Need help understanding Taurus Man (from a Scorpio Woman)

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by mangou on Tuesday, October 24, 2017 and has 8 replies.
Ok, soooo about three months ago, I started casually talking to a Taurus (trucker) that I met online - not thinking it would get serious and was excited to banter with someone I didn't know.

The conversations ended up becoming hours long (3+). From July until September, this Taurus would call me every morning and every night to talk to me. We met up in August, continued our super long conversations and a week later he told me that he loved me. If any of my friends told me this story, I would think it was insane! but...I believe his feelings were genuine and I was starting to feel the same.

We entered an exclusive relationship and have met up and enjoy each others company.

The confusing part is that for most of this past month, his communication is extremely inconsistent. He no longer calls me in the morning or at night. He seems very distant. I've called him out on it in a very logical way and when I do, he own's up to weird behavior and promises that he will make more time for me.

To give him the benefit of the doubt, he's had a lot of work, family and social circle issues in the past month that he won't go super into detail. I do think it's genuine when he says he loves me.

I've tried being super understanding and not bugging him or running into jealous conclusions (which my scorpio mind is totally panicking about).

In your experience, is there something fishy going on? Are Taurus usually like this (randomly distant)? Should I just call it quits or am I overreacting? Do you think he's cheating (doesn't seem like it on his social media though). Most of can I help?

I really value this relationship and I haven't felt this strong of a connection with anyone so I kinda want to make it work but also want to be realistic.
I have a Scorpio bff that I adore but sometimes her energy is a bit much for me. When I’m going through things and feel emotionally exhausted, I tend to distance myself from her bc I feel overwhelmed. I care about her and she’s one of my best friends and I have no “real” excuse for distancing myself so I’m alwaya just grateful that she accepts me back once I feel better. I’m not sure if your bull is similar but it could be just him needing to focus on himself and his feelings. Once he feels more in control he’ll probably be right back.
The only red flag I see is how fast he told you he loves you.
I agree with LN in regards to the I love you bit but Yes, you are overreacting. Men tend not to want to share their problems add a proud bull to the mix and you are waiting until they want to tell you what is going on.

You help by being a consistent part of their life. Let yourself be the constant thing to rely on. When you interact try not to focus on what is happening in his life. Ask, take an interest and then bring some brevity to the situation. Be his respite from everything and he will appreciate all you do.

It is a pretty normal thing, men typically romance women 90 ways from sunday until we have won you over.

Then most of us slack off.

You also need to realize that men have a life and you are not the most important thing in our life, we have

our hands full. So dont expect too much wooing.

Thanks everyone! My scorpio tendencies drove me to do some snooping. I made some accounts on 2 datings sites, added in filters that fit him and BAM! There he was. Even had a new pic lol. Makes sense why I was overreacting...I could sense something was really off.

Ended the relationship by texting a screenshot of his profile and blocking him. No conversation wanted or needed on my end. At least I can look back in a couple years on this 3 month whirlwhind romance and have a laugh.

Understand I love you and showing you and IM IN LOVE WITH YOU and showing you. Taurus are mainly about ACTION. So aside from him saying it ask yourself did he show you?

Also him saying it doesn’t mean you two are In a relationship and that’s where I think you misunderstood those words (correct me if I’m wrong) conversation doesn’t = relationship.

BUT if you really like him, communicate your feelings of wanting to be exclusive or the nature of your relationship if you haven’t. I have made the “mistake” of talking to someone and talking to someone else at the same time JUST for conversation unbeknownst to me they had a great deal of feelings for me and started to take our “talking” serious. IJS 🤷🏾‍♀️

I don’t like to play w. Ppl’s feelings
Posted by CapricornWoman13
My Posts

I met my Taurus guy online 3months ago, as soon as we started talking,I felt the chemistry and we had lots of things in common. We talked everyday for a month non stop and he showed that he was really interested in me.He kept on saying that he can hardly wait to meet me personally. We met in person after a month and a half, we clicked in an instant, we had lots of laugh and he was talkative and nervous at the same time. After our first meeting, he doesn't txt and msg me as much as before. He wo't even txt me if I don't txt him first. After a week, he asked me again on a second date, he said he likes hiking so we did that. He said he really enjoy talking to me. We had our first kiss before the end of our second date, I also gave him homemade cookies that I baked, thanked me then again, he disappeared for days. No communication at all. When I txt him, i just say hi and hope he''s doing well, he replies after an hour or so then flirts with me, ask for my pictures.. but I just don't understand why won't he initiate txt. After a week, I decided not to msg him, he texted me the first time a day before his day off and asked me if I would like to go out. I was getting confused by his behavior so I told him I can't and I got something planned. He said he understand then after that, he texted me the next day and asked me what work am I doing then told me he can't sleep properly, he said that he need me to help him. I asked him if there's something bothering him and i'm always here for him. He wanted me to come over in the middle of the night and said he'll pay for an uber if I don't have a vehicle. I said I would love to see him but I can't and I think it''s unappropriate to go there like 1am in the morning and travel for an hour. He told me that I can come over and he'll drive me to my appointent in the morning. Of course, I told him I really can't. He seemed upset after that then said he''s going to bed. After that, all of a sudden he sent me his picture and I was surprised coz he doesn'the really does that. We talked again and as usual, he flirts then disappeared again. After few days, I texted him to see how he is doing. He said that he just moved to another place, and left his roommates that he shared a house before. He asked me that if I can come over so I could see it. He also, sent me a picture of his truck that was not working for a while and told me he was able to fix. He asked me if I liked it. He asked me if he will be seeing me this week and i said yes then now he disappeared again . I am so confused..I think i'm falling in love with him and it scares me to death. I have serious trust issues so it's really hard for me. I don't know if he is really busy at work or talking to other women. I don't exactly know what he really feels about me. Does he love me too? or just testing me? this is making me crazy and restless..and BTW we haven't had sex yet but the way he flirts with me, he expresses his desire for me. Please advice!

You're in love after 2 dates? Jesus wept.

And it's bad form to hijack someone else's thread. Probably better to start your own.

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