This Taurus guy and I have been friends for 2yrs or so on FB. Lately, we started flirting heavily but he’s still not taken the initiative to ask me (he did slide in my DM asking for my number).
Today, I text him that I want him and when he was gonna let me have him. His response was “we gonna find out.” And that he’d plan a trip to see me.
Idk though because he was supposed to come to my city in May but had to cancel and never rescheduled.
Do you think he’s just slow/taking his time or not really that into me.
Oh he’s a Aries/Taurus cusp and I’m a Virgo/Libra cusp
Signed Up:
Oct 24, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 2706 · Topics: 56
I think perhaps he's a liar.....?