Hesitant Virgo Not Sure about Taurus Guy

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by SevenKisses on Sunday, September 22, 2013 and has 9 replies.
So I've been seeing this amazing Taurus guy but I'm really just unsure.
Back Story: I've known him for some time now almost 2 years I was in a relationship, so whenever we would run into each other I kept it very friendly yet from the beginning he was always super flirty. Would always ask if I was still with my guy and when I would let him take me out. My relationship came to an end and he immediately asked me out when he found out. I always had a bit of an attraction to him so I said yes.
From the beginning he was coming on strong which for me coming out of a long term relationship was a bit unsettling. I told him I don't want to rush into anything he said ok. After I said that things slowed down a bit we didn't text or talk much but whenever we were together chemistry was off the charts and the attraction was crazy. The Famous Taurus disappearing act came into play which honestly didn't bother me too much initially if he didn't answer a text or call. But what did start to drive me crazy was his flakiness. Often HE would ask about doing something only to later cancel. Now he does have kids and his job does cause him to travel So at first I wasn't too pressed, but as it started occurring more often I finally had enough.
He flaked on yet another event that he suggested, the day of the event he texted me all day but then when time to go out POOF Gone. His story ( He fell asleep) He texted me morning after and was apologetic but I had enough I told him that I was interested in him but his actions were turning me off majorly, and if he wasn't Interested then he needed to stop playing games. Not to ask me out unless its 100% going to happen as again most of these plans were his ideas. He said he was serious and said it would not happen again.
Communication picked up a bit, we've gone out a few more times but at this point I am so really unsure. As a Virgo trust comes slow...and I already feel like some of that has been lost. When we are together Chemistry is crazy and I feel crazy comfortable in a way that I don't feel around alot of people. He is always so attentive when we are together and is always a gentleman. My attraction in him has increased I enjoy being around him and honestly wouldn't mind going beyond Dating. But I am so very very unsure and so very very hesitant. I'm not all that trusting I want to believe him that he is serious but his flakiness in the beginning left a bad taste in my mouth. The moments we are together everything s
Edit to the Opening Statement I've known him for some time now almost 2 years I was in a relationship when we first met so whenever we would run into each other I kept it very polite but was friendly, from the beginning he was always super flirty.
Yes he has said and done almost everything perfectly for my Hypercritical Virgo self. And I feel deeply drawn to this guy. I did say that I would go for the ride and see where it takes me that was my initial thought when I got into this. But now the more we see each other the more we both oh so slowly open up to each other the more I get nervous about everything I actually told him this, he told me not to be nervous so I really want to trust him. But this crazy instant attraction is part of what has me hesitating. Mainly because I'm normally not OMG instantly into a guy. It takes time but with him its like he knocked me over and I'm trying to regain my balance and not get hurt.
"He flaked on yet another event that he suggested, the day of the event he texted me all day but then when time to go out POOF Gone. His story ( He fell asleep) He texted me morning after and was apologetic but I had enough I told him that I was interested in him but his actions were turning me off majorly, and if he wasn't Interested then he needed to stop playing games. Not to ask me out unless its 100% going to happen as again most of these plans were his ideas. He said he was serious and said it would not happen again. "

