Posted by justbeingscorpio
He is a taurus, worked with us for few months and now i'm trying to understand his behavior : in the beginning it was question of stares, flirting eye contact, smiles, winkes, saying hi with such brillance in his eyes and suddenly, ignoring me with no apperant reason, changing absolutely his way when seeing me.. I didn't understand why this change. I thought it would be some one who might tell him sth bad about me. Anyway, i did insist one day to check why he is ignoring me like that, he was suprinsingly happy to see me requesting the why and starting his game like in the begining without going further but with more pasion. I could really feel his hapiness and it did touch me deeply. I started to like him so much, let say i still adore him till now. I saw that man has feelings towards me and he looked to make that eye contact everyday with me. I really appreciate this attention and made me more interested in him. But as he was working with us only for few months and he was about to leave us, he started to ignore me again " with a lot of difficulty". Yeah i could feel that. I knew that a love sotry would be impossible. To help him, i didn't try to meet him or to see what's going wrong. When leaving, he said goodbye to everyone, except me. He was just there, looking at me whith tears in eyes. I was smiling but he didn't smile back. He was so sad and i think he was feeling guilty for ignoring me during the last days. i thought that i wouldn't see him anymore, but "unfortunately", he came back the day after, and then, he tried to meet me only to tell me a very sad "hi" and nothing more..
Two months now and i'm still thinking about him more and more. His behavior touched me a lot. What the hell he was expecting to have such emotions ? I wish that i could meet him and tell him how much I appreciate him whatever the circumstances ...
Posted by justbeingscorpio
Tell me, why do taurus make life so complicated to others ? Why you didn't go straight forward towards your scorp and told her what's in your mind and then you would see which way to take with her : lover or just a friend?
Posted by justbeingscorpio
OMG! our experiences are almost the same. I've never tried to be sexy to allure him but maybe he was thinking like you lol
My uncle used to tell me that i have eyes of sorcer since i was child. Reading your story i could conclude it had an effect on him .. When i'm interested in some one, i see him directly in his eyes looking for i don't know.
It's really sad your story. I'm feeling sorry for you both !! do you still think about her or have a contact with her?
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpioPosted by justbeingscorpio
I'm sure he isn't intending to make life complicated. He feels drawn to you and is letting you know that. Taurus is passive, and we typically attract rather than pursue. For my part, I had never felt anything like this before, so it was terrifying. The strength of it made it even less likely that I would pursue. Fear of rejection was the issue. We don't like risk. And they say Scorpio just "knows" if someone is right for them intuitively. Well, with this one, I just "knew" she would be a lover, and not a friend (for me at least). I didn't want to even risk not passing her tests or meeting up to her scrutiny. If she friendzoned me, it would be devastating. What's funny is that I even did the teary-eyed stare one
When someone shows such emotional behavior no need to test him. His sincerity was so obvious. But, it's a pity to know the passivity of taurus. I think it's always the man who has to lead and build a relationship. My friends used to tell me that my behavior generally doesn't encourage anyone to approach me. So, that person has to be Man enough to take this risk, otherwise i would think that he hasn't enough of courage or power to initiate any kind of realtionship.. then no interest to be with a weak man... Oops this will be the 1st test
One more thing, to be a friend with a scorp isn't that obvious neither ! (well i'm talking about my self). I really choose my friends and i don't have a lot of them !!
Ah i'm relieved now ! Thanks for sharing your experience. If you didn't start your topic before september (when I met him) i would have a doubt about your identity lol.
What would be the life for if it's not living passionly with your soulmate instead of suffering in his corner ? taking part of an adventure instead of watching with a beer glass in hand... Come on !click to expand
Posted by Impulsv
Not a question of ur magnetism
But a Scorpios pride. I chased once but I killed me to do so. But it this man to move meZ yet since u make every women chase u
U don't see how hard it is for her to do all the chasing.
