Signed Up: Mar 16, 2012 Comments: 0 · Posts: 22 · Topics: 1
I am a Pisces girl in a relationship with a Taurus guy from last 6 years. recently i was angry with him because he was always busy in work and would not spend much time with me. He would call me everyday 2-3 times without fail but i needed a lot more than that. So i started chatting with my childhood classmate who is a Sagittarius. I supported him always in all the difficult times and also helped him financially. He always said he loves me, he never had any girl in life and will die if i don't get married to him. I started getting closer to him but never said yes for relationship i always wanted to get married to my Taurus boyfriend. Once we even had sex i really regret that happened . when i constantly refused to get married this Sagittarius told me he already has a girlfriend from last 5 years and also has secret relationships with many other woman including one of his girlfriends younger sister. He even started blaming me for the things i didn't do. I always spoke truth and he always lied about everything. wow. He was such a lair.
I was devastated i realized this guy just used me and lied all the time. I cut off all contacts with him. and told my Taurus boyfriend everything that happened including the sex part. I apologized. He got angry but forgave me and said he will never leave me no matter what but this should never happen again. I feel really sorry for hurting him. I feel a lot guilty and try to keep him happy as much as possible. But we did not have sex from last 2 months since when i told him about my mistake. We used to have sex at least once a month before. He says he wants to do that but then he cancels. He calls me everyday like before but i don't understand the sex part.
Will he ever trust me again? I am 100% sure i will never trust any other guy again not even for friendship. I just want to be with my Taurus boyfriend and never want to loose him
Signed Up: Jun 20, 2014 Comments: 1 · Posts: 3847 · Topics: 1
Congratulations. You discovered the grass is not greener. Now please feel lots of guilt for tossing your six year relationship in the trash and discarding what seemed like a decent fella.
Ps: seriously 'devastated' to discover sag was using you? Oh please...
Signed Up: Mar 16, 2012 Comments: 0 · Posts: 22 · Topics: 1
I was angry with my Taurus because he would not spend time with me. he would meet me only once a month. And this Sagittarius behaved exactly opposite he would always ask me to go out with him i used to refuse but sometimes i went out with him because he said he will give me a job where he works. He lied all the time to get my attention and sympathy. But he took advantage of me. Because of this incidence i realized that my Taurus truly loves me. He said he never want to loose me. Actually he is very hardworking and serious person. I made a mistake but i want to always be with him now and want to always keep him happy.
Signed Up: Jan 31, 2015 Comments: 1573 · Posts: 6705 · Topics: 16
You shouldn't be in a romantic relationship with anyone until you can look at the reality of your choices with both of these men and everything in your life that may be related to that. You're going to need to make major changes, independent of whether you stay with the Taurus man or not. You will hurt others, and be hurt by them, until you do.
Signed Up: Mar 16, 2012 Comments: 0 · Posts: 22 · Topics: 1
My Taurus boyfriends whole family knows about our relationship. He even put our together profile pic on whats app yesterday. Why would he do that if he wanted to leave me? I know i made a mistake. Anyone can make mistakes this can happen to you too. This Sagittarius tricked me with lies. I thought i am helping him by supporting in difficult time but he himself put me in a difficult situation.
Posted by chinkypinky My Taurus boyfriends whole family knows about our relationship. He even put our together profile pic on whats app yesterday. Why would he do that if he wanted to leave me? I know i made a mistake. Anyone can make mistakes this can happen to you too. This Sagittarius tricked me with lies. I thought i am helping him by supporting in difficult time but he himself put me in a difficult situation.
do you honestly take zero responsibility for this? funny.
Signed Up: Oct 14, 2015 Comments: 826 · Posts: 2348 · Topics: 15
OP, I partly understand you. Not agreeing with the cheating, but it was not only you who jeopartized your relationship, it was sadly your Taurus man as well. Meeting once in a month for 6 years? WTH????
How old are you? Are you long distance relationship?
If he is working so hard, that he can be with you only once a month, than he can marry his work
Not a sane person would be content with a relationship, when personal contact is once a month...... for six years!!! come on, this is not a real relationship
Signed Up: Oct 14, 2015 Comments: 826 · Posts: 2348 · Topics: 15
Calling 2-3 times a day is way too excessive........ meeting once a month is simply not enough for a loving and meaningful relationship........ if its only for a short period of time, like 1 year or so, it can be done, but 6 years?!!! NO WAY
Signed Up: Jun 20, 2014 Comments: 1 · Posts: 3847 · Topics: 1
I don't know that much about Taurus men and I can't speak for men BUT I'm sure most men wouldn't be too keen on the idea of another man's penis being inside their partner's vagina... Unless you're that way inclined of course.
I think this is part of the point most people here are making one way or the other. The withholding and man pride etc.
