Just curious here - how do you Taurus's feel/ react when someone actually sees you - turns around and looks right into you and can read you like you rarely ever get read. TLS noted on another thread how I have a good sense of how Taurus's are and David in the scorpio thread made a comment on liking having true connections rather than the in-between times so I'm wondering - do you have to be in the right 'space' to be okay with this? Do you cherish it if it's a rare occurrence? Does it freak you out and cause you to run away?
I know as a Scorp it's taken me a long time to be comfortable with it - with someone reading me. In my past I'd run so I'm really quite curious.
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
HATE it!
A friend of mine and my mom (both Cancer suns/Aqua moons) do that- announce how I feel before I do. It's annoying, mostly because they're usually right. I guess I just don't like the feeling of being exposed. But who does?
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
Deep and interesting perspective ^.
I guess it's a bit more that 'knowing'... I'm thinking more along the lines of seeing the motivations or deep seeded patterns that drive someone to do what they do/ how they do it... seeing the why of it all versus just thinking that you know what they're thinking, etc.
I generally get a good read on people and their motivations, that doesn't mean I have expectations on them or keep them from growing based on my perceptions of them but rather seeing their true selves that drive them and motivate their actions rather than the specifics of their actions if that makes any sense.
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
omg, so the other day i was trying to figure out if the term was "deep-seated" or "deep-seeded". turns out it's the former.
i think of "knowing" a person as being able to "read" them. idk, that's the impression i got. i think of it as having empathy- being sensitive to/perceptive of changes in facial expressions, body language, differences in behavior and thought processes. i think that comes with being around a person regularly. and then there are those people who are just naturally good at picking up on those subtleties.
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Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
scorpchick: Do you cherish it if it's a rare occurrence? Does it freak you out and cause you to run away?
>>>Only speaking for myself here and from my specific experience with a Scorpio woman, but for me its both. I felt that it was something amazing and to cherish, and also was terrified by it and ran away.
On one hand I felt completely exposed. Never, under someone else's gaze, advances, etc. has my mask been ripped off like that. I've got a Capricorn Asc. and people tell me, before they know me, I come across as detached, serious, cold, and often intimidating. Truth is I'm actually very shy by nature until I get to know someone deeply, and I'm distant for that reason, lack of trust which takes a while to establish, etc. I wear the mask really well though. Under the Scorp gaze, I fell apart. All of my insecurities just bubbled to the surface. I felt like every wound ever dealt by a woman was being exposed, every insecurity, lack of confidence, etc. It is really hard to put into words, but I know she saw those things in me. I couldn't hide them from her and really, I do believe its because the scorp is armed for this kind of probing. She did many specific things to probe that actaully made very simple practical sense in retrospect, but some was instantaneous and really intangible. At one point as I've said I felt challenged by her, and got pissed, and only in my anger and choosing to play games with her, did confidence re-emerge. Alot of bulls I know are that way, passive/shy, until angry, then not afraid of anything.
On the other hand, I also felt that for someone to a) seemingly know me so well without even having to speak to me in the first place, see all my weaknesses and then b) to actually still WANT me to pursue her, and still seem DEEPLY interested in me? Well, that's an overwhelming type of acceptance. And I was and still am inclined to see that kind of connection as something on the level of a soulmate.
Ultimately fear (mixed with loyalty for my Sag) won the day. I wasnt' ready to face my fears of rejection, the sexual magnetism that totally brings out my baser nature, or just the nervousness in general I feel in her presence.
TLS: All of my insecurities just bubbled to the surface. I felt like every wound ever dealt by a woman was being exposed, every insecurity, lack of confidence, etc. It is really hard to put into words, but I know she saw those things in me. I couldn't hide them from her and really, I do believe its because the scorp is armed for this kind of probing. She did many specific things to probe that actaully made very simple practical sense in retrospect, but some was instantaneous and really intangible.
It's funny because until I felt my taurus pulling back I didn't really acknowledge any of these things I saw in him but he seems to have taken a lot of it in and not sure how he's processing it but he definitely acknowledged that he hadn't actually thought of those deep seated things that way before. Although we are starting on a new path (not romantic anymore) I strongly feel that we were brought into each others lives at this point in time for a reason whatever that is - to learn and to grow though sadly not together.
TLS: At one point as I've said I felt challenged by her, and got pissed, and only in my anger and choosing to play games with her, did confidence re-emerge. Alot of bulls I know are that way, passive/shy, until angry, then not afraid of anything.
