We like strong women: women who know they're confident and beautiful without overly flaunting it or bragging about it, women who are sure of themselves and know they have us without any worry, and women who are Consistently great to be around. If you allow your anxiety to get the best of you, and not openly communicate those feelings to him (and if you're even worried in the slightest he's seeing someone else), CONFRONT him and just talk to him about it. The truth will eventually expose itself.
Uhh that is so me! 🤦🏼♀️ Terrible! I have been very upfront with him! Very honest! Even if ya embarrassing. I haven’t heard from him since I sent him the text about still wanting to see him if he’s not involved with anyone else. And I texted that 12 hrs ago. Maybe he just doesn’t care idk. Dating sucks!
I am seeing that now. He keeps avoiding it. I think I’m just done if he doesn’t respond to me by tonight and just tell him I get the hint and wish him the best.if that’s a good idea. Maybe I’m pushing him away more. It sucks he spent every moment had had either with me texting me or calling me. Now I feel like I don’t to expand
Posted by earlorg16Posted by MetatronYeah, this would've been the proper approach.Posted by Shey8888If he lied about it like that, I understand you being upset....Should've just had a simple convo around it though - "Why did you lie to me? You said it would be all dudes and I see there were 3 girls there....Here's what that looks like to me..." etc.Posted by MetatronPosted by LadyNeptunewas it explicitly "guys only" or just renting a place with 6 dudes though? that's a serious sausage fest if the shouldn't be seen as a betrayal if other men are inviting women to join them....would really need to know what she saw in the pics exactly....was he kissing a girl, taking selfies with his arm around one? or is she just irrationally jealous bc there were other women standing nearby in the photos....Posted by Arielle83Oh for sure. It’s not a red flag that he has girl friends he goes on trips with. It’s a red flag he’s telling op it’s a guys only trip.Posted by LadyNeptuneI’ve gone on guys wkds with guy friends. I don’t give a fuck if their gfs get upset.Posted by bkbella86I could be nothing. But he said he was going on an all guys trip. So seems suspect to me that females were there. Why hide that?Posted by LadyNeptuneI have to always remind myself of this. I’ve always been super intuitive and always know bs before it was revealed to me but I didnt trust myself and decided to trust a complete stranger instead and fucked myslef over. Nope I’d rather be wrong about myself And my assumptions. I can deal with that better than giving someone the chance to prove me right.Posted by bkbella86Yeah trust your instincts.
I think you were right about your assumptions. I wouldn’t trust him.
Op don’t call him ‘YOUR’ Taurus man. You haven’t locked him down yet, looks like another bish beat you too it 🤷♀️
I’m not into my guy friends!
Why try to be shady and hide it when you know social media is gonna put you on blast?
No he said 6 guys in a rented house turns out it was 3 guys 3 girls checked into a hotel. And there was a pic of all of Them in the pool. And no he wasn’t doing anything with her but. It took me back that I think he lied and I was just to expand
Posted by Shey8888Not to be a dlck but like, this is exactly what got you here in the first place. The assumptions have got to stop. There are too many "if's" and not enough, "lets wait and see." It hasn't even been a day yet, and even than that's still not a lot of time. If he's already making you feel this way and you can't contain waiting, then yeah move on and don't even worry about this because this is standard behavior of a Taurus or sadly, most people.Posted by earlorg16Posted by Shey8888I wouldn't do that if I were you. Wait until you see him again. In the mean time, try to occupy yourself and not wait on this dude to text you back. It's just gonna drive you mad.Posted by earlorg16Posted by Shey8888In the future, it may be best to save that question for in person. That way you can catch his body language to see if he's lying. Taurus tend to be crap liars. You could read it in their expression. Dating does suck, yeah.Posted by earlorg16Posted by Shey8888I dated an Aries women for six years. Let me tell you how that went real quick so that maybe you could avoid this with your Taurus.
I met a man a few weeks ago. If any of you are into astrology he is a Taurus man. Anyways it was unexpected we clicked immediately and had the most amazing chemistry. After that we hung out for two weeks straight. He spent his every moment with me texted me all day and called me at nighttime or came over mind you this man has come off so respectful and hasn’t pressured me into anything. We can laugh and talk for hours on end. Life seriously took a weird but good feeling change the night I met him. Everyone that was with him was like wow the chemistry betweeen you two is rare.Then Fourth of July week he said he was renting a house with 6 guys. And was telling me all these stories of these guys. I was excited for him but felt unsettled for some reason. So he went off barley heard from him for a couple days then I looked at his fb and he was tagged in a picture and to me it looked like he was on a couples vacation. I immediately texted him and said I hope your having a great time. But I don’t think I’m going to be seeing you anymore no hard feelings. And left it at that. (Yes I know kind of harsh) he replied I respect your honest but did I do something are you mad at me? I left it short and said no I’m not mad and apologized for sending such text to him while he was having fun on vacation. A couple days later I sent him a text pretty much saying I’m not mad and no hard feelings but I don’t want to be involved with someone who’s involved with someone else. Then I blocked him because honestly... my anxiety got the best of me and I didn’t want to either hear an excuse or the truth. I know for a fact he texted me back the next day. But clearly I didn’t respond bc I have no idea he sent anything to me or what it said so he clearly thinks I’m ignoring him. Now my anxiety is high. I miss him so much. Or maybe I’m just angry at myself. I have no idea what to do now bc he hasn’t texted me which I don’t blame him bc he thinks I’m ignoring him. Any advice? I feel weak if I text him. I’m so stubborn and yes I’m an Aries. Please help I know I did wron for not letting him explain. No bad vibes here please
She meant the world to me and I gave her all I could and then some. However, every time I was out with friends or even mentioned another woman (yes I have friends with women, not a big deal) she'd immediately worry or think something was up even if my friend was already married, taken, or strictly a PLATONIC friend. If I even spoke to a semi attractive or attractive woman, she'd assume I was seeing them or interested even though I'm not and have zero history of cheating ever. I'm just friendly, I like good people, and most important, I want to enjoy myself.
