I finally got to have sex with my Taurus man. it had been like 3 months since the last time. I ask my Taurus friends why is this? He clearly doesn't want a relationship in his life right he told me. We hang out with each other like friends. It's like when we have sex and he disappears and comes back I don't even ask why were you gone so long but instead I receive him happy to see him and never ask why? I tend to only listen to him but sometimes offer advice. I never act jealous. I try to be his friend. He has confidence in himself, sometimes he could mean to me, but I think he means well. or he wouldn't care. There's times he says he don't care about me but why does he help so much with things. ( housework, changing my oil to my car) how can I keep him happy and come around more than every 3 months for sex.
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Aug 22, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 2497 · Topics: 2
No relationship at all. He clearly stated that why are you so hoping more than he can give?
that's just a FWB thing.
I am living with a Taurus man he give me everything. Money and all I need, he even wanted me to
quit my job which I refused 'cause I love what I am doing.
He even washed the clothes and do cooking.
Try read Taurus forum their great advice: Avoid friend zone and fwb. lol.
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Why do you keep rewarding him with sex when he comes back?
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Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
I understand. Everyone does this a little. I don't think anyone here really takes it personally. But its just not good to stay in that spot for too long. It only perpetuates the damage to your self and others.
I really do appreciate your answers, I come to you guys for advice, I have learned and still more learning to do. I have always been sincere with him. I guess he is seeing other girls and the both of us getting out of long marriages, he wants to not settle down. we've both have been single for the last 4yrs. our paths crossed and so far this is where we are at. I guess I will get hurt in the end. (something I don't want to go thur) Take the good for the good and the bad for the bad. Once again everyone thank you for the advice.
tru-cap because I guess the truth I'm not seeing no one else. Plus I really like him. I get the butterflies when he is near me. when I know he is coming over I try to look my best and have my hair and makeup done, I put on my favorite perfume, dress my cutest and act normal, but inside my heart beats a hundred miles a hour. I have his favorite beer in the fridge. I try to make him feel as comfortable as possible. When he comes over unannounced and catches me in my pj's and no make up & hair pulled up. He acts normal like it didnt trip him out to see me that way. so I feel comfortable with him.
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Aug 06, 2013Comments: 63 · Posts: 714 · Topics: 35
" There's times he says he don't care about me but why does he help so much with things. "
I would be done right then and there.
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Aug 22, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 2497 · Topics: 2
Just learn from it.
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Don't ask a man to give you something he doesn't have. Don't ask or expect a man to give you something that he's ALREADY told you he didn't want to give to you.
When a man tells you that he doesn't want to commit to you, there's usually no LOL behind it. Why? B'c although men may not mean a lot of the other stuff they say, THIS is 1 sentence they usually do mean when they say it.
Of course he comes to you but then disappears again. To him, you're just a piece of azz. And he def. isn't gaining respect for you when he can come back with no questions asked on your part. That's what doormats do. They give all of themselves just to get half in return. And when they realize they're only getting half in return, they not only don't stop being a doormat, but they don't speak up.
If you want a man to respect you, give him something to respect. And no man has ever respected a woman who he felt was not good for anything other than sex. If sex is all you require of him, then sex will always be the only thing you're gonna get.
If you can emotionally afford to have a strictly sexual relationship with him w/o him committing to you or caring for you in return, then go for it! But if you are hurt & can't handle his disappearance every single time afterwards, then it's up to YOU to put a stop to it, not him!
Most people would rob a bank if they knew they'd get away with it. He's taking everything you've got &
not giving you anything but a penis in return! So it's not shame on him, it's shame on YOU!
Signed Up:
Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
I get it. It may not be your fault that he had the opportunity to hurt you the 1st time. But if he has an opportunity the second time, that's on YOU!
Don't wait on a man to stop robbing your bank b/c he won't as long as there are benefits involved. YOU have to put a stop to this. YOU have to want better for yourself. YOU have to make the decision to stop settling!
Some women expect for a man to suddenly have an attack of conscious & say, "I'm so sorry baby, I shouldn't be having sex with you. I'm gonna stop myself right now b/c you don't deserve it." If you're waiting on him to say something like this, you'll be waiting for a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time honey
Taurus people act like a rebel teenager, is ridiculous!