We dated previously many years ago - and parted on good terms. Recently we've found one another again and things are going very well, we seem like we both want the same things in life. I am a Libra, he is a Taurus. We've been dating for about a month now. He tells me he loves me, says I am wonderful, sexy, etc. Says things like "How did I get so lucky". Is it normal for a Taurus man to be this way? I think he truly cares about me, he says he always wants to see me and misses me when we are not together. I know only time will tell if he is lying or not, but I was just curious if this is a normal Taurus trait?
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
why not just enjoy it while its good and not question it...
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Jul 23, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 447 · Topics: 45
I think you answered your own question....Time will tell... Watch to see whether his actions match his words....
Anyone can lie, so that could be anybodies trait regardless of sign...Any man can fill your head with things they think you wanna hear??_
In my experiences with Taurus men they are were either very affectionate and/or straight forward with their thoughts.....
One in particular was very affectionate and caring in his actions and expressed his emotions almost a year after we started talking??_.
They do not like rejection and try to avoid it at all cost.....They usually can keep a very placid demeanor on the exterior, however, they could be bubbling deep down with emotion...Just pay attention to how he interacts with you and you will know whether he is genuine.......Good luck
Thank you Hotgal & Missmorals, best advice I've read all week! I'm going to drop my guard and see how this rides out. I've been protecting myself too much lately I think it's got potential to wreck a good thing if I don't let it go.
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Jul 23, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 447 · Topics: 45
Libra_Moon - continue to guard your heart, however, have fun and go with the flow....Just take your tme to build a foundation and hvae patience....Whichever way the relationship with him is gonna go will eventually show its and it will be clear to you....
If you get too emotional with T guys too quick it scares them sometimes.....Just relax and take it one day at a time.