Its our Anniversary!! We Made It ?

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by TheCancerGirl on Sunday, September 4, 2016 and has 24 replies.
Some of you may remember my first post in the forum where I received some much needed advice on my Bull needing some space to resolve some issues with his previous relationship. I will falling apart and you guys talked some sense into me. Some were negative but most were logical and very helpful. Of course you will also remember my follow up where he came back much sooner than expected because he couldn't even give himself the space he said he needed lol.. So a few of you asked if I would give an update on if we actually worked out and to let you know when me made it to the 1 Year mark. Well Today is 09/04/16 and We Made It!! I am so excited to see what the future holds for us..

I will be honest and tell each of you that this relationship has been anything but easy but I've grown to know him and he is very predictable. As a cancer women I have had to learn the true meaning of patience and I've actually gotten use to his silence from time to time. Usually if he's stressed about work or family issues, he always comes back and tells me how much he missed me lol kind've like a broken record. He recently told me that he wanted me to move and that he wants to have a child together.

Although it took him a while to say it he now expresses his love verbally often and that helps a lot when my cancer insecurities come out. I still feel like he's afraid of his feelings for me, sometimes he even says it. I adore him and I'm happy that we have made this first small milestone I'm optimistic that there will be more. I still get the same feelings and butterflies that I did exactly a year ago hoping to feel this way for years to come.
I don't know your story, but I'm still excited for you! Your first anniversary! Congratulations! Cheers! ???? May you both share many more to comeBig Grin
I hope we don't see a "bull left me after I gave him space" post in 6-8 weeks. Congrats!
Posted by Sssupes
I hope we don't see a "bull left me after I gave him space" post in 6-8 weeks. Congrats!
LOL I hope not as well. I try to give him just enough space not too much. Fingers crossed
Posted by TheCancerGirl

He recently told me that he wanted me to move and that he wants to have a child together.

Anything else?

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Just saying.

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@Montgomery! After a YEAR? I mean, I wouldn't say no if my boyfriend proposed, but I would be extremely shocked if he did after our 1 year anniversary. I mean, not that there's a timeline or anything. But, dam, let us finish college first. @__@
Posted by LillyPetal
@Montgomery! After a YEAR? I mean, I wouldn't say no if my boyfriend proposed, but I would be extremely shocked if he did after our 1 year anniversary. I mean, not that there's a timeline or anything. But, dam, let us finish college first. @__@

I never would have taken you for Skimmer.

From the op:

"He recently told me that he wanted me to move and

that he wants to have a child together.

Unless you think it's a good idea to live with

someone and have their kid before they have

the decency to marry you?

But if you're just trying to say it's been a year

now (omg!), then Congratulations.

Posted by Montgomery
Posted by LillyPetal
@Montgomery! After a YEAR? I mean, I wouldn't say no if my boyfriend proposed, but I would be extremely shocked if he did after our 1 year anniversary. I mean, not that there's a timeline or anything. But, dam, let us finish college first. @__@

I never would have taken you for Skimmer.

From the op:

"He recently told me that he wanted me to move and

that he wants to have a child together.

Unless you think it's a good idea to live with

someone and have their kid before they have

the decency to marry you?

But if you're just trying to say it's been a year

now (omg!), then Congratulations.

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? Oh, yes! In that case, I personally relate to what you're saying. But, yeah, I was congratulating her on her milestone. smile

Posted by Montgomery
Posted by TheCancerGirl

He recently told me that he wanted me to move and that he wants to have a child together.

Anything else?

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Haha I'm right there with you!!! I told him that I need a ring on my pretty little hand even show him what I liked.. I don't have any children and I don't want a baby daddy haha

Just saying.

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Posted by LillyPetal
@Montgomery! After a YEAR? I mean, I wouldn't say no if my boyfriend proposed, but I would be extremely shocked if he did after our 1 year anniversary. I mean, not that there's a timeline or anything. But, dam, let us finish college first. @__@
I agree with what you're saying I would like to be engaged but I don't want to rush a weddings.. I'm okay with taking our time.. Just happy that we are working it out..
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by LillyPetal
@Montgomery! After a YEAR? I mean, I wouldn't say no if my boyfriend proposed, but I would be extremely shocked if he did after our 1 year anniversary. I mean, not that there's a timeline or anything. But, dam, let us finish college first. @__@

I never would have taken you for Skimmer.

