There is this Taurus (sun and moon) woman I am friends with.
Background: She has a boyfriend(capri). As I perceive it; she doesn't love him much but still she is with him for last 3 years. But when she is with me I feel like there is a chemistry between us and I know that she feels it too. It was natural. She used to be very shy around me but not anymore. I didn't try to court her on anything(although she is hot), we just got to know each other with time and realized we kinda click. During last 5 months we became close friends. I would say I am her only close male friend because she talks to me very openly while generally she is extremely shy. She tells me her problems and I support her when she is anxious(which is all the time). She has also confined many secrets to me. She doesn't really have any friends. She often says she trusts me and respects me. She rarely discusses her bf with me and when she does, she says negative things about him. Only time she compared him with me was when she was talking about how insensitive men are. She said I am better than most but her bf isn't. All this gave me an impression that may be she is waiting for me to make a romantic move.
Recently, I upped my game and performed some romantic gestures such as: gifts, invitations to dinners/drinks, words of praise, told her how much I value her, humor, flirt. Basically I did everything except saying it out load because I think I can't verbally say it until she is single.
Then one day she texted me that her bf is feeling insecure about her friendship with me. I asked do you want to end it? She said she can't. I said you should do whatever your bf wants. That's it. After that I lost contact with her. It been 2 weeks now.
Question. 1: Please explain, if you understand her behavior, what's going on in her mind?
Question. 2: We are eventually going to meet next week due to some office assignment(she knew it already). How should I proceed?
I am a libra sun capri moon.
Signed Up:
Aug 12, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 4771 · Topics: 30
"Then one day she texted me that her bf is feeling insecure about her friendship with me. I asked do you want to end it? She said she can't. I said you should do whatever your bf wants. That's it. After that I lost contact with her. It been 2 weeks now."
She stated that she didn't want to end her friendship with you.
...And then...
You insisted that she does what her boyfriend wants?
Is this correct?
Are we on the same page?
If so, you were the one responsible for ending the friendship.
As for what's going on in her mind...
I can only speculate.
So please don't see any advice that you're receiving as 'accurate advice."
I don't know her personally.
From an astrological perspective,
She's no longer emotionally invested in the relationship she's currently in.
Because she's a 'fixed' earth sign, this need for stability and desperate fear of change has her stuck.
Your response should have been a neutral response.
This was her decision to make, not a decision you should have made for her.
It almost seem as if you were pushing her away.
Was this a defense mechanism for you?
Her boyfriend was uncomfortable with the friendship, you felt that you were on your way out, so you made a premature comment?
Is that so?
How to proceed?
Apologize to her when you see her.
Tell her that you had no right to think for her.
She's her own person.
She's the driver of her own life.
If her relationship ends, allow it to end on its own.
There is no real foundation anyway.
Just fear from the Bull to leave.
A fear of change.
Still keep communication lines open.
Thanks for the responses!
Let me add more vivid details. After this conversation:
"Then one day she texted me that her bf is feeling insecure about her friendship with me. I asked do you want to end it? She said she can't. I said you should do whatever your bf wants."
An hour later she sent a text saying "Have a nice day! See you next month." This was actually her last text. As if she PLANNED to ghost me for one month. She turned off everything. May be she bought a new phone number.
May be its anti-self bias but I still see it as if she wants to forget about me because all her texts ended with "I am sorry". Example: "He is feeling very sad. I am sorry". At that moment I felt like an intruder in their perfect relationship. Even though she fights with her bf sometimes, three years is a long time of commitment and lots of memories. When she said "my boyfriend is feeling insecure, I am sorry", I thought she wants to make him feel secure but doesn't see a way except for cutting me off. That's why I said what I said, now even if she cuts me off she must be feeling guilty about it (I have a very strong scorpio rising, I know, I am terrible).
She is a nice woman. I know she won't hurt anyone unless the other one hurts her first. Her bf loves her obsessively, the problem is he doesn't like to loose control over her. That's when she fights with him. Actually his world revolves around her. She knows how important she is to him. But for her, he isn't love, it's security and commitment.
Now, dilemma is; Security/commitment or new infatuation. Which one a Taurus woman would prefer?
If the former one, how can I push her to get out of that? Or should I?
Signed Up:
Aug 12, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 4771 · Topics: 30
Here is the ambiguity with your dilemma.
You're asserting that you do not want to interfere with their perfect union.
You are deciphering on how to proceed with her on a romantic level.
Unless you know and are clear about what you want....
I can't help you with your dilemma.
Signed Up:
Jun 14, 2017Comments: 1119 · Posts: 10883 · Topics: 28
I don’t think she’s ready to leave her boyfriend at all.
Your best bet is just to relax a little and stop pushing her. Just be a friend. Don’t threaten their relationship with your behavior or you will lose her as a friend too.
Signed Up:
Aug 14, 2019Comments: 25 · Posts: 183 · Topics: 7
Sie sagt ...bis nächsten Monat !?
Ich glaube irgendwie ..du siehst ..sie auf jeden Fall wieder ! ...