Hello first time posting here so I will keep it simple and to the point... I met this taurus about a year and a half ago...we been seeing each other since. I see him every weekend... He lives about an hour away.. I am divorced with two kids he has never been married about 6 months into our relationship he tells me that he sees no future with our relationship he is not ready to take that role which I have never asked him to. He hasn't met my kids or my family but I have met his... He tells me that he likes me a lot but that he is never going to be in a relationship with anyone. By now I have falling for him... My biggest mistake is that I have continued seeing him because I can't walk away meanwhile he treats me like his girlfriend, we go everywhere. He tells most ppl that I am his gf, but there is still the few he doesn't however if I introduce him to anyone as a friend he blows up on me... I know he talks to others girls on fb and on the phone I have seen some of his messages. But I know it's just been flirting but I can't help feeling jealous or feeling like he is messing around. He is very sweet with me can be very possessive but he also has his moments where he can be an a#*hole. I just feel like he knows my feelings and he is taking advantage I guess deep down I am hoping he has feelings for me too
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Sep 17, 2014Comments: 22 · Posts: 8048 · Topics: 36
you can walk away, you just choose not to.
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Jun 20, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 3847 · Topics: 1
Tell him to grow up. If he can't get it right after 18 months then he's not going to change and it's not going to get any better. If the negatives start to outweigh the positives and it can't be fixed then it's not a match.
As I posted this I realized how stupid I sounded... I know the answer to my problem but yet I have allowed this person to bring me down emotionally.. Thanks for your input! I know he is never going to change and I have decided to move on.