Taurus met me at the right time for me to chase but if the conditions weren't right I never have gone all in.
Do u even value that a woman chased or is it just an ego noisy for a Taurus ?
Posted by justbeingscorpio
@TaurusLovesScorpio: Yes you're right. I check his profile on scoial networks, i found a lot of pics of him with his two kids but no sign of his wife. It seems that he is divorced. Anyway, his poses with his kids made me really crazy. It reflects how much he cares about them and loves them. I start to respect him more and more. Everything separate us, distance, language, religion, culture.. but it's really unfair to give me cold shoulder because of that. If he didn't come back that last day i wouldn't have been thinking about him now. Of course i won't try to reach him.
Tell me, why do taurus make life so complicated to others ? Why you didn't go straight forward towards your scorp and told her what's in your mind and then you would see which way to take with her : lover or just a friend?
Posted by Este8Posted by justbeingscorpio
@TaurusLovesScorpio: Yes you're right. I check his profile on scoial networks, i found a lot of pics of him with his two kids but no sign of his wife. It seems that he is divorced. Anyway, his poses with his kids made me really crazy. It reflects how much he cares about them and loves them. I start to respect him more and more. Everything separate us, distance, language, religion, culture.. but it's really unfair to give me cold shoulder because of that. If he didn't come back that last day i wouldn't have been thinking about him now. Of course i won't try to reach him.
Tell me, why do taurus make life so complicated to others ? Why you didn't go straight forward towards your scorp and told her what's in your mind and then you would see which way to take with her : lover or just a friend?
See, you don't know if he's got a woman in his life & are afraid to ask, hence the creeping on his FB. Look, no good comes outta a triangle. Just b/c he might not be married doesn't mean he's available. Find out if he's single b4 you waste any more time. Better to know now than find out later. You'll get burned if you play in another woman's sand to expand
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpioPosted by Este8Posted by justbeingscorpio
@TaurusLovesScorpio: Yes you're right. I check his profile on scoial networks, i found a lot of pics of him with his two kids but no sign of his wife. It seems that he is divorced. Anyway, his poses with his kids made me really crazy. It reflects how much he cares about them and loves them. I start to respect him more and more. Everything separate us, distance, language, religion, culture.. but it's really unfair to give me cold shoulder because of that. If he didn't come back that last day i wouldn't have been thinking about him now. Of course i won't try to reach him.
Tell me, why do taurus make life so complicated to others ? Why you didn't go straight forward towards your scorp and told her what's in your mind and then you would see which way to take with her : lover or just a friend?
See, you don't know if he's got a woman in his life & are afraid to ask, hence the creeping on his FB. Look, no good comes outta a triangle. Just b/c he might not be married doesn't mean he's available. Find out if he's single b4 you waste any more time. Better to know now than find out later. You'll get burned if you play in another woman's sand box.
I agree here. This was my situation as well which complicated to expand
Posted by Impulsv
Let's say I knew the games I ended to play but I refused to play them
Posted by Impulsv
My dark was insecurity n jealousy because due to minimal action n lack of words regarding emotions. I didn't know his stance Never had this with a Leo , felt secure with leo from begging to end.
N I did react I Told him are "u going to stand there or do something about it"
Ouch to his ego I'm sure something a man doesn't want to hear.
Boy did I hit a chord, pushed his buttons. But I didn't do it intentionally but as a reaction to him pushing my buttons oh well.
Truth be told I see ur point could not be with someone who pushed my buttons to make me feel insecure constantly. He had his way of bringing that out of me. So ur right Not good.
Can that change? When we realize they have no power over us?