Her mood would shift, she'd get anxious, and she'd either freak out at me for no reason or she'd push me away without giving me a clue as to why even though I knew why. This went on for years and it took a toll on me, but yet, I loved her and still wanted to be there for her thinking that over time, she'll come around to accepting it. 4 years in, she was the one who cheated on me it turned out. It hurt like hell and definitely pushed me away but I gave her another chance. Two years, her anxiety got worse and she'd break through my phone, my laptop, looking for any details of whether I was flirting, cheating, or talking to any other women. She found nothing because, I'm not a cheater. We broke up two years later because I was over dealing with this. This was over 3 years ago. She's still trying to get me back in her life til this day.
Case in point, sometimes your instincts and assumptions are wrong. The way to keep a Taurus around? Be honest, communicate, confrontational, but most importantly, Strong. We like strong women: women who know they're confident and beautiful without overly flaunting it or bragging about it, women who are sure of themselves and know they have us without any worry, and women who are Consistently great to be around. If you allow your anxiety to get the best of you, and not openly communicate those feelings to him (and if you're even worried in the slightest he's seeing someone else), CONFRONT him and just talk to him about it. The truth will eventually expose itself.
Uhh that is so me! 🤦🏼♀️ Terrible! I have been very upfront with him! Very honest! Even if ya embarrassing. I haven’t heard from him since I sent him the text about still wanting to see him if he’s not involved with anyone else. And I texted that 12 hrs ago. Maybe he just doesn’t care idk. Dating sucks!
I am seeing that now. He keeps avoiding it. I think I’m just done if he doesn’t respond to me by tonight and just tell him I get the hint and wish him the best.if that’s a good idea. Maybe I’m pushing him away more. It sucks he spent every moment had had either with me texting me or calling me. Now I feel like I don’t exist.
Your right. Unfortunatley I probably won’t see him again if he’s ignoring me so I think it’s just time to look past it!click to expand
Posted by earlorg16Posted by Shey8888Not to be a dlck but like, this is exactly what got you here in the first place. The assumptions have got to stop. There are too many "if's" and not enough, "lets wait and see." It hasn't even been a day yet, and even than that's still not a lot of time. If he's already making you feel this way and you can't contain waiting, then yeah move on and don't even worry about this because this is standard behavior of a Taurus or sadly, most people.Posted by earlorg16Posted by Shey8888I wouldn't do that if I were you. Wait until you see him again. In the mean time, try to occupy yourself and not wait on this dude to text you back. It's just gonna drive you mad.Posted by earlorg16Posted by Shey8888In the future, it may be best to save that question for in person. That way you can catch his body language to see if he's lying. Taurus tend to be crap liars. You could read it in their expression. Dating does suck, yeah.Posted by earlorg16Posted by Shey8888I dated an Aries women for six years. Let me tell you how that went real quick so that maybe you could avoid this with your Taurus.
I met a man a few weeks ago. If any of you are into astrology he is a Taurus man. Anyways it was unexpected we clicked immediately and had the most amazing chemistry. After that we hung out for two weeks straight. He spent his every moment with me texted me all day and called me at nighttime or came over mind you this man has come off so respectful and hasn’t pressured me into anything. We can laugh and talk for hours on end. Life seriously took a weird but good feeling change the night I met him. Everyone that was with him was like wow the chemistry betweeen you two is rare.Then Fourth of July week he said he was renting a house with 6 guys. And was telling me all these stories of these guys. I was excited for him but felt unsettled for some reason. So he went off barley heard from him for a couple days then I looked at his fb and he was tagged in a picture and to me it looked like he was on a couples vacation. I immediately texted him and said I hope your having a great time. But I don’t think I’m going to be seeing you anymore no hard feelings. And left it at that. (Yes I know kind of harsh) he replied I respect your honest but did I do something are you mad at me? I left it short and said no I’m not mad and apologized for sending such text to him while he was having fun on vacation. A couple days later I sent him a text pretty much saying I’m not mad and no hard feelings but I don’t want to be involved with someone who’s involved with someone else. Then I blocked him because honestly... my anxiety got the best of me and I didn’t want to either hear an excuse or the truth. I know for a fact he texted me back the next day. But clearly I didn’t respond bc I have no idea he sent anything to me or what it said so he clearly thinks I’m ignoring him. Now my anxiety is high. I miss him so much. Or maybe I’m just angry at myself. I have no idea what to do now bc he hasn’t texted me which I don’t blame him bc he thinks I’m ignoring him. Any advice? I feel weak if I text him. I’m so stubborn and yes I’m an Aries. Please help I know I did wron for not letting him explain. No bad vibes here please
She meant the world to me and I gave her all I could and then some. However, every time I was out with friends or even mentioned another woman (yes I have friends with women, not a big deal) she'd immediately worry or think something was up even if my friend was already married, taken, or strictly a PLATONIC friend. If I even spoke to a semi attractive or attractive woman, she'd assume I was seeing them or interested even though I'm not and have zero history of cheating ever. I'm just friendly, I like good people, and most important, I want to enjoy myself.