Signed Up: Mar 16, 2012 Comments: 0 · Posts: 22 · Topics: 1
I don't understand why you all are getting so hyper. Some are even praying that i will not get sex lol thank you for making me laugh. But i really love my Taurus and will never leave him no matter what happens. You don't want to support me you just taking out your frustration of something that has happened in your past. I am taking full responsibility of my mistake. and will never repeat again. Last month when my Taurus met me he kissed me a lot and did not leave me. He asked me these questions in the middle of kissing "why you went away from me? What had happened to you? Promise me you will never go away again." But we didn't have sex. I don't know why he avoided sex but may be he needs time. He calls me everyday 2-3 times, is showing a lot more care than before but we didn't have sex its been two months now. He talks with me about it though.
Signed Up: Oct 14, 2015 Comments: 826 · Posts: 2348 · Topics: 15
Posted by Pandora101 OP, I partly understand you. Not agreeing with the cheating, but it was not only you who jeopartized your relationship, it was sadly your Taurus man as well. Meeting once in a month for 6 years? WTH????
How old are you? Are you long distance relationship?
If he is working so hard, that he can be with you only once a month, than he can marry his work
Not a sane person would be content with a relationship, when personal contact is once a month...... for six years!!! come on, this is not a real relationship
So again: OP, can you please answer my quesoins? how old are you? it is long distance? what is his job?
Signed Up: Jun 20, 2014 Comments: 1 · Posts: 3847 · Topics: 1
OP, no one is wishing ill will here. You ask for opinions etc and now you've got them. Quit whining just because you don't like what you hear. Frankly, no one here probably gives a flying fuck what happens with you. If you don't want opinions etc then don't ask for them. Not everything comes hand wrapped and smelling of roses with a shiny pink bow on it.
How old are you and is this your first serious relationship?
Signed Up: Mar 16, 2012 Comments: 0 · Posts: 22 · Topics: 1
I am a Pisces with a Scorpio rising. I am very much emotional and need love and care often. Yes my Taurus meets me only once a month. He is workaholic. He has lot of family problems. He has managed to buy his own house. He is 26 year old. He does not have any family support as he is living with his aunt (His parents died when he was a child). I know what i did was wrong but some people are using some very harsh comments it hurts. I was angry with him because for me a relationship means spending time together. I spoke with him many times about it but he never changed. He was always same.
Signed Up: Oct 14, 2015 Comments: 826 · Posts: 2348 · Topics: 15
Posted by chinkypinky I am a Pisces with a Scorpio rising. I am very much emotional and need love and care often. Yes my Taurus meets me only once a month. He is workaholic. He has lot of family problems. He has managed to buy his own house. He is 26 year old. He does not have any family support as he is living with his aunt (His parents died when he was a child). I know what i did was wrong but some people are using some very harsh comments it hurts. I was angry with him because for me a relationship means spending time together. I spoke with him many times about it but he never changed. He was always same.
Signed Up: Mar 16, 2012 Comments: 0 · Posts: 22 · Topics: 1
From last two months i am talking to only my Taurus boyfriend. Its like i am obsessed with him. I don't have any other guy friends. I am always trying to make him happy. I have stopped arguments and not asking for anything. He calls and messages me everyday. But the meeting me once a month part is still same.
Signed Up: Dec 07, 2011 Comments: 33 · Posts: 13769 · Topics: 154
Posted by chinkypinky From last two months i am talking to only my Taurus boyfriend. Its like i am obsessed with him. I don't have any other guy friends. I am always trying to make him happy. I have stopped arguments and not asking for anything. He calls and messages me everyday. But the meeting me once a month part is still same.
Signed Up: Mar 16, 2012 Comments: 0 · Posts: 22 · Topics: 1
Hey dear please cool down. I know all the whereabouts of my Taurus boyfriend. I know he is not getting sex elsewhere. He is living with his aunt. I know him fro last 6 years. and i am not in LDR
Signed Up: Mar 16, 2012 Comments: 0 · Posts: 22 · Topics: 1
I told my Taurus about my mistake because i wanted to. otherwise i would not be able to continue with him. And i seriously want to be with him forever.
Signed Up: Oct 14, 2015 Comments: 826 · Posts: 2348 · Topics: 15
OP, why he is living with his aunt, if he bought a house? or is it his house and the aunt is living with him?
the only solution I can see is move in with him, after 6 years surely its on the cards? so you would see him nearly every day if he comes home from work? and at least cuddle or talk in person?
I am surprised you are not living together........ If he doesn´t want to live together, then I would consider moving on from him
Signed Up: Dec 07, 2011 Comments: 33 · Posts: 13769 · Topics: 154
Posted by chinkypinky I told my Taurus about my mistake because i wanted to. otherwise i would not be able to continue with him. And i seriously want to be with him forever.
So why didn't you tell him before... That you were getting close to the other guy?
sorry, he's going to drop you as soon as he's over the :: shock ::
Signed Up: Mar 16, 2012 Comments: 0 · Posts: 22 · Topics: 1
He is living with his aunt because he lost his parents when he was a child. His aunt has taken care of him since then and she wants him to live with her till he gets married. She doesn't want to leave him alone. Even when we meet she calls him to ask where is he, had food etc etc. He bought his own house but don't want to move there. He is very slow i mean he has everything planned and he does everything according to it. He told me he will marry me after two years until than he will buy all things like all the furniture, washing machine, fridge, air condition, car, and the list goes on. He wants to buy everything on my own. He even asked me not to work as he wants to work and provide everything to me. I am waiting only for him.