Posted by justbeingscorpio
@este8 : thanks for your advice. I dont feel that he has a woman in his life. We dont live in the same country, so no way for a serious commitment even feelings are that so strong. I knew this from the beginning and I was wondering why he did overreact like that. Maybe I did miss sth or misunderstood him. He was spontaneous and I was so natural with him. My colleagues made jokes about us because this attraction was visible. He wasn't discrete at all or maybe he didnt know how to b it. Well I think there is no way to understand him.. he chosen to walk away and I wont run after him. The leatest thing is to respect his decision. If he is maso or whatever the reason, I must admit that I am his fan
Posted by justbeingscorpio
@TLS: so instead of living up and down with her you did choose to live entirely down with urself? You re simply consuming.. are u both married or just in relationships?
Posted by justbeingscorpio
@este8 : thanks for your advice. I dont feel that he has a woman in his life. We dont live in the same country, so no way for a serious commitment even feelings are that so strong. I knew this from the beginning and I was wondering why he did overreact like that. Maybe I did miss sth or misunderstood him. He was spontaneous and I was so natural with him. My colleagues made jokes about us because this attraction was visible. He wasn't discrete at all or maybe he didnt know how to b it. Well I think there is no way to understand him.. he chosen to walk away and I wont run after him. The leatest thing is to respect his decision. If he is maso or whatever the reason, I must admit that I am his fan
Posted by justbeingscorpio
@tls : lol I m not on Facebook and even I was there I wouldn't add him. I should make life easy for him if he decide to forget ne. I tried one time to "reconciliate" with but I wont do it again.. I m not suffering from this, I did all what I had to do and consciously I m ok with this story. Just I m regretting the fact we are not friends as it was supposed to be
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
I understand. If you can let it go that easily, it probably wasn't that strong of a connection.
Posted by DamnataPosted by TaurusLovesScorpio
I understand. If you can let it go that easily, it probably wasn't that strong of a connection.
My mutable self resents this comment!We can detach easily if we've had enough..else our nervous system goes to shreds. Must be a foreign concept in the Taurus-Scorpio axis though.
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Posted by Damnata
"Hope you learned to walk until now...if not, tough luck"
Posted by justbeingscorpio
@tls : I was so sick just after that. I was expecting a msg from him but no sign of life. Two months later I check on the net to understand quietly this and the only exit was his astro profile. Also distance helps much to turn the page. But as I rarely like some one it would be a little hard to forget him. Finally I think if he made no effort to keep in touch why should I pursue him. Talkin about it here helps me to have clear ideas and then decide to turn this beautiful small chapter of my life.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpioPosted by Damnata
"Hope you learned to walk until now...if not, tough luck"
Hhahahha....No joke, my spiteful Virgo mom kicked me out, got a judge to issue an emergency restraining order based on a note she gave him from her therapist saying that our arguments were raising her blood pressure to dangerously high levels (actually genetic), and then she called the cops and had me arrested when I came back to peacefully get the rest of my stuff a week to expand
Posted by Damnata
The detachment is only an illusion..we are capable to hold a torch for years but we won't advertise it. Our intensity is of a different manifests itself in commitment. It's hard to explain it. But yes, when we do detach, it's done. It takes us a lot of time to get there..typical Earth sign mentality. And yeah..apart from some slutty Virgos..most of us could sleep in a bed with 2 men we're attracted to and we wouldn't cheat on our bf.
Oh your Dad is a Scorp..I'm blaming him for her being out of her wits. I hope I'll get to a level of acceptance with my mom..we won't ever be close but at least casual and polite and chat from time to time.
But we are needy as fuck though. Not going to expand on would violate the Virgo Law to admit to it.
Posted by Infinite8Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
We run, you chase. That is how this is supposed to work. LOL. If it doesn't, then our magnet isn't working properly on you and there is no hope for long-term success.
Unfortunately that is what Scorpio females believe of themselves as well. It's a trait WE BOTH have in commonclick to expand
Posted by Infinite8
Although I have to admit... I've had Taurus men chase me before. So, they ARE out there!
Posted by Infinite8Posted by TaurusLovesScorpioPosted by Infinite8
Although I have to admit... I've had Taurus men chase me before. So, they ARE out there!
thats bc you are a dancing scorp....we think you are performing a mating ritual.
