This topic was created in the Taurus forum by piscean on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 and has 18 replies.
been sexual w my taurus male for 11mnths now n i wanna take it further its clearly he's not readi or maybe he's not n2 me like that, wit that said, numerous amount of tymes ive asked him for space so that i can breath-clear my head away from him bc ive always felt myself falling continously 4 him, he'll give me a week space then he's bck txt n calling (n we been on speaking/non speaking terms 4 the last 4 mnths now)
n like the feen i am i figure ill give him another chance thinking maybe he's ready or we can go further but NOPE we end up not speaking again due to us being stuck n the same spot we lefted off, n he'll (giving me a lil space) come snooping bck around (reminder he's not a ugly dude he can occupy his sexual pleasures elsewhere, so i realli doubt its just onli sex he's after w me)
we neva kiss but hes always n my face(is he scared to make the 1st move? cause he always have this glair/stair n his eyes when were close 2gether(oh gosh such a wetter))he's always touching me always getting jealouse when i mention another guy name even when it cums to celebrities, so me being stupidly gullable thinking maybe there is a lil hope w us bc of his actions, i ask again myself again so if thats so y arent we n a relationship yet?
i kno taurus men move slow but damn how slow n y wont he leave me alone????
ps i hear taurus men express that emotions thru music, wheneva we chlilen he always playing these songs(were both n2 music heavy) like " u waited this long on me im ready to make u mine or i dont kno wat it is but she's doing something to me n i like it, etc) which confuses me
plzzz someone help this lost chick thxWinking
n wats wit him alway asking me 2 do his dishes at 1st i would refuse thinking he was trying to play me but maybe ill do it just his once bc i like him n hopefulli n a twisted strange way it can help something strike btw us (hell idk maybe this is 1 of his lil test which hes always good 4)
lol @ gb nope nevea kissed he attempted once n i drew back cause it was unexpected n he neva tried again, guess that a bad thing huh smh,,,,
starfish225 ur right he once mentioned something about us n relationship but i went off topic cause at that point i was so feed up w him thought he was trynna thro me off from telling him off
thx gb n starfish225 but tonight i seen him 4 the last tyme n sat him down n asked him y dont he want a relationsip, he said hes not thinking about that now cause were n a recession replying n a comical way(so childish) , so basically he doesnt care if he can bs wit my feelings n my face wit that said i left his house right after, so this chapter iz closed i can deal w him no more!!!!
p.s. after all the things we been thru this is the 1st tyme i eva came home n cried ova him, strange
Dang, I know I'm super late on this subject but your situation sounds a lot like mine. I'm a pisces and he's a taurus as well. And our relationship is just like this. lol
now that that's settled...... PLEASE learn propper english..........that was painful to read.
LOL^^^ I tried to read it but damn!
"we neva kiss but hes always n my face(is he scared to make the 1st move? cause he always have this glair/stair n his eyes when were close 2gether(oh gosh such a wetter))he's always touching me always getting jealouse when i mention another guy name even when it cums to celebrities, so me being stupidly gullable thinking maybe there is a lil hope w us bc of his actions, i ask again myself again so if thats so y arent we n a relationship yet?"

taurus men tend to be very possessive so him acting possessive over you is like him being possessive over someone touching his personal property, it's mine mine mine....read what you wrote, especially the part when your asking why he isn't kissing you, he can have sex with you but no kissing (FWB), he's using you for sex and now he's pushing you into being his wifey (take care of me) b/c he senses how DESPERATE you are over him, so he figures he can get his shallow needs met without much effort, he's told you he doesn't want a relationship with YOU that is your RED FLAG to stop having sex with him, stop seeing as a potential boyfriend, turn on your heals and TAKE CARE OF YOU, forget him and his needs, if your sticking around begging like a dog at the dinner table for scraps he will use your desperation to get what he wants with little effort on his part to give back, your thirsty and he's going to take advantage of it, ease back, don't do anything for him and hope for he changes his mind about you b/c he's going to give you less to make you put in work to get that elusive relationship, he's made up his mind, his answer is no relationship so what are you going to do about it? No amount of sex is going to make him give you the relationship you want...Wifey types kill attraction in a man because she's BEGGING and they tend to get played
Your best interest is to close your legs or ration it out if you can't stop, don't move a finger to give him more when he's okay with giving you less and move on to a man that is willing to put in work to have you in his life..listen ladies, I know we all love sex but please stop using your bodies to get a relationship, IT NEVER WORKS, that is not how you motivate a man...
There are no guarantess but the odds are stacked against a woman when she's sexing before making things official
sorry about my typos...
you can sit around hoping and waiting and feeling desperate or you can take control of your situation and exercise your power, OPTIONS, you have options and as long as you know you have options you will never be at the mercy of another human being, he's not the only male on the block, kick that ass to the curb and go and have fun, don't imprison yourself like that, you have other options, yeah you have strong feelings but what difference does it make if he's not ready to man up and be your guy, you can get a good time without sex, you don't need him stringing you along, your option is to bounce and respect yourself and you respect yourself by noticing how a man makes you feel inside and anytime a man makes you feel needy and desperate you get out and stay out, if he's coming back to you week after week then USE THAT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE, that says he needs you way more than you need him or he wouldn't keep sniffing around, just hold out with the sex and do relationship things together, if all he wants to do is seduce you with slow jams and home cooked meals then bounce, you deserve a nice date out, a great picnic, roller skating, movies, fun stuff, all that sex do is make him lazy and make you easy.

My eyes!! Your English!!!
Big Grin
Seriously now...
nope nevea kissed he attempted once n i drew back cause it was unexpected n he neva tried again, guess that a bad thing huh smh,,,,
Yes, that was a mistake. Bulls don't forget. Women complain that men are not spontaneous enough in romance. But when he tried to spontaneously kiss you, you rejected the kiss. Bad, bad, bad fish! *wags finger at Piscean*
Still, you can make up for it by initiating the kiss yourself. Catch him by surprise. Grab his face & plant one smack on his lips. This should send out the message to him that it's ok to start kissing again. Yes, I know Piscean women like the men to make the first move, but we're talking about damage control here. Start kissing. That's an order.
Big Grin
omg tiki33 is so fucking right...if you saw my post...its just like this girls..dam i need to get it together
u so right about piscean women likes there men to make the 1st move!
LMAO @ XXangelfish telling her to speak proper english then spelling 'proper' incorrectly herself..hahahha...I am not taking the mick here..just found it really funny..hehe
WOW......My daughter's father and I are in a similar boat, but ur comment, tiki33, was the TRUTH!! Whenever I back off, he comes back.