Signed Up: Mar 16, 2012 Comments: 0 · Posts: 22 · Topics: 1
When i told him everything he was the one who wanted to continue it. I told him because i wanted to tell him everything and i was ready to accept his reaction. He got angry but said i never want to leave you and its my final decision. I had never thought that he would forgive or accept me. But he did. and that was the reason i fell in love with him a lot lot more.
Signed Up: Oct 14, 2015 Comments: 826 · Posts: 2348 · Topics: 15
OK everybody, I think OP is a troll.....
I am the only one here who didn´t condemn her and asked questions, but she is more interested in feeding everybody´s angry reaction....... somebody commented, that OP is brave to put this on dxp........ now is clear why she did it...... to get his type of reaction from all of you
Posted by tiziani That's what engineers do - plan their lives meticulously. You're a cog in their blueprint. And they really don't like to see their plans go up in smoke overnight.
Signed Up: Dec 07, 2011 Comments: 33 · Posts: 13769 · Topics: 154
Posted by chinkypinky When i told him everything he was the one who wanted to continue it. I told him because i wanted to tell him everything and i was ready to accept his reaction. He got angry but said i never want to leave you and its my final decision. I had never thought that he would forgive or accept me. But he did. and that was the reason i fell in love with him a lot lot more.
Signed Up: Oct 17, 2013 Comments: 374 · Posts: 8645 · Topics: 308
Posted by chinkypinky I am a Pisces with a Scorpio rising. I am very much emotional and need love and care often. Yes my Taurus meets me only once a month. He is workaholic. He has lot of family problems. He has managed to buy his own house. He is 26 year old. He does not have any family support as he is living with his aunt (His parents died when he was a child). I know what i did was wrong but some people are using some very harsh comments it hurts. I was angry with him because for me a relationship means spending time together. I spoke with him many times about it but he never changed. He was always same.
Per the bolded part: so he has bought his own house and is living with his aunt at the same time?
Assuming this whole thing is true..... Yup, you showed him. He didn't give you the TLC you demanded of him, slept with another guy, then told him about it. Surprised he hasn't drop kicked your ass into next week (and doubly so with your snide remarks alluding to getting sex anytime you want.).
Why do I suspect karma is going to show up at your door one day with a big gift wrapped box?
Signed Up: Oct 14, 2015 Comments: 826 · Posts: 2348 · Topics: 15
Posted by chinkypinky His aunt doesn't want me to live together with him right now. I am not troll. I am answering everyone's questions but no one is answering mine.
Signed Up: Mar 16, 2012 Comments: 0 · Posts: 22 · Topics: 1
Yes its a cultural thing. He told his aunt about me 2 years back. She told him to go in new house only after we get married. I cant live with him before marriage. They have financial problems too. and my Taurus is a workaholic and wants to do everything on his own.
Signed Up: Oct 14, 2015 Comments: 826 · Posts: 2348 · Topics: 15
Posted by chinkypinky Yes its a cultural thing. He told his aunt about me 2 years back. She told him to go in new house only after we get married. I cant live with him before marriage. They have financial problems too. and my Taurus is a workaholic and wants to do everything on his own.
ok, how they have financial problems if he bought a house? why he is not letting out the house if he doesnt live here?
how many times are you visiting his aunt? If its a cultrual thing, you are visiting his aunt, right?
Posted by tiziani That's what engineers do - plan their lives meticulously. You're a cog in their blueprint. And they really don't like to see their plans go up in smoke overnight.
i think this has a lot of truth to it.
I'm surrounded by engineers - Richard Gere's character in Unfaithful when his wife cheats on him and he sticks it out with her.... guess what his profession was? lol
click to expand
yeah i've heard this said about men in general (and happy to be enlightened regarding this). i've heard that (all) men have a sort of blueprint in their minds. they have their life mapped. what age they want to be married. where they are going to live. what the house is going to look like. how many kids he wants.
much more so then women, who will go with the flow, men if they meet the right girl at the wrong time (ie too young) will walk away from her because it messes up his "blueprint". maybe engineers just take it to the extreme.
Signed Up: Mar 16, 2012 Comments: 0 · Posts: 22 · Topics: 1
I feel like i am answering an interview. But no problem. I know you feel that i am a troll. But right now i am not in a situation to make imaginary stories. This is something very serious and very close to my heart. The house he is living right now belongs to his aunt. I met her only few times but i think she doesn't like me. He bought house to live after we get married. He bought it with lot of hard work. He saved money. That is the reason he didn't meet me often he works on Sundays too. But sometimes i feel it becomes too much. I need my time too. I know i am wrong but am i wrong in asking for some time for myself?
this thread has everything. workaholic Taurus who only comes around once a month. philandering, sweet talking Sagg that's banging his sister in law. cheating, neglected Pisces with her natural, flirty ways
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