Hi All, new to this forum and hoping for some valuable advise, insight. Guess as with many on here my story is about a Taurus man. Been dating for the last 4 weeks, seeing each other two to three times a week. Throughout the last 4 weeks he has been caring, thoughtful, kind and passionate. There was instant attraction / connection from the first time we met and the chemistry between us grew strong very quickly. Felt both excited and scared at the same time and jokingly saying to each other how things were moving at a pace. It was his birthday on Friday (3rd May) and this was the first time we slept with each other (twice) it was amazing, felt very close. Although I couldn't stay with him that night we had planned to be with each other from Saturday evening through to Monday. When I arrived at his house on Saturday evening, the atmosphere was completely different. As soon as he opened the door too ne, I felt he was distant and cold. I continued in to his house and went to put things in the kitchen. He went and sat on the sofa to continue watching TV!! I joined him and sat there thinking WTF is going on. Although he finally offered me a cuppa, the distance I felt nerved me. I could only last 40 minutes before the fight or flight response really kicked in. I got up and send I had to go, as I couldn't cope. He told me not to be stupid, but I couldn't stay in that atmosphere, I got my things and left. As soon as I arrived home, I texted him to say I felt vulnerable and exposed and was looking for reassurance as the distance I had felt panicked me and this was the reason I had to leave. He responded saying he hadn't slept well the night after his birthday and that he was just tired. I responded to say it sounded like with both needed sleep and I will call the next morning. I called and we spoke about what had occurred and agreed that he would call later to arrange to meet up the next day. When we spoke in the evening, we talked about how fast everything had gone and likened it to a roller coaster ride. I wanted to see him but left it to him to make the call. He said he didn't want to hurt me and that we should perhaps leave it, I asked if we could have a couple of weeks to reflect and get in contact again. This morning, Monday I decided to drive to his house, I wanted to see him face to face. Guess I wanted to make sure I wasn't used!! On my arrival, he was in a state, he had been thinking about us and what had occurred and his guilt for allowing things to
On my arrival, he was in a state, he had been thinking about us and what had occurred and his guilt for allowing things to happen to fast. He was also surprised to see me as we had agreed to leave it for a couple of weeks. Stayed for a cuppa but knew I should let him be, especially as he felt he was being cornered. Before I left, he told me he had feelings for me and I also responded by saying I had feelings for him. I sent one final text to him when I returned home, apologising for turning up at his door and confirmed our feelings for each other was mutual and I sincerely hoped we are to meet in a couple of weeks. I'm an Aries, if this is any help. I am prepared to be patient and not contact him for the next two weeks, but really looking for some insight as to where I stand. Thank you all :0)