From the op:

"He recently told me that he wanted me to move and

that he wants to have a child together.

Unless you think it's a good idea to live with

someone and have their kid before they have

the decency to marry you?

But if you're just trying to say it's been a year

now (omg!), then Congratulations.

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A Skimmer? What's that? Sorry I honestly don't know what that means.. I just shared his statement to give an idea of where we are at this moment.. I thought it was extremely sweet of him to say because he always holds back so much.. And now he is so open with his feelings and what he wants. As I said I don't have any children so I am extremely afraid to even think about having a child right now especially if I'm not married..
I was talking to Lilypetal... I meant she must have

*skimmed* the first post and missed the part about

moving in/kids without getting hitched.

You've got a good head on your shoulders... hope

all goes well for you both.

Posted by Montgomery
I was talking to Lilypetal... I meant she must have

*skimmed* the first post and missed the part about

moving in/kids without getting hitched.

You've got a good head on your shoulders... hope

all goes well for you both.


Thank you so much.. I'm hoping to enjoy him now and a baby will come later I'm so excited
It's very refreshing to finally have some good news in the feed.. I'm praying that this gives others hope that it is possible to make it work.. Even when the odds are not in your favor.. As I said before "it is not easy" honestly one of the most challenging if not the most challenging relationship of my life.. But it is 100 percent worth it.. Everything we have been through has made me grow more as a person.. I'm grateful for the experiences but I'm definetly stronger and am less dependent on him. I also appreciate what we have built more..

I have never loved anyone more he is my best friend, I appreciate every single flaw and imperfection... I would just say if you don't have the patience and willingness to except your Bull for who he or she is it will never ever work you have to be patient, understanding, and accepting of the fact that they are extremely practical they don't make decisions until they are ready.. But when they love you they love you forever..
Posted by tiziani
I remember your threads. Congratulations to you both!

Thank you so much
I remember your postings! Congratumalations Hug

Glad to hear it's working out for you smile
Posted by TheCancerGirl
Some of you may remember my first post in the forum where I received some much needed advice on my Bull needing some space to resolve some issues with his previous relationship. I will falling apart and you guys talked some sense into me. Some were negative but most were logical and very helpful. Of course you will also remember my follow up where he came back much sooner than expected because he couldn't even give himself the space he said he needed lol.. So a few of you asked if I would give an update on if we actually worked out and to let you know when me made it to the 1 Year mark. Well Today is 09/04/16 and We Made It!! I am so excited to see what the future holds for us..

I will be honest and tell each of you that this relationship has been anything but easy but I've grown to know him and he is very predictable. As a cancer women I have had to learn the true meaning of patience and I've actually gotten use to his silence from time to time. Usually if he's stressed about work or family issues, he always comes back and tells me how much he missed me lol kind've like a broken record. He recently told me that he wanted me to move and that he wants to have a child together.

Although it took him a while to say it he now expresses his love verbally often and that helps a lot when my cancer insecurities come out. I still feel like he's afraid of his feelings for me, sometimes he even says it. I adore him and I'm happy that we have made this first small milestone I'm optimistic that there will be more. I still get the same feelings and butterflies that I did exactly a year ago hoping to feel this way for years to come.


Just wanted to add a little update because I neglected to include this and I saw some convo about it lol.. We have talked about marriage ALOT, I have even told him what type of ring I wanted and also who's going to plan the wedding lol. In that area I think we are both moving slowly because remember he was in an 8 year relationship (marriage) before me I don't want to rush him into a 2nd marriage. I just want our journey to be fluid and natural. I just thought it was a major step for him to express that he wanted another child with me when his son is 14. I am personally so afraid to have a child because I know it will slow me down. I am such a free spirit I travel the world I sing and I just finished filming a reality show. But honestly when I think about it I know he's worth evolving for.

