
This topic was created in the Taurus forum by misty on Wednesday, November 2, 2005 and has 16 replies.
hmmm therez just a taurus guy an i dont really care that itz his sign im jus typin it on here coz itz the taurus board but i jus needed to vent an get it off my chest that this guy is really under my skin... hez down deep an the thing is is that i was so daymn sure that he was feelin it too... we never really went out but wat we did have for that little while was pretty intense (haha anutha taurus... tht wuld b mi 4th one in a row)
we sorta dwindled off coz we both got so busy over that period so n e ways im slowly hearin from him again i know he has dated an i havnt since then haha im jus tryin to play it cool an do the whole friends thing but really i jus needed to tell sum1 that really all i wanna do is shove him up against a wall and jump his freakin bones!!!
sory jus frustrated hes a slow mover
So what does HE want from you? hehe, that's HOT, I love having my bones jumped! Tongue You're a good woman!
thinking about him all day? checking messages to see if he called? can't sleep? can't eat? listening to songs that remind you of him? becoming crazy and deranged?
i fully understand the dilemma you are in (i'm kinda going through it myself at the moment!). Unfortunately, i have not worked out the power of the Taurus male to turn a strong, independent and self-sufficient female (who would not usually tolerate crap) into a confused, bewildered, willing to be kicked in the teeth (repeatedly), lovesick puppy dog (no offense to you - but that's how i'm feeling!!!).
Your best bet is to forget the playing it cool thing - you could find yourself playing that game for the rest of your life! (take it from someone who knows:-)) If you really want something to happen "shove him up against a wall and jump his freakin bones"!!! (all that can happen is that he turns you down - but at least you'll KNOW and be free to get on with your life and move on :-).
(i would suggest you test out his mood before jumping on him though, on a BAD DAY the results could be disastrous!!!)...
I dunno, I wouldn't let down the cool. If anything I would become take a couple steps away so he can step to you. Hey, he's dating & you're not. He thinks he can come around when it doesn't work out. Us bulls get jealous and our passion comes alive when their is a something we can't quite have. Suddenly the chase is on & WE're the ones ready to jump your bones.
Hmmmm I'm liking Venuslady's advice here. So true, the Taurus guy has turned me into something stupider than I was when I was a teenager. Damn them all! I think he would dig being ravished, I will give it a go, that is if I ever hear from him again!
Me........a doormat..........damn him!
I have never in my life met anyone who could create sexual tension like this and keep it going for this long. Only just got together with him in August, but known him for about 3 years. That is unheard of, for me at least.
hahaha yesss hez done all tht 2 me... an im ususally soo grounded hahaha itz insane
oops sorry meant to say iv dated he hasnt...
itz jus weird coz he found out sum how tht i did go on a date then asked me the next day wat it was like...
then he randomly calls (wen wasted-prbly not a gud thing) to ask me to cum out coz he really wants to see me... next day goez quiet...
i hear from him every couple of days now... wit him jus sayin stuff like gud weather iznt it, the surfs mean, im driving past...
but then he asked me th otha day if i was seeing n e one an i was like nope an he said watever ur bound to b. he hasnt been datin he told me...
he just doesnt freakkin trust me hahaha im sorry itz just insane the signs are all there... but i can feel therez sumthing holdin him back
id jump hiz bones but i dont want him just 4 that hahaha i want the whole package
hahaha im sooo sorry jus needed to vent
hes jus such a beautiful man
Oh my misty, i so can relate to you.
Jump him, Jump him!!!!
Trust me, the first move is critical.
Drag him off by the hair, he is saying "take me, goddamnit!"
hahaha u really think so!!??? i shuld jus do it... itz jus im really diggin this one... haha mind u u cant get rejectd doin that... bt i dont wna one nighta... hahaha omigosh im gona do it... im jus gona give him one of those looks bite my lip grab his belt an roughly shove him up against a wall an run my nails thru his hair as i taste him all over again... gawd his mouth is sweet...
hahaha ohhh man...
only thing how do i tell him durin al of this that i dont want it to be jus a one nighta???
Speaking from experience he will definitely like that Taurus men love freaky woman i guess that's why mine keep holding on to me. even though he got a woman he just keeps me dangling like some damn fool the way i see it is jump in head first because you will wait forever for him to make a move. Maybe in your situation you may have a better chance maybe even a relationship but me and him are currently attached. So all I get are the freak sessions.
ohhh hun do ya like him??? itz hard aye men are such beautiful creatures gawd thank gawd they dont realiz how powerful they are to a woman who likes them.... hahaha i know im a gonna once im in2 sum1
haha ohhh i really like him!! ill jus hav to keep it on the downlow wer catchin up next weekend then im gonna do it!! hahaha yeaaa boi!
Let us know how it goes.
Oh and hey OFA!
hehe no matter, I am waiting to find out how Misty made out.
hahaha man wat a fuka!! im jus goin to hav a rant.... becoz im a bit shitty. the guyz a tosser n deserves to b shot... didnt even get to tryin to seduce him... becoz he was sooo frosty totally gave me the cold shoulda ya know like i tried i really tried to make an effort but man wat can u do wen u get one word ansers... so i was like sawt n i left... got a fonecall from him an hour later... "whered u go? i wanted to talk to you... iv really missed you... gawd ur lookin gud 2nyt..." so i was like "ohh yeaa im only a bar away ill cum c you in 15"
walk in c him sittin there wit a chick... walkd over was like "hay boi how u doin..." he was like "um wat r u doin here.. cant u c im busy??" at this stage i was like watever fuka... an then called an hour later to say "whered u go again... iv really missed u baby"
man i hung up! wata fuka
he ant dippin hiz hand in this honeyjar thatz 4 sure!!
sooo i found myself a new boi a cancer
Woah! He is crazy. At first I was reading and thinking "ok, the "one word answers" sound familiar" Then read on and thought "haha so does the "where'd you go?" thing". But the rest of it ........holy shi_te! What a knobhead!
What an asssss hole! He does deserve to be shot! Whoa I'm so pissed of for you. He was so totally playing you, never ever ever talk to him again no matter how nice he talks to you. Glad to know you got someone else, wish you good luck!