How to assist Taurus to reach his comfort zone?

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by templeofjaguar on Wednesday, February 20, 2008 and has 15 replies.
I met a very sweet Taurus that has been very interested in for a few weeks. Calls several times a day and TM's me just about as often. We live a few hours apart and therefore won't have the benefit of cementing and bonding into a "relationship" the way things normally progress. I doubt he's seeing anyone else given the amount of time he calls me in the morning, throughout the day, and often late at night before he goes to bed.
I've never dated a Taurus before and from what I've read they like to take things REAL slow. However, this Taurus seems all revved up and ready to go!! LOL. Well, maybe not so much in an exclusive relationship but......definitely he wants more intimacy.
If, after we've had a little more time to get to know one another and it seems we get along well, is there anything that helps a Taurus feel more at ease and comfortable in wanting a relationship and being comfortable with the idea of discussing it? It's too soon to bring that up or know for sure if either of us wants one with the other. Just speculating on the time frame it usually takes for a Taurus to consider being in a relationship. I hear this generalization of "a long, long, long time" but .....what does that mean?
it means we have to be sure you're not a lying, cheating, psycho out to steal our belongings and / or kill us. i often hear about taurus' being cheated on, i've been cheated, lied and once a boy tried to manipulate me.. didnt work obviously. but yea it takes a while to trust someone whole heartly, and we're not gonna just jump right into a relationship without all the info. my ex was a taurus, he already knew he wanted to be with me... but i wasnt to sure. kinda went into the relationship half assed cuz i didnt quite trust him yet, along side he had cheated on his previous gf. also he had hacked her email and misc site profiles. so obviously i saw a lot of the future screwed up things comming. we have to be sure we trust you, not just with our hearts, but with our well beings and i cant commit to a person without at least knowing my privacy and that trust is really there.
Thanks, that's good advise and makes a lot of sense.
Oooh. Scorp woman/Taurus man can be a great combo. Much more peaceful than with a libra. Huh Temple????
I too am talking to a Bull, well he lives 2 hrs away we went out a time or two but have been talking off and on over 2 years and another relationship as friends. The chemistry is flamin!!! My most peaceful and secure relationship was with a bull. Moving to a different country is the only thing that separated us. He is now married (happily) and visits the US on tour (he sings). When he comes to Chicago to visit his daughters, who are too very close to me. He makes it a point to visit me we are in constant contact and he still says he loves me and always will.
This could be great. I am planning to see where this thing goes with me and the bull I am now fancying... LOL!!!
Geez QS, this taurus interest of mine is equally flamin with chemistry AND he's in another country too! Not too far away as I travel there often and we've had the opportunity to meet a few times already. But I am inclined to be more reserved and realistic about where it would go in the future due to border issues. Since the Libra thing may not ever make me want to date another one... meeting a Taurus has been refreshingly different and exciting.
So far the experience for me is: Taurus men are very hot and sexy that is FOR SURE !!! I'd definitely date another one! Whew!!
Taurus are very protective over their own hearts. Taurus' feel like they get hurt alot & usually form a big wall of ice around their hearts. They are the most sweet & caring people in the world, but need to make sure you're in it for THEM, without hidden motives or intentions. Just keep reassuring him what you like about him & where you want it to go with him. Taurus' hate to have to assume how another person feels, they get attached once they know for SURE that the other person is on the same page & level they're on. And yes, it's normally VERY hard to get a Taurus to fully open up & admit they want to commit, but it's not because they don't want to, it's just that they know that when they do commit, they plan to stay there for a longggg time, which is why when dating someone or getting to know them, it seems like they take forever. Make sure you're completely honest with him, ask him what some of his pet peeves are & ask him what he's looking for in a partner (that should give you some insight). And better yet, ask him what he won't tolerate in a parter (ex: jealousy, controlling, no job, etc.) & try to figure out what he's been through with past partners.
Yup Krys... I have had those conversations with my taurus friend and boy has he opened up since. I sooo adore him.
No, I'm an Aquarious. But I've been studying astrology for 7 years. I just happen to know alot about each sign in the zodiac