Her mood would shift, she'd get anxious, and she'd either freak out at me for no reason or she'd push me away without giving me a clue as to why even though I knew why. This went on for years and it took a toll on me, but yet, I loved her and still wanted to be there for her thinking that over time, she'll come around to accepting it. 4 years in, she was the one who cheated on me it turned out. It hurt like hell and definitely pushed me away but I gave her another chance. Two years, her anxiety got worse and she'd break through my phone, my laptop, looking for any details of whether I was flirting, cheating, or talking to any other women. She found nothing because, I'm not a cheater. We broke up two years later because I was over dealing with this. This was over 3 years ago. She's still trying to get me back in her life til this day.
Case in point, sometimes your instincts and assumptions are wrong. The way to keep a Taurus around? Be honest, communicate, confrontational, but most importantly, Strong. We like strong women: women who know they're confident and beautiful without overly flaunting it or bragging about it, women who are sure of themselves and know they have us without any worry, and women who are Consistently great to be around. If you allow your anxiety to get the best of you, and not openly communicate those feelings to him (and if you're even worried in the slightest he's seeing someone else), CONFRONT him and just talk to him about it. The truth will eventually expose itself.
Uhh that is so me! 🤦🏼♀️ Terrible! I have been very upfront with him! Very honest! Even if ya embarrassing. I haven’t heard from him since I sent him the text about still wanting to see him if he’s not involved with anyone else. And I texted that 12 hrs ago. Maybe he just doesn’t care idk. Dating sucks!
I am seeing that now. He keeps avoiding it. I think I’m just done if he doesn’t respond to me by tonight and just tell him I get the hint and wish him the best.if that’s a good idea. Maybe I’m pushing him away more. It sucks he spent every moment had had either with me texting me or calling me. Now I feel like I don’t exist.
Your right. Unfortunatley I probably won’t see him again if he’s ignoring me so I think it’s just time to look past it!click to expand
Posted by Shey8888I would proceed with caution generally if I were you. Keep yourself open to other possibilities besides him. Though just tread carefully and remember, there is always another perspective! I'm not going to defend this guy and say he's just with friends or whatever, but it's entirely possible like another poster said above. Though don't bank on it. Keep level headed until you see him next, if you even want to. That's when you ask the real questions! Best of luck to you.Posted by earlorg16Posted by Shey8888Not to be a dlck but like, this is exactly what got you here in the first place. The assumptions have got to stop. There are too many "if's" and not enough, "lets wait and see." It hasn't even been a day yet, and even than that's still not a lot of time. If he's already making you feel this way and you can't contain waiting, then yeah move on and don't even worry about this because this is standard behavior of a Taurus or sadly, most people.Posted by earlorg16Posted by Shey8888I wouldn't do that if I were you. Wait until you see him again. In the mean time, try to occupy yourself and not wait on this dude to text you back. It's just gonna drive you mad.Posted by earlorg16Posted by Shey8888In the future, it may be best to save that question for in person. That way you can catch his body language to see if he's lying. Taurus tend to be crap liars. You could read it in their expression. Dating does suck, yeah.Posted by earlorg16Posted by Shey8888I dated an Aries women for six years. Let me tell you how that went real quick so that maybe you could avoid this with your Taurus.
I met a man a few weeks ago. If any of you are into astrology he is a Taurus man. Anyways it was unexpected we clicked immediately and had the most amazing chemistry. After that we hung out for two weeks straight. He spent his every moment with me texted me all day and called me at nighttime or came over mind you this man has come off so respectful and hasn’t pressured me into anything. We can laugh and talk for hours on end. Life seriously took a weird but good feeling change the night I met him. Everyone that was with him was like wow the chemistry betweeen you two is rare.Then Fourth of July week he said he was renting a house with 6 guys. And was telling me all these stories of these guys. I was excited for him but felt unsettled for some reason. So he went off barley heard from him for a couple days then I looked at his fb and he was tagged in a picture and to me it looked like he was on a couples vacation. I immediately texted him and said I hope your having a great time. But I don’t think I’m going to be seeing you anymore no hard feelings. And left it at that. (Yes I know kind of harsh) he replied I respect your honest but did I do something are you mad at me? I left it short and said no I’m not mad and apologized for sending such text to him while he was having fun on vacation. A couple days later I sent him a text pretty much saying I’m not mad and no hard feelings but I don’t want to be involved with someone who’s involved with someone else. Then I blocked him because honestly... my anxiety got the best of me and I didn’t want to either hear an excuse or the truth. I know for a fact he texted me back the next day. But clearly I didn’t respond bc I have no idea he sent anything to me or what it said so he clearly thinks I’m ignoring him. Now my anxiety is high. I miss him so much. Or maybe I’m just angry at myself. I have no idea what to do now bc he hasn’t texted me which I don’t blame him bc he thinks I’m ignoring him. Any advice? I feel weak if I text him. I’m so stubborn and yes I’m an Aries. Please help I know I did wron for not letting him explain. No bad vibes here please
She meant the world to me and I gave her all I could and then some. However, every time I was out with friends or even mentioned another woman (yes I have friends with women, not a big deal) she'd immediately worry or think something was up even if my friend was already married, taken, or strictly a PLATONIC friend. If I even spoke to a semi attractive or attractive woman, she'd assume I was seeing them or interested even though I'm not and have zero history of cheating ever. I'm just friendly, I like good people, and most important, I want to enjoy myself.