This would make me done with ANY sign. Not cool.
He needs to step up.
As a virgo, you should know chemistry mean little, you need to see if this guy wants the same practical things you do, and can step it up. Watch, and wait (but don't wait, move on with your life, but leave the door open). It will be revealed in time. Don't worry Virgo (:
In most situations anonymousheart I would have cut this guy off by now for his actions but I decided that I should make my stand and then see how things goes. So that's what I did. As far as him being practical he is very much so. We have alot of things we do agree on and think like minded about. And I do understand that with Taurus patience is the key. He's not the first I have dealed with My BFF is a Taurus. He's just the first male Taurus I have found myself into romantically. So Imma be patient, my biggest thing is I don't want this to be a time waster. I see so many posts about people dealing with Taurus for months on end and nothing happens.
In addition I'm trying to communicate more instead of just being shut in about how I feel I'm also trying to open up more because I've been told multiple times by men that they never know where they stand. So I let him know that I was interested in him, I pretty much laid my hand out on the table something I typically dont do.
The thing that has me mostly nervous is that Although I'm 27 I haven't had that many relationships. My Ex (an Aquarius) wasn't my first sexually but he was my first love. The ending was mutual and agreed on by both and I'm not really hung up on him cause I knew 3 years into our 5 year relationship that we weren't truly compatible it was our own stubbornness that kept it going well past the expiration date.
But he is older and much more experienced than me. And I don't know if he is toying with me or truly interested. My BFF told me a Taurus typically lives by their word so if he told me he's not playing and that he's interested in me then that is the case. But my lack of skill with Men and Trust issues with people is causing my hesitation. That and his initial flakiness. But when I'm with him it feels great and I feel like this may be something. But then I'm home by myself with my worried Virgo thoughts I doubt.
Posted by yellowsweater
.... selfish and extremely unorganized (even though oddly he was obsessed with making lists, that of course he never maintained) so that a lot of times, he overbooked himself. sometimes he'd cancel on his friends, sometimes he'd cancel on me. that could be possibly how your taurus is as well...

I am very guilty of this...^^^^
It's not intentional. I am a walking daily planner. Any unexpected changes the last minute drives me insane. Unfortunately when this happens, I'm neurotic, then mentally disciplined. I go into priority mode. My family members or anything work-related (finances) takes center stage...as for anything or anyone else, all plans may be cancelled.
Keep in mind, it was never my intention to flake on them. It's not that a prospective partner isn't important, it's just that it's still a budding relationship, not an exclusive relationship at the moment, so therefore, will not be given top priority.
But the genuine interest is still there. smile
Just bad timing. Sad
Posted by SevenKisses
But what did start to drive me crazy was his flakiness. Often HE would ask about doing something only to later cancel. Now he does have kids and his job does cause him to travel So at first I wasn't too pressed, but as it started occurring more often I finally had enough.

Posted by TaurusBull1977

I am very guilty of this...^^^^
It's not intentional. I am a walking daily planner. Any unexpected changes the last minute drives me insane. Unfortunately when this happens, I'm neurotic, then mentally disciplined. I go into priority mode. My family members or anything work-related (finances) takes center stage...as for anything or anyone else, all plans may be cancelled.
Keep in mind, it was never my intention to flake on them. It's not that a prospective partner isn't important, it's just that it's still a budding relationship, not an exclusive relationship at the moment, so therefore, will not be given top priority.
But the genuine interest is still there. smile
Just bad timing. Sad

Posted by SevenKisses
Communication picked up a bit, we've gone out a few more times but at this point I am so really unsure. As a Virgo trust comes slow...and I already feel like some of that has been lost. When we are together Chemistry is crazy and I feel crazy comfortable in a way that I don't feel around alot of people. He is always so attentive when we are together and is always a gentleman. My attraction in him has increased I enjoy being around him and honestly wouldn't mind going beyond Dating. But I am so very very unsure and so very very hesitant. I'm not all that trusting I want to believe him that he is serious but his flakiness in the beginning left a bad taste in my mouth. The moments we are together everything s
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I think you're being a bit too analytical and judgmental. He apologized for his actions. He was very sincere. He's honoring your request to take things slow, and he's gradually changing his patterns. Just sit back and enjoy...Relax smile
Posted by SevenKisses

But you know us Virgo's worry worry worry. I think what has me most nervous is that I have a hard time reading him. I'm normally very good with that. But he is a mystery still. Which I think draws me

Don't allow your insecurities to get the best of you. Just simply enjoy the moment with him. Over-worrying leads to self-sabotaging. Understand that allowing you into his inner circle will be a gradual process. You're a patient Virgo, this will come naturally. Good Luck. smile