He is a taurus, worked with us for few months and now i'm trying to understand his behavior : in the beginning it was question of stares, flirting eye contact, smiles, winkes, saying hi with such brillance in his eyes and suddenly, ignoring me with no apperant reason, changing absolutely his way when seeing me.. I didn't understand why this change. I thought it would be some one who might tell him sth bad about me. Anyway, i did insist one day to check why he is ignoring me like that, he was suprinsingly happy to see me requesting the why and starting his game like in the begining without going further but with more pasion. I could really feel his hapiness and it did touch me deeply. I started to like him so much, let say i still adore him till now. I saw that man has feelings towards me and he looked to make that eye contact everyday with me. I really appreciate this attention and made me more interested in him. But as he was working with us only for few months and he was about to leave us, he started to ignore me again " with a lot of difficulty". Yeah i could feel that. I knew that a love sotry would be impossible. To help him, i didn't try to meet him or to see what's going wrong. When leaving, he said goodbye to everyone, except me. He was just there, looking at me whith tears in eyes. I was smiling but he didn't smile back. He was so sad and i think he was feeling guilty for ignoring me during the last days. i thought that i wouldn't see him anymore, but "unfortunately", he came back the day after, and then, he tried to meet me only to tell me a very sad "hi" and nothing more..
Two months now and i'm still thinking about him more and more. His behavior touched me a lot. What the hell he was expecting to have such emotions ? I wish that i could meet him and tell him how much I appreciate him whatever the circumstances ...
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Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
And, here's yet another example of a bull trying his best to ignore someone who obviously really moves him.
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Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
first message got clipped....
Its good to have a Taurus who cares about you in your life. On the other hand, if you two can't be *just* friends, and If he's in a committed relationship, you should probably leave it alone, as it will most likely just cause alot of pain for both parties.
OMG! our experiences are almost the same. I've never tried to be sexy to allure him but maybe he was thinking like you lol
My uncle used to tell me that i have eyes of sorcer since i was child. Reading your story i could conclude it had an effect on him .. When i'm interested in some one, i see him directly in his eyes looking for i don't know.
It's really sad your story. I'm feeling sorry for you both !! do you still think about her or have a contact with her?
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Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
LOL, yes I'm aware of the Scorpio perspective on "being a man" and initiating, and yes, it definitely is the first test in this scenario. I choose to not even take it. Scorps are co-ruled by Mars, planet of assertiveness/aggressiveness, bulls by Venus which is the Principle of Attraction. We just don't court like that *typically*. Another thing to consider is that sometimes you feel so much for a person, the magnetism is so strong that it literally shuts you down physically, causes extreme anxiety, etc. You would rather suffer in silence than risk making a fool out of yourself over some spell that has come over you and is beyond your control. If a woman judges me because I am THAT smitten with her, rather than APPRECIATING that I am that smitten, then I judge her back. Like you said, he conveyed his emotion deeply. He communicated alot more to you with just a look than most men have in approaching you assertively/aggressively. I think there should be something to respect in that, and it was obviously powerful enough to have made an impact on you because here we are. If we are used to women coming to us, and if we are built for that, to do otherwise is to be fake, which Scorps also hate.
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Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
We run, you chase. That is how this is supposed to work. LOL. If it doesn't, then our magnet isn't working properly on you and there is no hope for long-term success.
@RedBull : yeah exactly. Just watching me without moving (and his eyes was so red). I made a goodbye sign with my hand and smiled at him but he didn't reply (maybe paralysed lol). So i turned my back and went away. He was ignoring me for four days but i didn't think that this ignorance could reach that point ! we have thirteen years of age difference. He is a joyful person with such a beautiful voice that i felt my self staring at him in the begining to explore him. I was thinking that we're not compatible.. i'm a so spiritual person and he sometimes is vulgar. Anyway, that's the story that the only thing i regret is not getting a chance to tell him that I like his person even if nothing could motivate us for a long term relationship.
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Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
justbeing - I just honestly don't pursue women in that way. Its not in my nature. I like a relationship to grow naturally out of a friendship. And we had no business interacting really to even form a friendship because we worked in different departments. I don't get all worked up about a woman and then go chase after her like a caveman. This one was different because I have never felt like that without really getting to know a person. But the feelings I've had for her, to me, are more about circumstances of astrology than anything. I collect Taurus/Scorpio stories; the internet is full of them. I was reading up on 100's of people having the same experience, as I was going through it. Plus, and I mean no offense by this, but Scorpio has its downside. And I've seen and felt it. I was able to experience the highs and the lows, all in the kind of interaction we had, and the games that were played. at a distance I don't think I could handle it long-term at least with this particular Scorpio; I see it as a lesson learned. I wouldn't go near a Scorpio woman romantically, who is under 40, unless she was extremely spiritual. Just considering sun signs, I'm nnow ot even sure it is a good match at all actually. Beautiful, sexy, intelligent, alluring women, and as friends I think they are the sweetest people and incredibly loyal, but more the type I prefer to admire at a distance if there is physical chemistry.
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Mar 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1355 · Topics: 6
This sounds like classic behavior from a man whose got a woman in his life. Yes, men can be shy and hesitant about approaching a woman they like if they aren't sure of their feelings. But you dig this man and have expressed that to him. He knows you like him. That he hasn't made an overt move on you screams TAKEN to me. Either that or he's got some relationship issues he's gotta sort out or a broken heart to mend. But make sure he's single before you invest a minute more in this dude. His under the radar moves are very suspicious.
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Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
I agree on the responsibility. And yes, it showed me part of myself. But some people bring out the worst in you, *because* they have issues so its best to remove yourself from the situation. You can be a really patient person, but if you're around someone *constantly* pushing your buttons, you become impatient. But I do take it as a lesson. She showed me my dark/manipulative side. Looks like your bull brought out your loving/vulnerable/patient side. LOL. Yin & Yang. We know who is the light and who is the dark. hahahhaha...
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Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
"Hope you learned to walk until now...if not, tough luck"
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Mar 15, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 3979 · Topics: 6
I don't hold grudges against zodiac signs, or individuals really. And when I got older I understood how she was raised and it all made alot more sense. She has changed so much too. My mom is actually my closest relationship now. We talk for hours, she is the best listener on the planet, gives the best advice, etc. Really an amazing woman. All the Virgos I known are just great people. Relationship-wise, I've played aorund, but nothing serious ever just due to circumstances. I think I would be less jealous of a Virgo as they seem the most trustworthy around the opposite sex, when they're in love. I think it would have to be that way as they don't seem to be able to handle extreme jealousy (my dad is a Scorp). On the other hand, its scary how you folks can detach like you do. You seem pretty self-sufficient. I like my partners to be a little more needy, with a healthy fear of abandonment.
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Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
The detachment is only an illusion..we are capable to hold a torch for years but we won't advertise it. Our intensity is of a different material..it manifests itself in commitment. It's hard to explain it. But yes, when we do detach, it's done. It takes us a lot of time to get there..typical Earth sign mentality. And yeah..apart from some slutty Virgos..most of us could sleep in a bed with 2 men we're attracted to and we wouldn't cheat on our bf.
Oh your Dad is a Scorp..I'm blaming him for her being out of her wits. I hope I'll get to a level of acceptance with my mom..we won't ever be close but at least casual and polite and chat from time to time.
But we are needy as fuck though. Not going to expand on that..it would violate the Virgo Law to admit to it.
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Aug 22, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 2497 · Topics: 2
wow. so hot topic.. nice.