Her mood would shift, she'd get anxious, and she'd either freak out at me for no reason or she'd push me away without giving me a clue as to why even though I knew why. This went on for years and it took a toll on me, but yet, I loved her and still wanted to be there for her thinking that over time, she'll come around to accepting it. 4 years in, she was the one who cheated on me it turned out. It hurt like hell and definitely pushed me away but I gave her another chance. Two years, her anxiety got worse and she'd break through my phone, my laptop, looking for any details of whether I was flirting, cheating, or talking to any other women. She found nothing because, I'm not a cheater. We broke up two years later because I was over dealing with this. This was over 3 years ago. She's still trying to get me back in her life til this day.
Case in point, sometimes your instincts and assumptions are wrong. The way to keep a Taurus around? Be honest, communicate, confrontational, but most importantly, Strong. We like strong women: women who know they're confident and beautiful without overly flaunting it or bragging about it, women who are sure of themselves and know they have us without any worry, and women who are Consistently great to be around. If you allow your anxiety to get the best of you, and not openly communicate those feelings to him (and if you're even worried in the slightest he's seeing someone else), CONFRONT him and just talk to him about it. The truth will eventually expose itself.
Uhh that is so me! 🤦🏼♀️ Terrible! I have been very upfront with him! Very honest! Even if ya embarrassing. I haven’t heard from him since I sent him the text about still wanting to see him if he’s not involved with anyone else. And I texted that 12 hrs ago. Maybe he just doesn’t care idk. Dating sucks!
I am seeing that now. He keeps avoiding it. I think I’m just done if he doesn’t respond to me by tonight and just tell him I get the hint and wish him the best.if that’s a good idea. Maybe I’m pushing him away more. It sucks he spent every moment had had either with me texting me or calling me. Now I feel like I don’t exist.
Your right. Unfortunatley I probably won’t see him again if he’s ignoring me so I think it’s just time to look past it!
Not a dick. I respect your honesty! I need to learn more patience. I agreeclick to expand
Posted by ImpulsvPosted by AriquaPosted by bkbella86What makes you say that
I think you were right about your assumptions. I wouldn’t trust him.
He said he should have been more upfront
About what???click to expand
Posted by Arielle83Yeah your right. It probably means nothing.Posted by LadyNeptuneMaybe it was, and then Kelly found out they were going jet skiing and pushed for an invite.Posted by Arielle83Oh for sure. It’s not a red flag that he has girl friends he goes on trips with. It’s a red flag he’s telling op it’s a guys only trip.Posted by LadyNeptuneI’ve gone on guys wkds with guy friends. I don’t give a fuck if their gfs get upset.Posted by bkbella86I could be nothing. But he said he was going on an all guys trip. So seems suspect to me that females were there. Why hide that?Posted by LadyNeptuneI have to always remind myself of this. I’ve always been super intuitive and always know bs before it was revealed to me but I didnt trust myself and decided to trust a complete stranger instead and fucked myslef over. Nope I’d rather be wrong about myself And my assumptions. I can deal with that better than giving someone the chance to prove me right.Posted by bkbella86Yeah trust your instincts.
I think you were right about your assumptions. I wouldn’t trust him.
Op don’t call him ‘YOUR’ Taurus man. You haven’t locked him down yet, looks like another bish beat you too it 🤷♀️
I’m not into my guy friends!
Why try to be shady and hide it when you know social media is gonna put you on blast?
He doesn’t know her enough to need to update to expand
Posted by MetatronYeah it could be totally innocent. All I know is if I'm her it would be something I file away for later. But I'm pretty paranoid so theres that...Posted by LadyNeptunewas it explicitly "guys only" or just renting a place with 6 dudes though? that's a serious sausage fest if the shouldn't be seen as a betrayal if other men are inviting women to join them....would really need to know what she saw in the pics exactly....was he kissing a girl, taking selfies with his arm around one? or is she just irrationally jealous bc there were other women standing nearby in the photos....Posted by Arielle83Oh for sure. It’s not a red flag that he has girl friends he goes on trips with. It’s a red flag he’s telling op it’s a guys only trip.Posted by LadyNeptuneI’ve gone on guys wkds with guy friends. I don’t give a fuck if their gfs get upset.Posted by bkbella86I could be nothing. But he said he was going on an all guys trip. So seems suspect to me that females were there. Why hide that?Posted by LadyNeptuneI have to always remind myself of this. I’ve always been super intuitive and always know bs before it was revealed to me but I didnt trust myself and decided to trust a complete stranger instead and fucked myslef over. Nope I’d rather be wrong about myself And my assumptions. I can deal with that better than giving someone the chance to prove me right.Posted by bkbella86Yeah trust your instincts.
