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Jan 22, 2014Comments: 75 · Posts: 5976 · Topics: 662
So they don't do sappy romantic stuff or say they love you in public.
How would you react to learning this about someone you were dating?
Furthermore, would you be an automatic deal breaker?
Also to clarify, Corny in this case is being used to define behaviors commonly seen in romantic movies.
-Flowers, cards and chocolates set to your place of work.
-"I love you" "You're the light of my life" "I want to wear your as a hat"
-Gifts and I suppose gushing to their social circle about how much they like/love you.
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
It's all about the give and take.. if there's a connect if you want a hug, i will hug you, if you want to shove your tongue down my throat or spank my ass out in public I would be embrassed.
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Not to enthusiastic about people watching us make out. In front of others.. there's a time and place, and even spontaneous moments it all depends.