Let's talk Taurus moon

This topic was created in the Taurus Moon forum by libralotus on Tuesday, April 19, 2016 and has 17 replies.
Feelings? Comments? Experiences?
I seem to attract them a LOT. My dad and two brothers have them, as well as my bestfriend and ex. All men.
I attract the female Taurus moons. I love them personally. The most calming and non judgmental people I've ever known.
Posted by PancakeFace
I attract the female Taurus moons. I love them personally. The most calming and non judgmental people I've ever known.

Never met a female with a Taurus moon. They're really comforting to be around.
I think Taurus moons are nicer on women than men. Makes them gentle and calm. The men I know with Taurus moons can be stoic but it might have to do with their suns.
Posted by SassyKiwi
I think Taurus moons are nicer on women than men. Makes them gentle and calm. The men I know with Taurus moons can be stoic but it might have to do with their suns.

Do you think it could have someone to do with having a libra moon?
You rang? I'm going to pop some stove top organic popcorn in coconut oil then layer it in butter hot sauce. I'll be back to see what you want to know.
Posted by libralotus
Posted by SassyKiwi
I think Taurus moons are nicer on women than men. Makes them gentle and calm. The men I know with Taurus moons can be stoic but it might have to do with their suns.

Do you think it could have someone to do with having a libra moon?
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Do you mean Libra sun?
I draw both Taurus sun and Moons to me but, I never met a Taurus male.
Posted by libralotus
Posted by SassyKiwi
I think Taurus moons are nicer on women than men. Makes them gentle and calm. The men I know with Taurus moons can be stoic but it might have to do with their suns.

Do you think it could have someone to do with having a libra moon?
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I hear Libra and Taurus are great together.
My brother is a Capricorn Taurus moon Cancer Rising. He's obsessed with women and you don't have to be a good looking woman to win his heart he loves women period. He run in and out of relationship quickly. Right now he wants to get married and have kids but he's having trouble finding the right woman. The last relationship he had with a girl who he got pregnant and she had a miscarriage and after that she she tried to commit suicide and she became depressed she put him through a lot so he broke up with her he couldn't take it.
Posted by kissmygrits
Posted by libralotus
Posted by SassyKiwi
I think Taurus moons are nicer on women than men. Makes them gentle and calm. The men I know with Taurus moons can be stoic but it might have to do with their suns.

Do you think it could have someone to do with having a libra moon?

I hear Libra and Taurus are great together.
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Sister is a Taurus and her husband is a Libra. When you see them. you'll change your mind smh. He's cheating on her with a man
Posted by BlueQueen
Posted by kissmygrits
Posted by libralotus
Posted by SassyKiwi
I think Taurus moons are nicer on women than men. Makes them gentle and calm. The men I know with Taurus moons can be stoic but it might have to do with their suns.

Do you think it could have someone to do with having a libra moon?

I hear Libra and Taurus are great together.

Sister is a Taurus and her husband is a Libra. When you see them. you'll change your mind smh. He's cheating on her with a man
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Ugh that sucks!
I thought Mars and Venus was the attraction factor?

Best moon placement! smile
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by libralotus
Posted by SassyKiwi
I think Taurus moons are nicer on women than men. Makes them gentle and calm. The men I know with Taurus moons can be stoic but it might have to do with their suns.

Do you think it could have someone to do with having a libra moon?

Do you mean Libra sun?
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I'm a libra sun and moon
My ex is a Scorpio sun and Taurus moon. I think the moon made him more empathetic and non judge mental.
Posted by libralotus
Posted by PancakeFace
I attract the female Taurus moons. I love them personally. The most calming and non judgmental people I've ever known.

Never met a female with a Taurus moon. They're really comforting to be around.
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I have two female family members with Taurus moons and they are both sort of passive aggressive. They'll keep their anger in for like, years, and then one day out of nowhere they'll explode with disatrous consequences. They'll hurt you in the worst ways possible. Tread carefully around women with a Taurus Moon.