I think you were right about your assumptions. I wouldn’t trust him.
Op don’t call him ‘YOUR’ Taurus man. You haven’t locked him down yet, looks like another bish beat you too it 🤷♀️
I’m not into my guy friends!
Why try to be shady and hide it when you know social media is gonna put you on blast?click to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneI'm also a little paranoid, and very jealous on top of that....I couldn't file it away for later though....I'd have to ask what was seems he did lie to her and that would be my real cause for concern.....Posted by MetatronYeah it could be totally innocent. All I know is if I'm her it would be something I file away for later. But I'm pretty paranoid so theres that...Posted by LadyNeptunewas it explicitly "guys only" or just renting a place with 6 dudes though? that's a serious sausage fest if the shouldn't be seen as a betrayal if other men are inviting women to join them....would really need to know what she saw in the pics exactly....was he kissing a girl, taking selfies with his arm around one? or is she just irrationally jealous bc there were other women standing nearby in the photos....Posted by Arielle83Oh for sure. It’s not a red flag that he has girl friends he goes on trips with. It’s a red flag he’s telling op it’s a guys only trip.Posted by LadyNeptuneI’ve gone on guys wkds with guy friends. I don’t give a fuck if their gfs get upset.Posted by bkbella86I could be nothing. But he said he was going on an all guys trip. So seems suspect to me that females were there. Why hide that?Posted by LadyNeptuneI have to always remind myself of this. I’ve always been super intuitive and always know bs before it was revealed to me but I didnt trust myself and decided to trust a complete stranger instead and fucked myslef over. Nope I’d rather be wrong about myself And my assumptions. I can deal with that better than giving someone the chance to prove me right.Posted by bkbella86Yeah trust your instincts.
I think you were right about your assumptions. I wouldn’t trust him.
Op don’t call him ‘YOUR’ Taurus man. You haven’t locked him down yet, looks like another bish beat you too it 🤷♀️
I’m not into my guy friends!
Why try to be shady and hide it when you know social media is gonna put you on blast?click to expand
Posted by AgentP911
You only spent a couple of weeks with this guy. It is not enough to really know him. It sounds like you placed much on the 'chemistry' you experienced, which is subjective, rather than not diving in and slowly getting to know him.
Instinct and intuition is not a good indicator for things, especially when you don't know the guy and have not established a 'base line' of his behaviour pattern etc. How often have you thought you 'just know' someone or something only to discover that you didn't really 'just know' at all?
Maybe this guy is already coupled up. Maybe he lied. Maybe he didn't. Maybe he is single. Maybe he has a few ladies he is dating or involved with. Who knows!
I'd agree with Earlorg with the approach for a Taurus man. No drama, be direct, know what you want. My personal experience with my Taurus fella is that he often takes time to think and decide on things. He also keeps concerns to himself when it would be better for him to bring them up but he doesn't always want to know the answer. Luckily, as a Scorpio, I weed it all out of him eventually!
You've stated your interest in meeting up with him again. The ball is in his court. It may have been 12 hours since his last text but he is working to his timescale. Not yours. Now you have levied a 24 hour timer on him, of which 12 hours have already passed, without him knowing. This is unfair and not helpful to you. It seems that you have not adhered to any advice on here.
How would you feel if you were him and suddenly recieved another 'flip out' message 24 hours after being asked out?
He might be giving you a wide birth or just be busy. You need to chill. Date others. Keep your options open.
Posted by Squishy_Marshmallow
Hi jeane, how are you?
OP never mentioned if the abuse was for the entire six years. Also the guy said he's going out with guys and she saw couple's pic.
Certain things I feel are unfair. We expect everyone to work according to our time table or how we would react to a situation. Eg.Some would be happy to wait and see where a relationship/situation would go. Some aren't. I don't think there is a right or a wrong way. There are tons of women who agree to take things slow, stay uncertain for months and never have an actual one on one relationship with the guy. Op saw the guy in a couple's pic and she reacted. Maybe the way she reacted wasn't good and in accordance with her situation. But she reacted and stayed true to how she felt. That doesn't look weak to me. Personally I know women who have been in abusive relationship, quit it and end up in happy relationships.
I will leave the OPs story aside. I was in a abusive relationship. Even tho i broke up with my ex then, I was still in name his gf and he was very controlling and used to blackmail me a lot for two years and when it ended, even then I was totally messed up. But when I came here, I never mentioned about my ex. I asked you guys "How to get this Taurus guy to agree to be my fwb?" Later I told you yeah this guy's been in love with me for this many years and stuff. Would you have told me to work on my issues? Actually you told me to ask for more. But I was so messed up then, i assumed a guy who was already in love with me wouldn't want to be my bf. People could have convinced me I wouldn't be good enough for a relationship then.
