I have no energy...

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by taurusgoddess on Wednesday, November 2, 2005 and has 19 replies.
Coffee doesn't cut it anymore, I am falling asleep when i should be wide awake. You guys have this problem? How do you fight this. I am fairly active and eat healthy foods.
You have no creative life style or your job doesn't allow you to realize yourself. Maybe something organic too.
Or simply lack of self confidence.
Well considering I'm an artist & writer by night with a very healthy social life and manager at work by day relating to graphic design I'm thinking that doesn't really apply.
I feel pretty confident on the most part but that varies depending what I'm into at the moment. I dunno, I wasn't expecting that answer, I guess I don't feel those options apply.
Considering your activity maybe your bodys telling you it needs a break,humans aren't really supposed to be in rat races like we are living currebtly.Possibly take a vaction and actually spend it at home relaxing might help or not doing anything on your days off to catch up on rest might help.
the coffee itself could be the problem. most people dont know this, but caffeine is just as addictive as nicotine. try cutting the caffeine out completely for a few weeks and see if you notice any energy improvement. you may get tired before you start to have energy, but its worth a try.

depression could also have something to do with it. or sickness.
I think I was in depression from last fall to end of this summer. I spent the summer self medicating too, gotta love the drugs, eeeeeeeek! So maybe I'm coming down from it all. I've cleaned up my act now, and feel happier, but ya that makes sense. I've cleaned up & put a bigger load on myelf now that I felt I could mentally handle life more. Thank God people take breaks from dying & shitt like that. Life is crazy. Bodies need breaks I guess when our souls feel dead.
What do you guys know on chemical drugs & their effects on our energy? I hear some make you damn depressed for a long time. I seriously hate them, but they were damn convenient after months of depression. haha I sound real bad right now, I know, but this is afterall a blog site. At least I walked away. Sad for the people who never do, or die trying.
Stick to botanicals! They are less scary. I think it could just be a change in the weather, I have been feeling B l a a a h all week. Or you might be coming down with that bug that's been going around, it kinda creeps up on you, I just got over it. I think we are in the same city, TG.
U in Winterpeg? I quit the green in my highschool daze. haha, some nice red wine & colorful appetizers suit me just fine now. smile
Man, you're sensitive for a bull! Well, I only drink a cup or two of coffee twice a week at work. The odd time some tea, so it's not really a problem for me.
Yep, I'm in Winterpeg, TG
I still say it's this crap weather, I won't be happy until it snows.
Depends on the drug taurusgoddess... some last in your system for hours, others days, weeks.... long-term effects depend on the drug too. Many drugs alter your level of seratonin, which helps regulate mood. They only exasperated your existing depression.
I always think exercise helps with energy and mood. Also, if you're depressed to the point of self-medicating
(or at least you were) go see a therapist.
haha, ya I thot about a shrink! My way out of that black whole was good frieds, family, spending time with my creative side & mostly God.
We all take a visit to the bottom of The Pit from time to time, it's normal. Thinking there is something wrong with you for feeling down now and then is a slippery slope, unless you absolutely can't get out of bed or do anything at all, even look after yourself for weeks on end. Then you need meds. Be at peace with the ups and downs, we all go through em.
Ginseng is a good energy booster for natural stuff,theres certain teas you can get with them or capsules.It basically flushes your system of toxins which can cause you to lack energy,once thats taken care of you'll notice an energy boost.You should see a docter before any types of meds because like you mentioned it could be depression as well,something could make it worse if it's not diagniosed and being treated for something else.Red bulls and amps are just sugar and caffine mixes so they really won't help for any long term,real energy.I know theres more herbal enery boosters but having problems forming the names right now,one of those "on the tip of your tongue" type situations.
Ach, ride it out, you'll be fine.
I'm not down though, I'm actually really happy, just my body is tired!
I was just referring to the "black hole" thing, talking in generalities.
Are you still feeling wiped out?

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