I may have pushed my bull a few times. It hindsight it seems I had a few reasons for this - one - it was because it was the only time that he'd actually reveal what was going on in his head - when filled with rage and spewing words. two - after we were over but still stuck in the same space it was to get a reaction out of him, to make him seem human again and not a robot who turned off every feeling he had - I figured I was hurting so he should too. This didn't go over that well though. I know, I'm a brat. It happens. He still took care of me though even when angered and doesn't hate me for it but it might be something that he never gets truly over. No idea.
TLS: On the other hand, I also felt that for someone to a) seemingly know me so well without even having to speak to me in the first place, see all my weaknesses and then b) to actually still WANT me to pursue her, and still seem DEEPLY interested in me? Well, that's an overwhelming type of acceptance. And I was and still am inclined to see that kind of connection as something on the level of a soulmate.
But yet not enough of a soulmate connection to face your fears? It's strange because the one thing that brings my taur
Ooops, got cut off...
TLS: On the other hand, I also felt that for someone to a) seemingly know me so well without even having to speak to me in the first place, see all my weaknesses and then b) to actually still WANT me to pursue her, and still seem DEEPLY interested in me? Well, that's an overwhelming type of acceptance. And I was and still am inclined to see that kind of connection as something on the level of a soulmate.
But yet not enough of a soulmate connection to face your fears? It's strange because the one thing that brings my taurus to tears is when we're communicating really honestly and I tell him how beautiful he is and that he's a truly amazing man underneath his masks - I think this deeply touches him because he doesn't believe it himself so hearing it is quite moving. But until he believes it himself... he'll probably stuggle to be fully happy.
TLS: I wasnt' ready to face my fears of rejection, the sexual magnetism that totally brings out my baser nature, or just the nervousness in general I feel in her presence.
What would bring you to the point of wanting to face your fears? Is it something that you'd have to go off and do on your own? And what if anything would make you lose your sexual attraction to someone that you started out being so electric with?
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Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
scorp: I may have pushed my bull a few times
TLS: I don't think what you described is all that bad. I really do think even bulls need to blow up every now and then and vent the negative emotions lurking beneath. It just can't be a constant rollercoaster type of thing or we'll feel exhausted/frustrated. I lived with my Scorp dad after college for a while, and he would blow up like once every 3 mos. just about anything (dishes in the sink, me not having a job at the time, etc.) - stuff he NEVER seemed to care about day-to-day; I could TELL he didnt' mean any harm and just needed to dig underneath my stoic exterior a bit; see where I stand on some things. I saw it as probing, and I got that he was a little paranoid - was I taking advantage of him? Did I really care about him?, etc. I could kinda feel his emotional pain and was good at just reasoning with him. The sincerity/authenticity of scorp blowups I've experienced, have engendered me to kinda take more of a soothing/reasoning stance that usually can defuse the situation, rather than cause anger on both parts to escalate - but you gotta show a little emotion/passion on your end to convince them you are being honest bc they can come at you fairly accusatory and seemingly convinced of their suspicious angle.
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Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
scorp: But yet not enough of a soulmate connection to face your fears? It's strange because the one thing that brings my taurus to tears is when we're communicating really honestly and I tell him how beautiful he is and that he's a truly amazing man underneath his masks - I think this deeply touches him because he doesn't believe it himself so hearing it is quite moving. But until he believes it himself... he'll probably stuggle to be fully happy.
TLS: Yeah, that's a good question. Could be answered from many angles. Firstly, I may be wrong but I thought your bull had Saturn in Leo? I have this as well. If so, its in detriment there and creates a person who can be very much emotionally pre-occupied with others' view of them, really needy for recognition of hidden talents that they are too afraid to share with the world - basically really hard on themselves. He needs to hear stuff like that. But you can also see how the Venus in Gem doesn't go well with this and can make him susceptible to, and needy of, praise and flattery from the harem. On soulmates, not sure what you've read or where you stand on past lives. Alot of the popular info. on soulmates comes from some of the more acclaimed mediums/psychics of the last generation, and I'm researching Near Death Experiences extensively for a book I'm writing (and I've come to take their content very seriously); and have found much that corroborates the notion of a "soul family". Basically, that we have many soulmates and we cluster together here and on the other side, reincarnating to learn different lessons. A mother in one life can wind up as a lover or sister, or even an enemy; Some lives we are alone, etc. Have you seen "Cloud Atlas"? Great movie with amazing actors/acting illustrating the concept (probably my favorite movie in the last decade). This is also the view taken by many eminent astrologers. I *highly* recommend you read Jan Spiller's book on North Node Astrology entitled_Spiritual Astrology_ which is a very in-depth analysis from a past-life perspective. (Barnes and Nobles usually stocks it and you can read your section in a sitting or two).