I'm so glad to see this dicussion board? Does anyone have any insite on a Cancer woman/Taurus man? I've read everywhere it's a great combo. I've been seeing my Taurus about 6 weeks. The first few weeks he told me how he told his friends I was everything he was looking for and that I seemed too good to be true. I got a little nervous because I felt the same way but it was so early. I've had quite a few bad relationships so I'm kind of insecure on some things, he was in one long one where the woman cheated repeatedly. Once I saw he was open with his communication I'd ask him to tell me how he felt. We got into a hugh argument where he told me he felt I badgered him to tell me how he felt and he wants to let it flow from his heart. Every since then he hasnt opened up, he still calls me 3-4 times a day and we see each other on the weekends because of his hectic work schedule but I sense something is different. Help!!!!
Maybe you triggered something from the past in his head? Like maybe the woman who cheated on him before kept asking him in the same way how he felt and that just reminds him of her. (which isn't fair to compare you to past relationships). I don't know really. The Taurus men is a mystery for me as I've never dated one before now. Just thought I'd put it out there a possibility in why he reacted so extreme about it.
Alluv72........Cancers & Taurus are a good match because they generally are known to have BIG hearts & normally get attached to someone very quickly. And the good part? They actually know how to HOLD ON. BUT, the early stages of dating can bring alot of tension because of the fact that when Cancers or Taurus get hurt, they take it with them to the grave. They love love Soooo much & every time they get hurt it scars them in a way. But in the same light, Taurus' & Cancers tend to mix well because of their similar stories of heart break & similar desire for lasting companionship. Taurus' are very protective over their emotions & feelings because they don't expect that just because someone feels bad for what someone put them through in the past, that the next person won't do them the same way. And Cancers love to communicate & have those long talks once they feel themselves getting connected to another person, but just keep in mind, the issues you wanted to discuss may be issues that he's not yet completely dealt with & when a Taurus sees that you are patient & understanding & not just necessarily trying to get his whole life story out of him too soon, he'll grow more attached to you. Don't worry about it though, it's not YOU, it's him. It's not just about him being a Taurus, alot of people form all different signs in the Zodiac tend to detach once a sensitive issue is brought up. The key to keeping yourself in his sight as a potential lover is to back off of that particular subject for a while. Trust me, the minute he ACTUALLY does come out & tell you everything, you'll know that he has placed you one step closer to his heart. Taurus' and some Cancers tend to show how they feel about a person based upon how much they tell you (secrets) & I think what happened is, you guys started having those deep conversations, you got attached & WENT FOR IT, assuming it would bring you guys closer emotionally, but I mean, even though you feel like something is "different" now, just keep your cool. Trust me, when a Taurus is actually DONE with someone, they make it known. The fact that your foot is still in the door (he still calls you 3-4 times a day & still makes time for you) means that you haven't officially done anything wrong so don't worry, in due time he'll open up.
Thanks Krys and Merc. We're going on a date tonight and everything seems back to normal. I'll back off and let him tell me what he feels when he's ready. Would you guys say that the Taurus males are on the jealous side? I've read it several times, my Taurus makes little suble comments in the form of jokes, but nothing too drastic..
Well, it has been known that the Taurus males have a jealous streak to them. They are jealous in sort of a protective type of way & not necessarily jealous out of inbound insecurities. They are very giving & very loyal to those they are attracted to but like the Taurus female, they are so used to getting hurt (they always make it a point to always forgive, but NEVER forget) & they constantly question a new person's motives. Don't take the little comments too seriously. When A Taurus male gets jealous or protective that means you're doing something right Winking
"When A Taurus male gets jealous or protective that means you're doing something right"
Thanks, I had a feeling his comments meant he was getting really attached and questioning how sincere I am about not dating or seeing anyone else.

hehe jealous and protective are the same for taurus females
we get attatched very easily and want people to be upfront and honest at all times even if we might nto want to hear it Winking

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