How do Taurus' act when they like you? I go back and forth with thinking this guy can sense I am attracted and he's just having fun with me...or whether he feels the same and is just as awkward as I am...
We both seem to be playing the hot and cold game very well...and it's frustrating...
Signed Up:
Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
How do Taurus' act when they like you? I go back and forth with thinking this guy can sense I am attracted and he's just having fun with me...or whether he feels the same and is just as awkward as I am...
We both seem to be playing the hot and cold game very well...and it's frustrating...
>>>>I know I have created this exact situation at the office. From your other thread, I would say it is highly likely he's very attracted to you. I have never known a bull to play a cruel game with a girl that he thinks is attracted. We do however do the hot/cold thing (not intentionally IMO), feel awkward if the attraction is strong and comes on fast, etc. We usually will not be the type to want to lead a woman on and hurt her feelings for our own pleasure, and even if we break up with a girl will usually follow up alot to make sure she is doing ok. You see that alot on this board. If you're too afraid to really put yourself out there and pursue a bit, this will probably go nowhere.
This man is so frustrating that I finally retreated back to my shell...I ignored him all day yesterday...pretended he wasn't even in the office...and he did everything to try and get my juvenile...from staring, to throwing things when I was talking to a group of people...etc...everything but just come over and say hi...I was working on something late and he was hanging around waiting for people to leave...umm, no thanks...I'm not making this convenient for while he was talking to someone I grabbed my things and left for the evening...if he wants my attention, then come and get it the normal way...
Signed Up:
Mar 23, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 206 · Topics: 19
Walk away... it's a dumb game my Taurus man plays and I'm so done. If he can't make up his mind... just make it up for him.
That's what I'm doing.
TaurusBull1977 - I am not ignoring him to get a reaction...I tried several times to at least forge a friendship...I would be more than content with that...but he insists on playing these games, and I am not interested...he'll talk to every single person in the office...I've made it easy for him to at least be a friend...I get it, the attraction can make that hard...but him ignoring and playing childish games is something I don't have time for...when he decides he wants to act like a grown man, we can be hard feelings, but the attraction on my end is over...