Posted by QuietAries
Wow exactly the same happend to me!! A few weeks after breaking up he missed me, he first tried to be friends with benefits...and a said a clear NO. Go on with your life and just be a friend if you appreciate him . Some days I didn't hear anything from him, others he was saying he misses me so much and remembers the time we one day I told him to be clear what he wants but not one day so the other so. Now he's working hard on being with me again. I don't know if it's your case, but be patient, nice and honest, and don't expect nothing, maybe he sees what he lost. In my case it worked, he's all loving and caring again, calling all day which he didn't even do when we were together! Be yourself and no drama, show yourself happy and smart .
Give him time...and be exhaustingly patient... Good luck!
Posted by elusiveLuna
I had the same experience. Don't even waste your time with the man. Idk what your sign is, but I'm a Scorpio. He wanted to be friends and still called me babe and would act attracted to me, and I just apologized to him and said I hoped the best for him but will have to block his number because I will not have mind games played on me. If you aren't ready for friendship do NOT accept it. It will only hurt you more. Taurus men seem to be always on the hunt for the ideal partner. If you become their friend too soon and you are quite attached, you will only suffer.
I haven't talked to my Taurus for about two weeks now. He was lovely and we got along so incredibly well, but like you said he started disappearing. The first time he disappeared, I didn't want to bother him because he works almost all the time as do I, nor did I want to appear too clingy, and he texted me one day saying "I can tell you really miss" and I told him I figured he was busy and I was working. Well... I think that's when we had our falling out. It's okay though. I have found that I don't think I'm very compatible with Taurus men. He was a wonderful experience but just as stubborn as me. It would have never worked out unless he was willing to see me more or talk to me more, neither of which he was I guess. Leaving the gap of communication is probably what made both you and I lose the running. Sad but true. Move on. Don't hurt yourself in the process, but it is the best choice. I know it is hard, but there is nothing you can do unless one day he changes his mind, which they normally do not do. They're stubborn like I said. Not really willing to give second chances even if you believe you deserve one. You never know though. Keep your head up and look to the future. I am sad to hear you had a similar experience. I know the pain. I covered my pain up, but it is still there. I wish you luck.
Posted by elusiveLuna
I had the same experience. Don't even waste your time with the man. Idk what your sign is, but I'm a Scorpio. He wanted to be friends and still called me babe and would act attracted to me, and I just apologized to him and said I hoped the best for him but will have to block his number because I will not have mind games played on me. If you aren't ready for friendship do NOT accept it. It will only hurt you more. Taurus men seem to be always on the hunt for the ideal partner. If you become their friend too soon and you are quite attached, you will only suffer.
I haven't talked to my Taurus for about two weeks now. He was lovely and we got along so incredibly well, but like you said he started disappearing. The first time he disappeared, I didn't want to bother him because he works almost all the time as do I, nor did I want to appear too clingy, and he texted me one day saying "I can tell you really miss" and I told him I figured he was busy and I was working. Well... I think that's when we had our falling out. It's okay though. I have found that I don't think I'm very compatible with Taurus men. He was a wonderful experience but just as stubborn as me. It would have never worked out unless he was willing to see me more or talk to me more, neither of which he was I guess. Leaving the gap of communication is probably what made both you and I lose the running. Sad but true. Move on. Don't hurt yourself in the process, but it is the best choice. I know it is hard, but there is nothing you can do unless one day he changes his mind, which they normally do not do. They're stubborn like I said. Not really willing to give second chances even if you believe you deserve one. You never know though. Keep your head up and look to the future. I am sad to hear you had a similar experience. I know the pain. I covered my pain up, but it is still there. I wish you luck.