He is the most amazing father I have ever seen his son is his best friend. One day when I finally have a child lol, I pray to God that he is the one God chooses to be the one.

Congrats girl! I'm happy for you guys. But I have a few questions...

How long did it take him to come back? Did you cut off all contact? And do you think it has anything to do with cancer and taurus being fairly compatible? I'm an aquarius woman and I am still having problems with my bull. I've read on about horoscopes and have read that aquarius and taurus is one of the worst pairings. I hope that's not true, considering I am just attracted to Taurus males lol.
congrats - so happy for you!
Posted by berrywiddle
Congrats girl! I'm happy for you guys. But I have a few questions...

How long did it take him to come back? Did you cut off all contact? And do you think it has anything to do with cancer and taurus being fairly compatible? I'm an aquarius woman and I am still having problems with my bull. I've read on about horoscopes and have read that aquarius and taurus is one of the worst pairings. I hope that's not true, considering I am just attracted to Taurus males lol.

You may want to go back and read the threads because it was a lot of information lol.. But in a nutshell my initial post was due to him asking for time to resolve some issues he was having with his son and previous relationship.. He actually gave me a date and asked me to give him that time.. If I remember correct it was like 3 months.. I respected what he asked and gave him his space.. But I just didn't know how I could go threw months without talking to him so I posted here just asking for advice which helped some.. I did not contact him at all and he came back about 14 days later and said that he missed me so much that he was about to pull his hair out lol..

I would say if your Taurus ask you for a little space give it to them.. It does not change the way they feel about you at all it may actually make them care more for you because you respected there needs.. When he came back he thanked me for being understanding. He finally told me that he loved me and opened up some.. We have since had a few occasions where he is going through something and he will be silent for a few days but I know him well enough now to know that he always comes back and when he does he lets me know how grateful he is for my understand and acceptance of his flaws.. If you aren't patient being with a Bull will never ever work!! You have to accept that they are slow to change but when they love you expect them to try in baby steps lol.. Right now he is really working hard to communicate better he tell me that every day.. If you have specific questions I can answer them in more detail.

Oh yeah and we are extremely compatiable I can actually complete his sentences he's my best friend so I do think that Taurus and Cancer are a great match the only issue is that cancers are so emotional and Taurus don't really show that side in the beginning.
Posted by SensitiveBlues
sounds like alot of fuking work, i thought all you had to do was feed the fatties...

OMG it is a lot of work honestly I have never worked so hard for anything in my life.. It may be easier with other Taurus but my Taurus is very successful and has had a career as an NFL player so I don't think he trust women easily..

I remember him calling me and telling me that he could honestly say that he trust me and that he can see that I genuinely love him.. His expression told me that he has never felt that way before which is huge.. It took him 8 almost 9 months to say that so.. That speaks volumes as to the walls this man had up lol..
Posted by Redoctober2000
Posted by berrywiddle
Congrats girl! I'm happy for you guys. But I have a few questions...

How long did it take him to come back? Did you cut off all contact? And do you think it has anything to do with cancer and taurus being fairly compatible? I'm an aquarius woman and I am still having problems with my bull. I've read on about horoscopes and have read that aquarius and taurus is one of the worst pairings. I hope that's not true, considering I am just attracted to Taurus males lol.
It is one of the worst if not the worst pairing!!! Ur Taurus is not interested in anything permanent with you. Not good energy. Earth and air = sand. Sand simply splits through the fingers.
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Oh No ???

I'm glad to hear about your story. I've never dated a Taurus but they have always intrigued me and I wish I could meet Taurus men more often, I always seem to draw the same signs. I have a Moon in Taurus myself so I believe I can understand some of what they go through. I'm wishing you great things ahead. Winking
Posted by Ventressa
I'm glad to hear about your story. I've never dated a Taurus but they have always intrigued me and I wish I could meet Taurus men more often, I always seem to draw the same signs. I have a Moon in Taurus myself so I believe I can understand some of what they go through. I'm wishing you great things ahead. Winking
Thank you so much I am just overjoyed with happiness.. I can't wait until next year to post about our second year!!