My point is, we should empower someone by telling them where they went wrong rather than telling them "Work on your issues, you aren't ready for a relationship", imo that kinda means you aren't good enough for someone/anyone rn.
People who have been through abuse can shut themself out of a relationship instead of taking that chance at happiness and believing in themself to be stronger the next time. Sometimes all it takes is that belief that we can be great for someone and putting that energy out there and being ready to walk away when there is any sort of abuse. What I mean is no one should be told because they got issues/baggages, they shouldn't try dating. I had an amazing relationship with my Taurus ex despite being in an abusive relationship.
Posted by Shey8888No need to feel stupid at all. You don't know if he is single yet or what his situation is. You may well be correct with your initial feeling. The main two points I'd take would be to have paced yourself a bit more and to have questioned him more astutely about his weekend. Dating someone can be a little like piecing a jigsaw puzzle together. Sometimes you'll have all the pieces and it fits. Other times you'll only get some of the way through before moving onto the next one.Posted by AgentP911
You only spent a couple of weeks with this guy. It is not enough to really know him. It sounds like you placed much on the 'chemistry' you experienced, which is subjective, rather than not diving in and slowly getting to know him.
Instinct and intuition is not a good indicator for things, especially when you don't know the guy and have not established a 'base line' of his behaviour pattern etc. How often have you thought you 'just know' someone or something only to discover that you didn't really 'just know' at all?
Maybe this guy is already coupled up. Maybe he lied. Maybe he didn't. Maybe he is single. Maybe he has a few ladies he is dating or involved with. Who knows!
I'd agree with Earlorg with the approach for a Taurus man. No drama, be direct, know what you want. My personal experience with my Taurus fella is that he often takes time to think and decide on things. He also keeps concerns to himself when it would be better for him to bring them up but he doesn't always want to know the answer. Luckily, as a Scorpio, I weed it all out of him eventually!
You've stated your interest in meeting up with him again. The ball is in his court. It may have been 12 hours since his last text but he is working to his timescale. Not yours. Now you have levied a 24 hour timer on him, of which 12 hours have already passed, without him knowing. This is unfair and not helpful to you. It seems that you have not adhered to any advice on here.
How would you feel if you were him and suddenly recieved another 'flip out' message 24 hours after being asked out?
He might be giving you a wide birth or just be busy. You need to chill. Date others. Keep your options open.
Thank you so much for your feed back. I appreciate it very much. I don’t plan on flipping out on him I haven’t done that since I saw that picture and I was being irrational. I’m seeing it more clear now. And then all is in his court so I’m just going to let it be and not worry about it too much. It’ll only make me feel worse. I wish I wasn’t so impatient and that’s something I need to work on. I feel so stupid about this because it was only two weeks, and he spent his every moment either with me texting me or calling me so I figured he wasn’t seeing anyone else that’s why I was so taken back. And I’m a huge person into honesty and respect. So when I feel disrespected I get to expand
Posted by Shey8888Nooooow you talking!Posted by MetatronPosted by LadyNeptunewas it explicitly "guys only" or just renting a place with 6 dudes though? that's a serious sausage fest if the shouldn't be seen as a betrayal if other men are inviting women to join them....would really need to know what she saw in the pics exactly....was he kissing a girl, taking selfies with his arm around one? or is she just irrationally jealous bc there were other women standing nearby in the photos....Posted by Arielle83Oh for sure. It’s not a red flag that he has girl friends he goes on trips with. It’s a red flag he’s telling op it’s a guys only trip.Posted by LadyNeptuneI’ve gone on guys wkds with guy friends. I don’t give a fuck if their gfs get upset.Posted by bkbella86I could be nothing. But he said he was going on an all guys trip. So seems suspect to me that females were there. Why hide that?Posted by LadyNeptuneI have to always remind myself of this. I’ve always been super intuitive and always know bs before it was revealed to me but I didnt trust myself and decided to trust a complete stranger instead and fucked myslef over. Nope I’d rather be wrong about myself And my assumptions. I can deal with that better than giving someone the chance to prove me right.Posted by bkbella86Yeah trust your instincts.
I think you were right about your assumptions. I wouldn’t trust him.
Op don’t call him ‘YOUR’ Taurus man. You haven’t locked him down yet, looks like another bish beat you too it 🤷♀️
I’m not into my guy friends!
Why try to be shady and hide it when you know social media is gonna put you on blast?
No he said 6 guys in a rented house turns out it was 3 guys 3 girls checked into a hotel. And there was a pic of all of Them in the pool. And no he wasn’t doing anything with her but. It took me back that I think he lied and I was just to expand
Posted by Shey8888Understood 100% !Posted by AgentP911
You only spent a couple of weeks with this guy. It is not enough to really know him. It sounds like you placed much on the 'chemistry' you experienced, which is subjective, rather than not diving in and slowly getting to know him.
Instinct and intuition is not a good indicator for things, especially when you don't know the guy and have not established a 'base line' of his behaviour pattern etc. How often have you thought you 'just know' someone or something only to discover that you didn't really 'just know' at all?
Maybe this guy is already coupled up. Maybe he lied. Maybe he didn't. Maybe he is single. Maybe he has a few ladies he is dating or involved with. Who knows!
