Leo woman and Taurus man

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by IFA on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 and has 5 replies.
I think that regardless of what happens with the Taurus...if you are not happy, then you should focus on that first...you may realize that your unhappiness just stems from wanting something you can't have...alot of times we fantasize about things that are all wrong for us...and what you have in front of you may be everything you want and more...but you need to focus on just one thing at a time...so I would say, focus on your marriage...try to really get to know your husband...and give it an honest try...if after that you realize, it's just not working...then walk away...then you can explore what you consider to be true love, with either the Taurus or the person you are meant to be with...
Posted by Jynja
LOL Is this shit for realz? Like... really real???

Wow. Just wow

Honestly, I wasn`t even shocked. lol
How does one see the hidden posts?
You cannot.
I see. Regardless... Most Leo women will be frustrated with Taurus men's flip-flopping. Make up his mind for him... walk.