I'm a Pisces female and I am "beginning" to fall for a Taurus male. I put beginning in quotes because every time I feel like I'm falling for him and say sweet things to him he pulls away from me even though in the beginning of the relationship he was all about me. He also is taking medication that makes him super tired so I'm not sure if he's not all about me anymore because of that or if he just isn't interested in me. It's only been a month and up until this past Sunday, he's said the sweetest things to me and would talk about future stuff with me, such as him moving soon and me going to visit him.
Now he seems less interested when we talk and we were supposed to hangout last night but when I texted saying hii he didn't answer and I texted again saying it's fine if he's too tired and I had to text him again today being like "..." and he finally answered apologizing saying he fell asleep early. His texts to me right before that were fine so I'm not sure what happened. I just feel like I'm losing him and I really don't want to because he's so cool and awesome and I really like him and hope to eventually be in a long lasting relationship with him.
I'm really freaking out because I thought we had something really amazing (even though it's super early) and I thought we vibed very well but then this happened. I had asked him once before about him being distant and he said it was because of his meds. I don't want to be annoying and ask again but I don't want to not ask and then lose him forever.
Also, on Sunday he told me that he doesn't want to lose me when he moves so I hope what he said was true. Please help! (Sorry for such a long comment I'm just completely desperate...I kind of feel like he's my soulmate and we've only been talking for a month (that being said I'm in no rush to be his girlfriend I obviously want the relationship to evolve. Do you think me being too open about my feelings for him turned him off? Was I too easy to "catch" for him? I thought we created a beginning of a beautiful relationship, physically and mentally, but now I'm not so sure.
I just really give people I'm talking to my everything/my all. In a relationship I'm always 100% honest and my heart is theirs no matter what. I don't cheat, I don't even really have an interested in talking to other guys. Maybe this approach got him nervous? But he says the craziest (romantic) things to me for knowing me for only a month so I don't know if that's the reason...helpppp.
Signed Up:
Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
It's only been a month and your already acting clingy and borderline psycho. Let things develop naturally.
Signed Up:
Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
Your not in a relationship with him yet. So pull back emotionally. Your not falling in ❤️
Signed Up:
Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
The more you bombard him with silly questions that he's already answered the quicker you will lose him. At this point you have no choice but to take his words at face value. Wait to see if his actions will match. And STOP VOMITING YOUR EMOTIONAL FEELINGS ALL OVER HIM!!!
Signed Up:
Aug 12, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 4771 · Topics: 30
What is he taking medications for?
What medical condition does he have?
Signed Up:
Nov 24, 2015Comments: 3706 · Posts: 7112 · Topics: 18
"Sorry for such a long comment I'm just completely desperate..."
this ... stop acting like the silly schoolgirl you are - all of the above is true - you are clingy and dependent and overly anxious - and although he is being nice right now that may start to annoy him like it is annoying me
chill out and find something to do until he is ready to talk and/or see you and stop bothering him all the time ...
he's not pulling away, you are trying to smother him ...
Okay, thanks everyone. I understand.
Just an added comment though...he doesn't know that I'm feeling this way. I'm obviously not going to tell him that I feel like this...but I will stop trying to contact him and hope that he contacts me. Thanks.
No, I don't think your comment is rude. I appreciate your help. My emotions are all over the place and it's hard for me to keep them in check. I was never taught how and I'm really not sure how to do it. I'm completely impulsive and don't think of theconsequences for my actions.
I'm not being cool about this -- I just cling to people -- I'm not sure why.
Signed Up:
Aug 12, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 4771 · Topics: 30
This man has a heart condition.
Please consider his medical condition before you consider your emotional state.
There can be many side effects to medications, fatigue is one of them.
Tread lightly.
Signed Up:
Aug 12, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 4771 · Topics: 30
It means if there are times when he needs to rest, or he's tired, back off.
Sympathy goes both ways.