I'd agree with Earlorg with the approach for a Taurus man. No drama, be direct, know what you want. My personal experience with my Taurus fella is that he often takes time to think and decide on things. He also keeps concerns to himself when it would be better for him to bring them up but he doesn't always want to know the answer. Luckily, as a Scorpio, I weed it all out of him eventually!
You've stated your interest in meeting up with him again. The ball is in his court. It may have been 12 hours since his last text but he is working to his timescale. Not yours. Now you have levied a 24 hour timer on him, of which 12 hours have already passed, without him knowing. This is unfair and not helpful to you. It seems that you have not adhered to any advice on here.
How would you feel if you were him and suddenly recieved another 'flip out' message 24 hours after being asked out?
He might be giving you a wide birth or just be busy. You need to chill. Date others. Keep your options open.
Thank you so much for your feed back. I appreciate it very much. I don’t plan on flipping out on him I haven’t done that since I saw that picture and I was being irrational. I’m seeing it more clear now. And then all is in his court so I’m just going to let it be and not worry about it too much. It’ll only make me feel worse. I wish I wasn’t so impatient and that’s something I need to work on. I feel so stupid about this because it was only two weeks, and he spent his every moment either with me texting me or calling me so I figured he wasn’t seeing anyone else that’s why I was so taken back. And I’m a huge person into honesty and respect. So when I feel disrespected I get to expand
Posted by Shey8888
Thank you! Ya I know I let my emotions get the best of me! I’m an Aries woman 😂
However I did finally message him and told him the truth of what I did and apologized for attacking him!! He responded so wonderfully and told me he was the one that has to do the apologizing and said he also couldn’t imagine how it looked and didn’t realize it. And said he wished he had been more upfront with me. Then just carried on and asked me how I was doing and said that he was so happy to finally hear from me. We told eachother we missed eachother. In my head I thought we were back on.
Later I texted him saying “i want to see you” he replied “well f**** I cant tonight. Are you being serious?!?? I thought you didn’t?!?!”
I replied with “ of course I still want to see you the only reason why I didn’t is because I thought you were involved with someone else.” Of course I said a few other things but it’s not important
So I’m now waiting for a reply. I truly miss him he really made me feel somethings. And then I keep seeing Aries and Taurus don’t work out lol should I just give up now? My mind has really gotten the best of me this last week to where it’s made me sick to my stomach. I feel ashamed of how I went about things. In my defense a year ago I ended with my bf of 6 years and 2 kids. It was a very abusive relationship and he couldn’t be trusted so Unfortunatley sometimes I feel like everyone is being shady and no one can be trusted. I think I’m better off being single!!! Lol
Anyways any advice on this Taurus guy? I already wrote out something for if he says he doesn’t want to see me anymore. Only because I’m irrational sometimes so I had to write something simple and nice to send him so I don’t regret it later
Posted by MetatronRight. Its like...I've known you a few weeks, we aren't in a relationship, and your ALREADY lying to me. And about something stupid af. Whats gonna happen when we are legit together and you actually have something to lie about...Posted by LadyNeptuneI'm also a little paranoid, and very jealous on top of that....I couldn't file it away for later though....I'd have to ask what was seems he did lie to her and that would be my real cause for concern.....Posted by MetatronYeah it could be totally innocent. All I know is if I'm her it would be something I file away for later. But I'm pretty paranoid so theres that...Posted by LadyNeptunewas it explicitly "guys only" or just renting a place with 6 dudes though? that's a serious sausage fest if the shouldn't be seen as a betrayal if other men are inviting women to join them....would really need to know what she saw in the pics exactly....was he kissing a girl, taking selfies with his arm around one? or is she just irrationally jealous bc there were other women standing nearby in the photos....Posted by Arielle83Oh for sure. It’s not a red flag that he has girl friends he goes on trips with. It’s a red flag he’s telling op it’s a guys only trip.Posted by LadyNeptuneI’ve gone on guys wkds with guy friends. I don’t give a fuck if their gfs get upset.Posted by bkbella86I could be nothing. But he said he was going on an all guys trip. So seems suspect to me that females were there. Why hide that?Posted by LadyNeptuneI have to always remind myself of this. I’ve always been super intuitive and always know bs before it was revealed to me but I didnt trust myself and decided to trust a complete stranger instead and fucked myslef over. Nope I’d rather be wrong about myself And my assumptions. I can deal with that better than giving someone the chance to prove me right.Posted by bkbella86Yeah trust your instincts.
I think you were right about your assumptions. I wouldn’t trust him.
Op don’t call him ‘YOUR’ Taurus man. You haven’t locked him down yet, looks like another bish beat you too it 🤷♀️
I’m not into my guy friends!
Why try to be shady and hide it when you know social media is gonna put you on blast?click to expand
Posted by Shey8888honestly, sun sign astrology is pretty irrelevant when it comes to compatibility IMO. Any two signs can work, given other aspects betw. two charts, often even the harder aspects in synastry can be opportunities for growth and create stronger sexual chemistry....Astrology is not determinate enough, and even if it were, no one is good enough of an astrologer on this site, or anywhere, to tell you it won't work out based on your sign...There are always moving pieces that affect charts like your own maturity and growth in life, and factors in predictive astrology like progressions and planetary transits that rule out the kind of simplistic advice you usually get here....
