can virgos take jokes about themselves? I can make fun of myself no problem, but do you guys and gals get seriously upset when we pick fun of you. How far is too far?
I am a Virgo, and my rising sign is Capricorn. I just find my personality quite peculiar; I can be cold, or burning; I wish to konw if anyone has the ability to explain this combination. what does it mean to be a Virgo, and possess Capricorn as your risin
You virgo men seem cool and collective and all that jazz...but really, what do you fantasize about? Your lady walking hand and hand with you along the beach? Or getting down right dirty in office late at night when no ones around? Come on....what do you s
Everbody knows that this word has a horrible reputation in the past of slavery to put black folks down. Now we hear alot of black people use it. And I am one of them. There is a contradiction to this word which is us black people can use and white people
Everbody knows that this word has a horrible reputation in the past of slavery to put black folks down. Now we hear alot of black people use it. And I am one of them. There is a contradiction to this word which is us black people can use and white people
People that ask questions that they shouldn't or pry on your personal sh1t!
A guy at work was asking some very personal stuff I didn't want to answer, so I gave him some bs answer & told him it's personal and then he calls me a liar and kept brin
How can u tell if a scorpio is really into u? what behavior patterns do they exhibit. I spoke to my friend briefly i apologized for over-reacting about the nail thing (this was after 3 days of me not contacting him i never did this before) he told me not