My long lost Taurus love is back in my life.

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by Velvetcrumb on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 and has 2 replies.
Let's just cue the slow motion runnning scene w/ the soundtrack of "every breathe you take" playing
i had that. a pretty taurus girl i met in school came back after like a month long hiatus. at first i thought i scared her off... but she came back, hugging me and asking where have i been all of her life. i apologize for any wrong messages i might have sent before her hiatus. she just shushed me and began acting like she did when we first met. taurus, if anything, is funny. they always make me laugh. cool, calm, and collect. SUCH AN ENIGMA!! i want this girl so bad, yes i do, but i wont show it. i play cool calm and collect as well, but its torture. something so beautiful is right in front of you, in your grasp, but you cant touch it or claim it. at least, not til it's ready...
but she did say she'd leave the country with me when i go some time from now.... hmmmmmmm... using? humoring? or serious? i have to pull back emotions more and use the tool of logic on this one. a pretty face is a pretty face, but the heart and sole intentions are worth more than anything.