So I’m now waiting for a reply. I truly miss him he really made me feel somethings. And then I keep seeing Aries and Taurus don’t work out lol should I just give up now? My mind has really gotten the best of me this last week to where it’s made me sick to my stomach. I feel ashamed of how I went about things. In my defense a year ago I ended with my bf of 6 years and 2 kids. It was a very abusive relationship and he couldn’t be trusted so Unfortunatley sometimes I feel like everyone is being shady and no one can be trusted. I think I’m better off being single!!! Lol
Posted by GobbyYou seem like way too much of a passive-aggressive pussy for Aries energy bro. No offense.
This thread further supports the belief that I should never date another Aries woman again...
Posted by MetatronPosted by Shey8888honestly, sun sign astrology is pretty irrelevant when it comes to compatibility IMO. Any two signs can work, given other aspects betw. two charts, often even the harder aspects in synastry can be opportunities for growth and create stronger sexual chemistry....Astrology is not determinate enough, and even if it where, no one is good enough of an astrologer on this site, or anywhere, to tell you it won't work out based on your sign...There are always moving pieces that affect charts like your own maturity and growth in life, and factors in predictive astrology like progressions and planetary transits that rule out the kind of simplistic advice you usually get here....
So I’m now waiting for a reply. I truly miss him he really made me feel somethings. And then I keep seeing Aries and Taurus don’t work out lol should I just give up now? My mind has really gotten the best of me this last week to where it’s made me sick to my stomach. I feel ashamed of how I went about things. In my defense a year ago I ended with my bf of 6 years and 2 kids. It was a very abusive relationship and he couldn’t be trusted so Unfortunatley sometimes I feel like everyone is being shady and no one can be trusted. I think I’m better off being single!!! Lol
Your main issues seem to be distrust (understandable) based on your past, impatience/anxiety, and jumping to conclusions....A patient/understanding partner in a relationship can provide a contrary experience that will help you to heal, if you're just open with him around these kinds of issues you're having, and how it makes you want to cut and run....Its hard to be vulnerable about stuff like this, but you're doing it here with strangers. The more he's able to understand your triggers, the more likely he is to adjust his behavior if he's thoughtful - e.g., not leave you hanging as much on text, give more detailed explanation about hangouts w/guys, opposite sex friends, etc. Taurus men typically understand the importance of trust, fidelity, issues around jealousy etc., and it'll probably bring you two closer to expand
Posted by Boots1313Thx....I have your venus and have been with a partner who had it as well, and it was really good....there was nothing we couldn't discuss amicably, and she sort of spoiled me communication-wise, which for me is pretty much everything....As for "putting it all out there", as a rule, I do that in the beginning of any relationship for the exact reasons you state. If I can talk someone out of being with me, in telling them about my worst sides, they definitely are not going to hang when they're actually experiencing them....better to know in the beginning when you're still in that friend stage, then find out after you're really attached to the person....Posted by MetatronPosted by Shey8888honestly, sun sign astrology is pretty irrelevant when it comes to compatibility IMO. Any two signs can work, given other aspects betw. two charts, often even the harder aspects in synastry can be opportunities for growth and create stronger sexual chemistry....Astrology is not determinate enough, and even if it where, no one is good enough of an astrologer on this site, or anywhere, to tell you it won't work out based on your sign...There are always moving pieces that affect charts like your own maturity and growth in life, and factors in predictive astrology like progressions and planetary transits that rule out the kind of simplistic advice you usually get here....
So I’m now waiting for a reply. I truly miss him he really made me feel somethings. And then I keep seeing Aries and Taurus don’t work out lol should I just give up now? My mind has really gotten the best of me this last week to where it’s made me sick to my stomach. I feel ashamed of how I went about things. In my defense a year ago I ended with my bf of 6 years and 2 kids. It was a very abusive relationship and he couldn’t be trusted so Unfortunatley sometimes I feel like everyone is being shady and no one can be trusted. I think I’m better off being single!!! Lol
Your main issues seem to be distrust (understandable) based on your past, impatience/anxiety, and jumping to conclusions....A patient/understanding partner in a relationship can provide a contrary experience that will help you to heal, if you're just open with him around these kinds of issues you're having, and how it makes you want to cut and run....Its hard to be vulnerable about stuff like this, but you're doing it here with strangers. The more he's able to understand your triggers, the more likely he is to adjust his behavior if he's thoughtful - e.g., not leave you hanging as much on text, give more detailed explanation about hangouts w/guys, opposite sex friends, etc. Taurus men typically understand the importance of trust, fidelity, issues around jealousy etc., and it'll probably bring you two closer together....
This, you are very wise.
I have the same trust issues, and tbh it was hard to be vulnerable with my partner and I still need a lot of reassurance. But when we discuss it he always hears me out and makes sure to do/say things that make me feel at ease.
I feel Taurus men are very understanding and they can be emotional and sympathetic. My bull is especially good at putting himself in my shoes and seeing it from my view point. I appreciate him so much for that!
You can still come out on top, you just have to be open...i know it's tough. For me I just thought "well I'll put it all out there, if he can't handle it, he isn't the guy for me"
That was 5 months to expand