Sometimes it is a mating ritual. That's what makes a great dancer. It's not only what your body can physically do... it's the energy you give out that goes with it that ends up hypnotizing. Yeah... maybe that helped a bit, I'll agree with this bitclick to expand
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpioPosted by justbeingscorpio
@TLS: so instead of living up and down with her you did choose to live entirely down with urself? You re simply consuming.. are u both married or just in relationships?
I'm in a committed relationship. She is single now. I think we all live up and down to a degree. I like to stay as even-keel as I can, given that I'm already a little volatile. I'll be ok; I've had quite a wild ride already in life, and I don't share the same notions about the importance of one particular "soulmate". I'm a little cynical/skeptical in that regard. I'm actually in love, just a love of a different kind. Love with a Scorpio can be expected to be intense, passionate, telepathic, magnetic, and all that, along with all the negatives - coldness of withdrawal, drama/power struggles, jealousy, control, extremely high expectations, etc. That doesn't make it a better kind of love, just because it is more extreme or intense. Its just different. That's what I tell myself to expand
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
I'm sure the emotion you picked up from him, and the classic Taurean avoidance behavior, indicates a really strong interest on his part. But we are stubborn, and once we decide for *some* reason, that it won't work, we will stay that course. The reason could be anything - he doesn't feel you're interested, he feels you'll hurt him, find him boring, he's not your type, religious reasons, the distance, etc. So that may be what happened....And I don't blame you for not reaching out. If I was single (as you think he is), and I left this place, I would definitely write the Scorp here and express what was on my mind/heart the whole time. I'm alot more of a communicator than most bulls though. Some really really are the silent type. He should've at least responded in some way if you reached out to him though.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
LOL, I have met a slutty Virgo. Even she was like not so sure about her sluttiness. It was really easy to see she was repressing some real shame.
I think a factor for me is familiarity. Have you ever felt like you are just so familiar with a certain sign that you wouldn't date them? That's Cancer for me. I'm done. I've had my fill. I semi-feel that way about Virgos just due to my closeness with my mother, but then the communication is just so good it does spark my interest. I would *really* like some Virgos in the harem because they are so helpful. I can see them being the MVP of the harem.
Posted by Este8
Oh, justbeingascorp, you can't work out that kind of long distance relationship. Maybe that is why he has acted evasive b/c he knows the logistics don't work. That might change the complexion but not the end game. No matter how YOU feel about a person, if you're not in the same country, it just can't work out. And that really sucks. This man is a place for you to put your heart. That's what I think, not that you don't have real feelings for him. But he can't reciprocate given the geography. You know what you need to do. And in time you'll have the courage to do it. Heart's out to you. You will love again.
Posted by justbeingscorpio
i live almost in a spiritual world rather than material one..
Posted by Infinite8Posted by Infinite8Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
We run, you chase. That is how this is supposed to work. LOL. If it doesn't, then our magnet isn't working properly on you and there is no hope for long-term success.
Unfortunately that is what Scorpio females believe of themselves as well. It's a trait WE BOTH have in common
Correction: we DONT run. But, we also don't chase. We invite with our eyes as to expand
Posted by DamnataPosted by TaurusLovesScorpio
LOL, I have met a slutty Virgo. Even she was like not so sure about her sluttiness. It was really easy to see she was repressing some real shame.
I think a factor for me is familiarity. Have you ever felt like you are just so familiar with a certain sign that you wouldn't date them? That's Cancer for me. I'm done. I've had my fill. I semi-feel that way about Virgos just due to my closeness with my mother, but then the communication is just so good it does spark my interest. I would *really* like some Virgos in the harem because they are so helpful. I can see them being the MVP of the harem.
Yeah, was just going to post that Cancer Female might be my favorite match for Taurus Men..based on what I've seen in real life
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